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Everything posted by SourthenILdeerhunter

  1. what time should i meet you at the track???? haha
  2. My day just turned around still have a sore throat but i got my F.O.I.D. card today and i cant wait only 13 more days and hopefully i will have a deer prefably a buck but will take a doe on the ground!!!!!
  3. well took my temp this morning and it was at 96.6 so its come down pain is gone still congested and now i have a sore throat.
  4. im coming down with somthing ive got a 101.9 fever and ive got head aches and chest congestion and in pain in my back and in my legs..... if i dont get better tommrow i will be paying a visit to the E.R
  5. my dad has a old set of horns of a buck he took in his younger days i was whondering if they could be used for ratteling??
  6. that is one of the roughest sports fun to watch tho :clown::clown::clown:
  7. some ones spammin again!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. u told me superman fest lol.....
  9. whats cape if i get a buck this will be my first deer ever
  10. Meet US!!!! and i thought jeremy said u were coming in june.......
  11. i havent started yet im just a junior in H.S.
  12. what do u do to prepare your buck for the taxidermist if u were doing a European mount ...... if i get a buck this year im likley to have it mounted ans want an European style in stead of a full shoulder
  13. Good luck as i think i will be in your foot steps in the near furture as i want to become a game warden havent decided if i want 2 years of college and 2 in the force or 4 years of college
  14. and the side walks for that matter:clown::clown::clown:
  15. thank you the last 2 pictures are a rock that they call camel rock its a neat place to go to
  16. dude that sucks if it were me an arrow would be stickin in that dog lol
  17. Well today me and my friends decided to go to the garden of the gods and its absolutely amazing if u havent seen pics of it before...
  18. it is the belt he thought it wasent but i went back down stairs and found it layin on the bottom of the dryer
  19. I'm dressing as an encampment worker and goin to a halloween party