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Everything posted by Scbasshunter

  1. If I'm in a blind with only the window in front of me open, will the wind still carry my scent or will it go around the blind?
  2. Does anybody have any experience with cover scents? I wash my clothes with DDW or Scent A Way, store them in a plastic container, spray down before heading to my stand. I will be hunting in a blind on the edge of a soybean field this year and think a cover scent will help a little. Only problem is that I am reading alot online that cover scents really don't cover your scent, but just give deer something else to smell along with the hunter. The soybean field is right off of pines, but I am thinking earth scent should work well anywhere.
  3. I guess I could have baited them but they will be in a soybean field so they will have more than enough food. Haha! Plus living 2 hours away makes it hard to use a camera. Good luck with the blind! This will be my first time hunting in a blind and first year being serious with a bow.
  4. The blind is in a line of trees/bushes between 2 fields. The field behind me is not in the area i can hunt in august. I should be able to get out of the back of the blind and walk back to my truck behind the trees. The only problem would be if there are deer in the field behind me.
  5. So I should probably be good for bow season in 2 weeks? Also, if a buck comes out on the other side of the field, will grunting bring him closer or is it too early even for grunting since they are still in bachelor groups?
  6. No pics, but I won't even be back in the same county for 2 weeks! Haha! I feel like once the deer realize it hasn't bothered them for a few days/nights, they will get used to it.
  7. I decided to place my ground blind on the edge of a soybean field. It isn't out in the open, but it isn't so covered up that you can't tell what it is. I brushed it in, but i probably could have done better. I have 2 weeks before I will be able to hunt it. If the deer see it tonight and spook, will they be gone for good, or will they eventually get used to it and come back to the soybean field? It is buck only during archery if that matters to this question.
  8. Tonight was the first night I have been able to scout a soybean field that i want to hunt in 2 weeks when archery season starts and i didnt see any deer come out. I did see a couple nice bucks in the next field over, but that field is off limits and they were about 150 or 200 yds away on the other side of the field. The problem is that i am putting out my climber and blind tomorrow so the deer will have time to get used to them. Should i abandon the field and look somewhere else, or was it most likely a fluke that i saw no deer tonight?
  9. Also, will bucks come into the field before dark or is setting up in the woods connected to the field the best option?
  10. Also, will bucks come into the field before dark or is setting up in the woods connected to the field the best bet?
  11. I live 2 hours away from where I hunt so scouting is not an option. Should the trails leading into the field be obvious and easy to see?
  12. I live 2 hours away from where I will be hunting so scouting is out of the question. Will the trails leading to the soybean field be obvious and easy to spot?
  13. I have a blind and a climber I am setting up 2 weeks before opening of archery season (Aug. 15). Would it be better to setup on a soybean field or on a thick ditch bank? Also, which (blind or climber) would be best for either location? It will most likely be in the 90's if not 100. Is either location better for morning or evening hunts?
  14. I have a blind and a climber that I am setting up 2 weeks before opening archery season (Aug. 15). Should I setup on a soybean field or on a thick ditchbank? Also, would the blind or stand be better for either of the 2 locations?