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Everything posted by pruts

  1. I am fairly new to hunting and am going to get to go on my first Moose hunt in the fall next year. I have recently started looking at rifles and trying to decide what I want to buy, so I can get it in lots of time to practice with it in the summer. I have decided that I want a bolt action, as a semi is just too much money for my budget. Any suggestions on calibre or make and a brief reason why it's your favourite would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Cool story, can't imagine the odds of something like that happening let alone being able to see it.
  3. Last saturday was the start of the late goose season here eleven of us were heading out, so we split in half the group of five went just south of town and shot seventeen, the group of six I was in went west of the city and got forty-six. By far the most fun I have had goose hunting, even though I have very little experience.
  4. I would definitely try it. Even though I have never shot a recurve, I think it's a great idea!
  5. I have only been hunting for two years myself and only Turkeys for one, so I have very little knowledge myself. But the few properties I hunt have enough birds that I was able to fill one of my two tags in the spring and the one in the fall. As for time of day- I seen more turkeys in the morning (about 8:00) including a miss at about 20 yards, but both that I shot were in the afternoon one about 4:00 and the other just before 7:00. I did do a lot of scouting most of which just from the truck with a pair of binoculars (coffee too). Type of call- I only used diaphragm calls on the advice of a older friend who has hunted for a long time, because it keeps your hands free and dose not require the movement of other types of calls. But it dose take a lot of practice. Youtube has some good instructional videos and then I practiced around the house (driving my wife insane) and in the truck on the way home from work or whenever I could. Thanks to everyone else who responded, I thought some of the tips are good advice for myself, especially about the rain. On wet days I always stayed home 'cause I thought a sit would be fruitless, next year I will definitely try on a light rain day.
  6. WOW awesome buck!!!!!!!!
  7. Awesome buck!!! Congratulations for sure
  8. Beauty looking deer!! Congratulations
  9. I only started hunting last year even though I'm 30 and got out for my second goose hunt this morning. Seven guys, we limited out in canada geese (35) and got 3 Mallards and seen hundreds of birds that circled over and didn't come low enough to shoot then landed in the pond about 500 yards away (we were set up in a cut corn field) I had an awesome time and may now be hooked on goose hunting!!!
  10. Congratulations beauty buck
  11. I'm hunting my first muzzleloader season next week and am really excited and looking forward to it. Good luck, hope you get a good one
  12. Too bad you didn't get him, but the video is still really cool. I love watching hunt videos.
  13. Nice job. Wish we could get some of that snow here.
  14. Congratulations Randy and Avery two awesome deer!!
  15. Congratulations. Very nice deer!:yes:
  16. I had a similar thing happen on saturday morning. I was way late getting to the bush it was still dark but barley. I was walking around trying to find the spot I had picked a few days before when I had been out scouting, settled on a spot a little ways away 'cause it was starting to get light ( I don't have a stand there so I have to ground sit) I set my stool and Knapsack down, sit and as I am pulling my mask up from around my neck I hear something walking straight out in front of me as he steps around a tree 30 yards away I can only make out the white from his tail and rack but count at least 3 on each side and could not tell for sure but he likely had brow tines as well I would assume. He started to move behind the tree and I grabbed my bow off the ground ad pull back ( my bow is a old outcast that I got from a friend to get myself started last year so it is all but quiet) He stopped looked around the tree at me for a few seconds then carried on around the tree and stopped, I held up on him for what I think was about 5 minutes and could not wait any longer. I shot and missed high, not sure if the arrow hit a branch in front of him or if I simply missed. He ran a little ways away but not far although I could not see him, hung out about 10 minutes then trotted away. Hopefully I will see him again and next time hopefully be more patient
  17. Thats awesome, congratulations!!:clap: