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Everything posted by dartonman

  1. Re: 1st turkey with a bow Kudo's to you buddy...........I really want to put the smack down on a bird with my bow this season....great job buddy.......al
  2. Re: opening weekend (pics) Congrads buddy.......fine looking birds........they will taste great indeed...........al
  3. Re: Illinois Public Land Hunting Pre rut begins in my area of Northern Illinois right about Halloween.......you will be in buck activity in November buddy..........al
  4. Re: Illinois Public Land Hunting You can access a whole lot of info on these places through the Illinois DNR website....Im in Northern Illinois, so I cant help you with these locations........best of luck to you....glad to see more archers coming to Illinois........al
  5. Re: Finally. . . . . Ker-Plunk, Flop Flop! Great job buddy....great job indeed.....I am after the same quest, I really want to put the smackdown on a bird with a bow..............al
  6. Re: My son!!!!!!!! *pics* OMG....he is a cutie...congrads to you and your wife...al
  7. Re: Great opening day in TN! I get to be the first to give the big congrads....that is a great looking bird buddy....nice job...........al
  8. Re: Your Best Shot? 300 yard shot, red fox...old Winchester Model 88 in .243 caliber...........probably never make that shot again.....al
  9. Re: Alright archery hunters...need advise for birds Awesome advise guys, thanks so much.....al
  10. Do I need to decrease my poundage for these old toms, or leave it at 68 pounds.....I have 80 percent let off on the ole Darton Maverick.....I am also at a dilema whether to use Spitfire expandables ( never used an expandable before) or my tried and true Nugent Stingers.......any and all help appreciated, Ill be hunting from a blind. al
  11. Re: How Big Of An Ole Boy Are Ya... 6'2 290
  12. OK..Im getting frustrated, I wanted to help a young man out and get his Hi viz sights installed on his gun, but I cant get the bead out of the front sight...its a newer 870 express 20 guage..........HELP..........al
  13. Re: SEEKING 24\' TRAVEL TRAILER have you looked into a website called www.cvrv.com they have em all over the US
  14. Re: looking for a weirhemeir pup in or near ohio Also a breeder in Ohio is www.weimaranerdog.com seems they have all your colors.....and are recommended by a few....al
  15. Re: looking for a weirhemeir pup in or near ohio Did you mean Weimaraner....if so, please check out this link www.pets4you.com/weim.html they show about every state buddy.....al
  16. Re: custom calls orders Im am also the proud recipient of two of his calls, and they are simply awesome............al
  17. Re: Fact or Myth ? Jakes can open their fans just fine, but the forum is correct in that their center feathers on the fan are longer in the center, due to immaturity...there are some "early" hatch birds that have a jake beard...aka smaller than usual (3-5 inches) that have a full fan and are called "junior birds"....and a bearded hen will have a full fan, but shorter than a true gobbler 2 yrs old or older...home this helps............al
  18. Re: bear test 100 PERCENT first time taking a test like that...I am fascinated by bears, never hunted em, but sure will some day..al
  19. Re: THE SPOONBIL ARE RUNNING !!!!!!!! I dont even know what one is....can somebody help a flatlander from Illinois...what is a spoonbill.....al
  20. Re: Got my bull back! WOW...very nice mount...........al
  21. Re: Thank You Andy (bowhunter56) Andy is a stand up guy...he is just simply a humble man that makes a great call....Im glad he is a part of these forums...........al
  22. dartonman

    Funny stuff

    Re: Funny stuff LOL...that brought tears to my eyes.....loved it...lol.......al
  23. Re: Tonight\'s Tragedy Prayers sent....so sorry to hear of this........al
  24. Re: Did I just do something.... Im glad to see you are seeking help young lady...get well soon......al
  25. Re: Grand Canyon Skywalk June 2nd....Ill take the walk...........Ill videotape the whole thing...lol........al