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Everything posted by pruts

  1. My buddy and I got the four wheelers loaded up today and most of our gear packed in totes and ready to go. we're off midnight wednesday for ten days moose hunting. The group drew a bull tag this year, and we will have between 12 and 15 guys in camp for the time we are there. I can't wait!
  2. Right on Tyler, congratulations on the doe. I skipped hunting yesterday on account of rain, and I mean we got a tone at about 4:30 just about the time I'd have been getting up. Not going to be out the next couple of days and then I'm off on wednesday for ten days moose hunting. I'm pumped and can't wait to get to camp. Good luck everyone.
  3. Good luck tomorrow. Stopped in at the local shop tonight and they got my bow all fixed up, so I'm ready to go. gona get out on saturday evening for sure.
  4. Use the same, except winchester primers
  5. We gave this a try this past week and it was a real hit at our house. Thanks
  6. Was out shooting my bow this afternoon and one shot felt funny, then on the next I couldn't pull back to full draw. After some investigation I think I had a screw come out. Going to have it looked at on monday. Hope it can be fixed and I don't need a new bow. We open on tuesday, and even though I wouldn't be able to get out before saturday I'm feeling a little bummed.
  7. Hello all Just turned the computer on before bed and seen I'd been called up. I'll get on tomorrow and get caught up with everyone. Paul
  8. Taking it apart isn't an option for me, I don't have the right tools to push the pins and rivets out and put it back together. Plus I'd rather not risk screwing it up worse than it is already. If it comes to that I'll have to take it in to a shop.
  9. I'm having trouble getting my BPS to cycle the next round up into the chamber. The tab that holds the shell in the tube doesn't seem to being getting far enough out of the way to allow the shell to be released. It works probably 40% to 50% of the time and I have to pump it really hard. I guy I work with who's dad was a gunsmith (he's no longer with us) told me they commonly get gummed up and to try cleaning behind that tab with "liquid wrench" and blowing it out with an air compressor. I've tried it about 10 times and it 's not a lot if any better. Any other ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. 2 - Yellow and 1 - white and yellow nocks
  11. Pruts 33 Oct. 1 - Dec. 31 (bow) Nov. 18 - Nov. 23 (ML)
  12. Nice spot. The tree house will add some protection and comfort during cold wet days.
  13. Agreed I'm a prime example of posts slowing down. I seem to get on here for a bit then not for weeks or better. I wouldn't have time or desire to belong to two sites. I actually laughed at this..... 'cause I'm cheap too!
  14. pruts

    Hitting the Road

    Glad you had a good trip.
  15. Nice looking place! Will be great during the hunting season and I'm sure a summer getaway spot too. I also like the new wheels too.
  16. Good luck. Hope you drop a nice one.
  17. Thanks everyone! We're getting settled in pretty well. Most of all we can't believe how great our older one has been adjusting to the change, and even the concern she has when her sister cries.
  18. Wow that's a tough decision! Bust of luck for you and your aunt, and the rest of your family.
  19. That's not a bad idea. If not our harnesses at work expire every 5 years as well, but we often use them a lot longer than that. Biggest thing I would look for is wear or damage like fraying and that sort of thing.
  20. We've been very busy lately and I've not been on here much at all. But wanted to stop in and share. Kristina was pregnant with our second, and had a bit of a rough time with some infections and even going "septic" and a 9 day hospital stay along the way. Everything worked itself out and we had our second daughter early tuesday morning. First pic is Zoey and the second is myself and our other daughter Ella that will be 2 in october with Zoey.I'm one proud guy and couldn't be happier.
  21. pruts

    its a girl

    Congratulations! My wife is due any day with our second as well, a girl (we don't know what we're having) will mean I'm outnumbered 3 to 1 too.
  22. Sorry to hear of the loss to your family. All the best to you.
  23. +1 more. I'll try to get to the computer all week for you, good luck.