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Everything posted by pruts

  1. pruts

    Too soon?

    I did not, but I am now. So I guess I laughed twice at this. Ha ha ha
  2. Yeah that's nuts. The highest I've had to work was on a cooling stack at a cement plant I think was about 350 feet. Worst part about it was working with the welder who was putting brackets on for us when I closed my eyes so he could tack them in place I had to fight off feeling sick 'cause of the swaying the stack did and not being able see. We also have to use double lanyards and tie off all the time, second one on before the first one comes off. But there is no way I would climb a tower like that.
  3. Nice pictures. Definitely gets me excited for the end of April.
  4. pruts

    Some jokes

    Got acouple of e-mails that made me laugh, so I thought I'd share1st - A petition to stop fox hunting. Signed: Buggs Bunny and Roger Rabbit 2nd - How can you spot a deer hunter with a DUI conviction? (in no way am I making light of drinking and driving)
  5. I drive a 2010 F-150 got about 79,000 km on it and my wifes car is 2001 Grand Am with 120,000 km
  6. I goose hunt with a group of guys and would like to start calling a little, so probably a goose call. Or maybe put it toward a climber stand. Don't know lots to choose from.
  7. pruts


    Happy Birthday Ruth. Hope a good weekend makes up for a lack luster day.
  8. Agreed, a lot of hockey parents are nuts!
  9. pruts


    My wife and I have only been married for about a year and a half, and in no way think we have all the answers. But we agree couples divorce too easily a lot of times. That being said we are committed to each other forever. Unless one of us breaks one of two rules: 1- Cheating 2- Physically harming the other If one of us does, that's it. I do agree with TEXASTROPHIES above though, you have to do what's right for you! Don't let others pump you up into making a hasty decision. All the best and I hope everything works out. Paul
  10. pruts


    Good news Steve. Best of luck!
  11. Steve Sorry I missed this when it first came up, I haven't had time to be on here much lately. Glad to hear you got good news from the doctors, and I wish you the best for a speedy recovery!
  12. That's GREAT news!! Good to hear you're doing well and best of luck in the future!
  13. pruts

    New doggie!

    Good looking dog! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun together.
  14. LOL. My wife does not seem impressed either.
  15. Oh yeah Canadian Tire is awesome! You can get almost anything there. Sorry Tetro, can't help I haven't used that camera
  16. We had cold and maybe close to about a foot of snow the last couple days. But warm again today think got above freezing around lunch time.
  17. We took all our decorations down new years day, except the lights outside. They can wait 'till spring.
  18. I hunt and fish. I also play hockey year round, not as much as I used to but I still skate 2-3 times a week. Come to think of it I didn't weigh near as much as I do now when I played more.... wonder if the two are related?????
  19. My brother in law is an arborist and I know he would agree. Having knowledge is important, things can go wrong way to quick even when you know what your doing and there is not a lot of room for forgiveness sometimes. Glad to hear you're going to be ok.
  20. Have not been on here in quite awhile and going to have some reading ahead of me I guess. Hope everyone's christmas was good and happy new year to all you folks.
  21. Ha ha ha. my sister lived in Detroit for a few years, she'll get a kick out of it.
  22. Agreed on the congratulations for all the deer! I haven't been out with the bow much and have had no success yet, but muzzleload season starts monday and I'm off all week. We were out today and put up a new stand and seen 6 in the field in front of it. I'm super excited!
  23. Plus one more. I agree nice picture.
  24. Congratulations, best wishes with the addition! The imaginary bow pic is cool.... Like father like son
  25. Congratulations on the buck! He is a beauty! I got out this past weekend and took a buddy with me. We were sitting about 120 yards apart and had two does hang around almost directly half way between us for about 45 minutes. Just a little out of range for both of us. Got lots of activity on my camera that is about 30 yards from my stand. I'll try and get some pictures up in the photo room.