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Everything posted by SourthenILdeerhunter

  1. Thank god for google I neglected my shotgun and hasn't cleaned it since may it was rushed pretty good so I did a google search on what was the best way to clean rust off and the most common answer I could get was a fine pad of steel wool and gun oil u take ur gun oil soak the wool as a lubricant so u don't take the finish off and gently rub ur rusted parts until the rust is off then wipe clean repeat as nesscary until clean then clean an oil as u normally would . So that's what I did worked perfect looks as smooth as the day I got it . I thought I would share so others can break out those old guns and make en look purty with out breaking the bank
  2. Team 2 - Antler Addiction I'm startin to get the itch congrats on the doe Mathews
  3. Prayer request Well it's time again my mom goes under the knife at 7 am 1 hr from now all your prayers would be apreacheated
  4. my pit is a red nose. shes solid red with a white tip on her tail. id nvr hesitate to own a pit after she dies. shes the best dog ive ever owned. my nephews ride her like a horse pull her ears wrestle with her. i wouldnt want to be on the other end of my door as a intruder tho cuz she was raised to protect my family.
  5. SILD checking in I'm fine with what ever y'all decide I'll be hunting good ole southern il where some big guys live I'm only hunting firearm and muzzleloader seasons bec I don't bow hunt. Can't wait til it cools down so I can spend my afternoons off work scouting
  6. Happy birthday Kyle hope u have a great day
  7. SourtheILDeerhunter 19 First Firearm Deer Season - 11/16/2012 to 11/18/2012 Second Firearm Deer Season - 11/29/2012 to 12/2/2012 First Muzzleloader Deer Season - 11/29/2012 to 12/2/2012 Second Muzzleloader Deer Season - 12/7/2012 to 12/9/2012 all seasons i will be hunting IL
  8. i use my 20ga pump. not allowed to use rifels on public land here. it dosnt start at the same time here but they run together when rabbit opens
  9. seen the most squirrels ive seen in awhile. shot one but he took off on me and couldnt find him.
  10. squirrell has been open in il for 17 days now!!! i plan on my first hunt in the mornin supposta be a nice crisp 58 in the morning
  11. Only wet stuff I've seen except for this morning came from a hose attached to our pumper putting out brush fires
  12. saw a local flock this morning on ym way home from work flyin high it was nice and cool here this morning
  13. welcome back glad to see all the old members come back!!!
  14. its getting bad here in southern il to. have had 4 grass fires in the last 2 days 2 of wich were started by the flick of a cig
  15. Had a MVA tuesday eve I didn't make it to the scean had to Man the station the guys were saying they dunno how the lady lived after she had rolled her vehicle but she was sitting on the tailgate when the bus arrived transported her to the hosp with neck and back pain
  16. Well yesterday got the results in it is a tumor but it's benine so there just gonna watch it yearly with a mamagram. Keep the prayers coming as there is a second mass in her uterus and hers is 10 larger than it should be and causing a lot of pain. I appreciate all the prayers
  17. well normally on a thursday morn at 530 im nornaly finishing throwing my freight and cleaning up. today on the other hand im not i just clocked out and got home have to take my mom to the hospital to have a biopsy done to figure out if she has breast cancer or just a mass. if u would please say a prayer for her and the family
  18. no I got full coverage on a Honda crv
  19. i pay 400 every 6 months with statefarm and im 19
  20. Sorry to hear this will keep you in my prayers
  21. Happy Birthday joe hope u have a good one!!!
  22. i do my working out at work. throwin 50 plb bags of dog food onto shevles and then walking over half the store some night 8 or 9 times hvnt stepped on a scale yet but i can now fit in a xl pretty confy when i was having to wear a 3 or 4 x and most of my pants and shorts are loose when they were pretty tight.
  23. so sorry to hear this chris prayers on the way for your family
  24. Happy be lated birthday william hope u had a great day!!!