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Everything posted by dartonman

  1. Re: OK I\'m bored (Pic) Nice deer pic....now, give us a tour of the room, any more deer pics..........mounts, fish, anything...lol........al
  2. Re: Great offer for the OTPG! ROFLMAO........OMG....that is just funny.....al
  3. Re: ****Dartonman\'s 2007 buck mount**** Thanks Buckee for posting this for me buddy....this is my 9 point bow kill that the taxidermist cut the neck in the back of the mount, rough cut, but cant see it when its on the wall....this deer had alot of black in him, odd colored deer, but he tasted good...........al
  4. dartonman

    06 Mounts

    Re: 06 Mounts Great looking mounts...if I could ever hit a doe, I'd have her mounted............they seem to be alot smarter than the bucks I shoot...........al
  5. Re: Back on the block Welcome back buddy....God Bless you for defending our freedom.......al
  6. Re: **Happy with mount, upset about one thing*** Just emailed the pics to Buckee...they will be up momentarily of the deer.........he has alot of black in him for a whitetail...note his ears are black on top, and the chest stripe which is brown on all my deer, except him...black as night..............al
  7. Re: SELLERS and BUYERS info post Rec'd a dual set of calls from Andy the other day, and OHH man I love em......they are awesome calls.........al
  8. Re: Another reason to HATE valentines day I had a molar surgically removed....they had to break it with a small hammer, and dont forget the air drill....seems that I have (3) roots to those teeth....needless to say, the doc left a large hole in my head, and Im on liquids for tonite...............ugggggggggggggggggggggggggg...al
  9. Re: Got a buck! Good for you Andrea..........al
  10. Re: Workout Progress What type of energy supplements or vitamins have you recovering better than others....you seem to be working hard toward your goal, I wish you the best buddy....keep us updated....do you alternate lift days with cardio at all...just curious....al
  11. Re: Ladies shotgun Definately a 20 gauge buddy...with a good recoil pad, and I feel if you get a good quality choke, and a good decoy set up, she should be able to shoot the 2 3/4 size shells..shot placement is key....if you want her to be "used" to the gun, shoot the low brass 8 shot with her, low recoil shells, then when you get a chance alone, pattern the real deal turkey loads..........but dont let her shoot the hot stuff till turkey days.......dont want to develop a flinch.........I was gonna have a single shot tapped for a turkey choke, I can ship it to you for season if you like...its a youth single shot....just ship it back when done........Ill let you know when its tapped and has a good choke for it.............al
  12. Re: Good Lord in Heaven above, what is that smell! LOL...........that is just too funny....Im sorry, that is really funny...lol........was that my outside voice...lol...............roflmao..............take care buddy........the crabs got the last laugh.........al
  13. Re: Little Accident This Afternoon Glad to hear nobody was injured...Id be saying extra prayers if I was the young lady that hit you....not many people can say they hit a preacher, and didnt feel like they were going some place very warm when they die..lol.......al
  14. Re: Whos getting hit? Im in Northern Illinois, and we are expecting 3-6 inches in my area...central Illinois is gonna get the punishment....the problem with this storm isnt the snow, its the 30 mile hour winds blowing the light snow around onto roads...............al
  15. Re: **Happy with mount, upset about one thing*** Thanks gang, it just freaked me out....my other bucks if they were cut (different taxidermist), you sure cant find where the incision was....the one on this one is pretty rough in the back, with some fur missing....it wont be seen when hung, but he has improvement in his performance...Ill post pics of the deer tonight...he is a pretty deer, lots of black in his fur............al
  16. I purposely tube all my mounts or deer to be mounted properly, and the 9 point I just got back from a great friend that graduated from a very good taxidermist school CUT down the middle of the neck in the back....now only me and him know this, but it kinda made me mad....the mount will be posted shortly, but it upset me that he cut the neck all the way up the middle in the back.....IS THIS COMMON NOW.....he explained that is how he was taught......Im worried about the mount in the years to come giving way at the sewing and gluing in the back.........AL
  17. dartonman


    Re: Whoops.... YEP....Im awake, and its 130am here.........al
  18. Re: meat hog Thats so awesome....looks like you had a great time.....Tred Barta just did a show on hunting pigs with a knife....he is one odd man, but it was a great show.......al
  19. Re: Completly new to turkeys! The phone conversation we had was awesome ole Birddog...but we need to hook up again....one thing I always know about turkeys is they love to breed.....and they are educated quick on too much calling...remember to always wait for the second set of gobbles, or what I called the "commitment gobble", and if you do watch the videos, a good indication or "body function" of a gobbler to know when he is gonna head AWAY fast is his snood...alot of hunters dont know this...the "snood" or skin snake hanging from ole toms head is an indication on how sexually aroused he is....the longer, the more his peak sexual interest is in your set up...but be warned, you can catch this on some videos, esp. if your gonna bowhunt....when the ole snood draws up tight, like a small knob, the gig is up, if you have a shot take it...cause he is leaving the county...we will talk soon buddy.............al
  20. Re: Anna Nicole Smith is DEAD I am sure that drug to lose weight "Trim Spa" wont be selling anymore of that product....but who knows, she idolized Marilyn Monroe....all the way to her death.....al
  21. Re: Another Pitt Bull Kill My wife is an emergency room nurse....she has taken care of some pretty bad cases, and the dogbites are 70 percent pitbulls, and the other chows......the chows are violent dogs as well......only a few rott cases, Ill never forget when I worked as a small town police officer, and an idiot I had a warrant on, took the logging chain off his pitbulls neck, and told the dog to attack me...the dog made it about 4 feet from him owners side before the .45 caliber Sig Sauer barked..........I told the idiot, if he didnt lay down, the second round was already warm and fuzzy and heading his direction.....stupid people with stupid pets....if you have the right to conceal carry in your state...use it..........it may save your life. al
  22. Re: Anybody Wanna Trade? You got it Chris.........bring em all to Illinois...Ill put the kids to work, and your wife will love you more each day after she spends time with me....I am a whiner....lol....I have a tooth broken at the gumline...and their emergency surgeon (aka tooth god) can pull it from my skull...next Tuesday....yippeee.....nothing like a little pain in the gourd to make my life wonderful while I work in the cold...send the whole family, Ill feed em, have lots of video game systems............did I mention I WHINE........they'll love you more when Im done with them.....call me, Im ready............al
  23. Re: I.S.S Sympathy on these forums...forget about it......how did you end up where you were....and have you learned from your unfortunate experience........just curious....al
  24. Re: I Just lost my best friend So sorry for your loss buddy..........al
  25. Re: Rating \"bowhunter56\" My calls are on the way, and I am just getting the money out to the guy........he is well respected, and I find it hard to say anything negative about a guy who when he started with our forums stepped up to the plate, along with Alex308 and donated calls to help an injured forum member raise funds for his family (Bulldawg) this forum has blessed me in many ways, and it goes to show you, there are good people everywhere involving the hunting community......al