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Everything posted by BBR12

  1. We found out that same thing the day we drove into SD. We ended up calling the license people and the lady sold us our license over the phone. She then called a local license dealer and they sold us a replacement license. It ended up costing $7 to get the replacement but it got us a license that day.
  2. It was one heck of a trip guys. There were some ups and downs along the way but one of us usually stayed positive when the other one was down. Just kept on slugging along even when things were looking bad. Like Scott said we were given some great leads on birds by people from all across the country off of forums that we visit, For that I would like to says thanks to anyone who helped us out. Reid
  3. Sounds like some of yall are having a tough go at it. Just remember that persistance and patience usually pay off. I have had a spectacular season, of course the first one I killed was a small one but also killed my best spurred bird this year. For those of you still hunting good luck and stay with them.
  4. Congrats on the double man. I knew that bird had some different coloring from the email that is cool. I'm glad you FINALLY got one now I don't have to feel bad every time I send you a pic of another one that I killed.
  5. Congrats on your first. Good luck with the new one.
  6. Congrats on a great bird and a very cool stort!
  7. I very very very seldom use a deke' period. I feel like a gobbler decoy on public land is somewhere near insanity
  8. It depends what type plot you are after. Our fall deer plots are clover and oats wich they will use now. I will also be planting summer plots when it warms up enough. I plant milo and millet, they will hammer them all summer long.
  9. Cool deal. Congatulations to both of you. Great to feeling to help someone else get their first bird.
  10. Team 12 is on the board. I killed a very small two year old the other day. Pics will be up shortly. 9.25" beard 5/8" spurs 16 lbs.
  11. Good luck with them ol' boys this weekend. I will be in south florida come friday morning for 4 days. Then be back in MS tues morning to get started here.
  12. Hello team members. I'm Brad and I am from Mississippi. Our season starts 3/13 and goes till first of may. Looks like I will be going to FL and probably TX this season also. Good luck to everyone. Anybody got a suggestion for a team name? I access the forum on my blackberry 95 % of the time so I am limited on posting stuff. If I think of a good name I will post it up for comments.
  13. Yeah ole eddy probably came up with the cruncher too. I think I will save my 25 Buck or even 30 some places. I don't need a gimmick to kill my limit. Hey I may make that my signature.
  14. Hey man I got a cheap H.S. Strut choke I think last year. I don't remember how it pattered. Feel free to come try it though. I just finished my new shooting bench yesterday. I will have the lead sled out probably wed morning. I will shoot it again then. If you want to come shoot just let me know.
  15. I do tote one but I very seldom stick one out. I don't have much for the strutting gobbler decoys. I prefer to call them in not have them come running to a stuffer.
  16. I put the fast fire II on my gun this year. I had a bushnell red dot before and so far I like the FF II way better. It auto adjust for light changes no turning the brightness up and dwn like the scope. It is easy to shoot both eyes open. It is also almost clear unlike the scopes they have a green tint looking through them. I haven't hunted with it yet but just playing with it I absolutly love it.
  17. I think I will make some of that mix for a few spots on our club.
  18. Nice job. That looks good.
  19. BBR12

    Rest question

    Yeah you want your arrow to be level. You will probably want to put and extra dab of glue on the front of your fletches. I shot a bisquit for a year and had trouble with it pulling flethings off. I went back to my old rest this year.