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Everything posted by pruts

  1. pruts

    Your Goals

    Kill my first deer
  2. pruts


    Ha ha ha, that's good
  3. Agreed. New guns are always nice. Good looking unit.
  4. I got myself in and through on the first try. I must have been lucky
  5. Thanks Steve I have not been out to the farm since I have talked to him, going to try tomorrow. But I do know he has a good idea of what is what when it comes to tracks and stuff, so I think he would know the differance between 'coon and 'yote tracks. Plus I think it was the droppings in the barn that makes him think coyote. There are tones of them here. Either way he will want it gone, 'coons are on the shoot everyday list too. They are hard on his corn
  6. Around here when you buy your deer licence you get a Buck tag for the open season, which in this area is bow only . To get a antlerless tag to shoot a deer with antlers less than 3 inches or a doe you have to enter a draw and buy another tag. So I know guys who don't get a doe tag for whatever reason so shooting a doe isn't an option for them. We also have controlled hunts that are only a week long and are muzzleloader or shotgun only. so for that week you take what you can. Being picky is fairly hard.
  7. Hope everyone had a good Canada day. I got out fishing in the morning and then a BBQ in the evening with some friends.
  8. I was talking to a farmer whos land I hunt last night and he thinks there is a coyote living in his barn. He dosen't have livestock but still wants to get rid of it. I've never been in the barn myself but it's mostly used for equipment storage and such. If I stomp around in there and make a lot of noise (similar to bunny hunting). Or maybe set off a firecracker or something, will it run out giving someone outside a shot? Or any body have any ideas? Thanks Paul
  9. I agree, guess it depends on your interpitation of what is egotistical. But it seems like a case of the pot calling the kettle black, and vise versa. I live in Canada but otherwise agree. If it's leagal it should not bother anyone else. I am one of the new hunters mentioned in the start of the thread. Only having hunted for two years even though I'm 30 and not shot a deer yet I will take a shot at almost any deer I get the chance to. I have personally decided not to shoot at a fawn and did hold off on one last year for a chance on the doe with it, who spooked then ran. Leaving me with a great experiance. But a buddy of mine shot a fawn last year and I was happy for him. Even though I would have passed.
  10. Hope everything comes out ok. Best of luck Chris!
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great to hear everyone is doing well!!!
  12. Sometimes we go that way if we visit my wife's sister in Huntsville, but usually go 401 to Bellville then up to Hwy 41. Not sure if we're going to head up there this summer or not, My wife is about six months pregnant and we still have lots to do, and weekend getaways to go fishing unfortunately are not going to be as common for the foreseeable future. I'm also trading My Oct. Walleye fishing for Moose hunting this year. I Looked on the map and have driven through the area of Golden Lake, it is very nice for sure. If I make a trip up I'll let you know.
  13. CONGRATULATIONS and all the best in the futre
  14. Hope everything went well yesterday and both baby and mom are doing well
  15. Awesome day here too! a little more humid, but still nice. Your neck of the woods is beautifull this time of year. My brother lives in Pembroke and I like going up fishing there alot.
  16. Nice pictures, it has come a long way since I seen it about two years ago. It would be awesome to work on a project like that.
  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Looks like a healthy young man
  18. pruts

    Later Taters...

    Fillets wouldn't last two days around here. Been plenty busy with some home reno's and have not even been out yet. I'm going to have to make time soon.
  19. I got a CVA Wolf last year, the breach plug is tool less and they guarantee it if you use there grease. I target shot it a lot and never had a problem.
  20. good luck on a quick and full recovery
  21. Maybe the bandana is D.O.T. approved
  22. Congratulations and best of luck at college next year!
  23. I went to NYC a little over two years ago and went down to ground zero. I’m excited to see your pictures of the progress. I think it is called the freedom tower, is that right?