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Everything posted by BBR12

  1. Nice looking deer there. Sounds like you were on them this year.
  2. First was a jake I had called up "practicing " my calling withou a gun. I called 5 in and they walked all around me had my head in my shirt cause I didn't have a face mask with me. When they left ran to my gandpa's and got gun and he went with me and called em back up.
  3. I've never heard of that. I've had a couple pair and both lasted several yrs with lots of walking.
  4. I plan to get one. A freind bought one and it has taken over 1500 pics and is still showing full batteries.
  5. Congratulations man nothing like the first.
  6. BBR12

    Deer Gun??

    Ruger M77 in 7mm-08 is my favorite. Fairly economical and a great shooter.
  7. That's a Hoss there can't wait to see some pics.
  8. Been planning on doing it for awhile now. I had a indian give me some buckskin that he tanned a couple yrs ago for the string. We hunted together a couple of days and he hunted with one he made.
  9. Those are nice looking right there.
  10. Congats on some nice deer. I got a 11" wide 7 pt in MS.
  11. Reminton 870 Gobbler Max. Reworked trigger, Kicks .665 choke and a Burris Fast Fire II sight on top.
  12. I just replaced my red dot scope with a Burriss fast fire II. Its a lot like the bushnell. I got mine for 209 from optics planet. I really like it so far.
  13. I'm in about the same boat as rhino. Jakes and hens are not legal in MS. I have killed several in the past when I was young and they were legal. I killed a couple on public land my first trip to TX. I possibly will on the last day of my trip to FL this year if that's my only shot. Other then that I have been fortunate enough to kill enough birds so only longbeards appeal to me now.
  14. If I am out of town. It is then a rule to have atleast 1 hot meal a day. It helps to keep the spirit up. At home the only tradition is to go whenever possible never know when he will be "right"
  15. As far as going towards the slam I want to kill at least one pure bird per sub species. Other then that a hybrid would be fine with me. There are 3 different slams that I am aware of. 1. Grand slam-- Osceola, Eastern, Rio Grande, and Merriams. 2. Super Slam-- the 4 above and a Goulds. 3. World Slam-- the above 5 and an Oscellated (jungle turkey) from S.America the one the fan looks like a peacock sorta. I know that's kinda of topic but it was mentioned above.
  16. ThĂ nks for the welcomes. I will be around redkneck I been around awhile just not posting. Can't wait for 3/6 to get here so I can get a kid in the woods.
  17. If it sounds half as good as it looks that is a fine instrument. Beautiful!
  18. I am just signing up been lurking for a year or so.. I live in SW Mississippi. I hunt with 3Seasons some and he turned me on to the forum last year. He got on me again the other day crow hunting so here I am. I look forward to reading and discussung turkey with you all. Brad