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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Gator

    Stellar Year

    Thanks William. I haven't talked to Griz in quite sometime, but still talk to DogDoc on occasion. His daughter scored on a nice buck this year as well
  2. So this deer season has been one for the ages. Hunted a new piece of property that I had only hog and coyote hunted in years past, which was fine by me. The individual that had been deer hunting it previously and the landowner had a dispute, so it was my turn. Hunted the whole week of blackpowder, watching little bucks from spikes to a young 8pt all week, with no does in the area, and when they did show, the bucks would chase them off. Last day of the season I connected on a good 11pt, would have been a 12, but had broken a tine. He is real narrow, but HEAVY. Second buck taken in an undisclosed location, lol. All legit, just not at liberty to say where. The third buck was taken on the same property as the first buck. He had first shown up the 12th of November, and never saw him again till the 25th. Had a doe come in, only to be run off by a little buck, and when she ran off, he stepped out to give chase. I couldn't see or hear them anymore, but little did I know he had made his way out into the field and was coming in from my downwind side. He either heard me move, or smelled me, and made his way back into the timber. Actually had a shot at him there, only to have my rifle go "CLICK", I had forgot to load it! Man, I was sick to say the least. But, seeing as the doe was still in the area, he stuck around. He ended stepping out to my right, where I had just a small window in my ground blind, as I had not intended to have a shot that direction. He stayed out there, but there was a tree right at the window, and a bigger clump between us. As he made his way back to the west, with the trees in the way, I dug around and pulled out my grunt tube, hit it three times, and he stepped back between two trees, giving me a quartering away shot. Needless to say, the gun was now loaded, and he dropped where he stood. He is a big 10, narrow as well, but good tine length. He ended up dressing out at 165, and had no fat whatsoever, unlike my ML buck, that had a ton of fat, but I had forgot to weigh him. Both the first and 3rd bucks are now at the taxidermist, I did a euro on the second. To say I was blessed this year is an understatement. Hope all is well with everyone!
  3. Good looking deer there sir!
  4. Gator

    Sitka Gear

    I am looking at SKRE myself. Seems to have good reviews, and is priced a little less than Sitka. I think another is KUIU as well, and believe that us what MeatEater wears
  5. Gator

    Been awhile!

    Thanks everyone! Didn't get the back I was after, but did manage three does for the freezer. I got one more week to try and get one, but the dadgum weather has, well, sucked. Hunting in the 80's in December is for the birds. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!
  6. Gator

    Been awhile!

    I am fortunate that I have a friend that has about 800 acres that I am able to hunt anytime I want.
  7. Oh, ooops, LOL! No worries, I didn't realize this was last years sign up. I can just sit this one out then, no reason for you to leave a team, but thanks for the offer!
  8. Gator

    Been awhile!

    Thanks everyone! I am fortunate and will be spending most of my hunting season in the Childress Texas area. Plan on hunting hard the week before and week of Thanksgiving. Good luck to all!!!
  9. Gator

    Still kicking

    Holy crap! Dang man, glad you are doing ok! The things we miss being away. Glad both of ya'll are doing well.
  10. Time sure flies, that's for sure. That would be a great idea. Bout the only person I ever talk to anymore is Trey, and that isn't often enough.
  11. Gator

    Been awhile!

    You to! I plan on being in Texas for the rut, and my goal this year is to knock down a goodun. Always been limited on time, time is not an issue this year. Unless of course "life" gets in the way
  12. Looking at your post count, I'd say no, as you still have milk on your lips. How you been? Been awhile!
  13. Is it to late to join? Seeing as I have alot more time on my hands these days, was hoping to get in. BUT, I just realized deer season is also under way in alot of areas. Yes, I am out of touch with the days anymore. I'll be hunting mainly Texas as well as a little in Oklahoma. I know deer season in Texas is Nov 1- till Jan 3rd for rifle
  14. Gator

    Been awhile!

    Greetings everyone, hope all is well. Been awhile since I have been on here, many things have changed over the last, well, 10yrs. Change of jobs that kept me VERY busy, well, for 11 years lol. Got married, had grandkids (, well, kids had grandkids) Lost a daughter. And am now retired. (was a damn rough road from losing a daughter till now). But, I have quite a bit of time on my hands nowadays, and with hunting season right around the corner, (I can't shoot a bow anymore, and hated a crossbow) I will be spending alot of time chasing the deer. I hope to get out on an elk hunt this year as well, now that I am eligible to hunt FT Sill Ok. Looking forward to catching up with everyone. Hope all is well with you all
  15. Academy in Norman Ok had a somewhat decent selection last week. Except NOONE has Hornady superformance in 243... GRRRR
  16. Yep, I am probably one of the OG. Lord knows how long I have been around here. ( Just looked, 21 years). My biggest reason for dropping off is I changed jobs in 2010, and went from an office environment to being on the road for the next two years, with little down time. That continued for another 11 years, until Aug of this year, to which I am jow retired. I thing technology, ie FACEBOOK and such are a big reason for forums dying off. Also, with all the members that came along, there was the "politics" as well, and that may have been an issue as well. And, as well all know, life goes on, many of us have probably gotten busier in our day to day lives, keeping us from logging in as much
  17. Still recovering from shoulder surgery, so just a little R&R for me after being in Dallas most f the week
  18. Recovering from rotatr cuff surgery, this time right shoulder. What a pain!
  19. LOL!!! I still exist, but I have a new job (2010) with new responsibilities, and just no time to get on here anymore. Hope everyone had a ver Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
  20. Been in Alabama since Sunday, fly back home tomorrow. Get ready to get back to the ole grindstone on Monday....... work for a week and a half, then off again for shoulder surgery. What fun
  21. Work..... work has limited my time anymore. Plus I think for alot of folks life has changed as well. Plus with all the other social media avenues out there, those didn't help the situation.......
  22. Hang, skin, quarter, place in cooler full of ice for a week. Then I cut, grind the following weekend. Usually try and stuff sausage at the same time. If you need to stuff anything, get a good vertical stuffer, they are a GODSEND.
  23. Nedw job doesn't allow me the time I used to have to get on here anymore. No bow season again this year, I'm on crutches to the end of October. Hopefully I can get down to Texas when its all said and done and whack and stack some deer down there.
  24. She actually went across my hometown, and will now end up over my brother and mom.....
  25. I saw that and thought the same thing. Maybe they should tie a rope to their butts and to a telephone pole, see if they can get airborne much like a kite!!!