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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Sounds like he may have a little less to work with the next few years: Ohio State gets bowl ban, other penalties - College Football -
  2. While the "system" is set to match the #1 and #2 teams to play each other, I would LOVE to see OSU play LSU, "the teacher against the student". But I also have alterior motives, but they don't involve any OSU fans here.
  3. Dump??? 41-14 ring a bell? Sounds like jealousy to me. As for Meyer, guess he got tired of the "family" life, and his so called "health" issues. OSU is a storied program allright. Two words, Terrel Pryor........ nuff said.
  4. I felt both of those, and an after shock Sunday morning, but somehow missed the earthquake last night. Think the only thing we haven't had this year is a volcano, but the year ain't over yet
  5. Gator


    Having a better year this year than last. Seen deer everytime I've been in the stand. Took a doe last Sat morning, and missed one opening day. Heading out here in a few hours to sit in the stand.
  6. So far this has been a better year than all of last year. I am hunting public land 15min from home, and so far after 6 sits in a stand, I have seen 17 deer, two I know were bucks. I didn't see my first deer last year until almost gun season. Missed a doe opening day, just missjudged distance, and rushed the shot. This past Sat I did tag a doe, she was the leader of three that came out behind me and walked down the fenceline I'm on. Sorry, but the pic I took turned out crappy.
  7. Magnus Baby!!!! Lifetime garuantee, I haven't bought heads is probably 6yrs
  8. Had a tire suffer a catastrophic cut on a rock last weekend, and now I have three tires the same, and one different, which just bothers me. The stock tires are Goodyear Wranglers, and have 20,000 miles. I'm just kinds looking around to see what is out there in an All Terrain. I REALLY need something good in snow and sand, and so so in mud. Read some reviews on the Nitto Terra Grapplers, and Falken Rocky Mountain AT's. The Nittos, just as I expected, seem to wear alot faster, but from tghe reviews, this was more common on 3/4 and 1 ton trucks. Anyone have any exp with these two tires? I know some have spoke highly of the BF Goodrich AT's also. Not in a rush to buy, but will be in Oct probably
  9. Yep, she is off limits. The neighbor won't shoot her either
  10. The big bridge in the movie leads to Washunga Bay on Kaw Lake, been over it a time or two
  11. Jeramie, I'm up here rebanding public safety radios. I'll be back again. This trip I felt like crap, all I wanted to do was get to my motel and crash. I need to hookup with you and Dwin sometime
  12. It was 85 in Vinita at 0700 this morning. Last night at 815 it was 106. Supposed to hit 115 here today
  13. How about cottage cheese and ketchup?
  14. The NE part of the state is ALOT drier that what I expected it to be. It's miserable ouytside, 85 this morning at 745. 113 yesterday afternoon. I just laugh at everyone that wanted winter to go away and summer to get here, lol
  15. Just remember that soomeone somewhere is toting a weapon, while carrying 25lbs+ of gear, in 115-125 degree heat, while wondering if someone is gonna shoot at him or set off an IED, all the while just wishing for one night with their family, be thankful of what you have
  16. Thanks Shaun. Is this a common problem, that say happens after so many miles? We have a suburban that has just over 50,000 miles on it and the cruise does the same thing
  17. Gator

    Heard Ellen Degener

    Anti hunting? Then she's can't possibly say anything I want to hear
  18. Gator


    9mm and rat shot has a devastating effect on them. So far I have killed two this year in my yard, one in my well house, and one under the mower deck.
  19. Why not allow more drilling? That's a win win for ALOT of people! More people working means more money being spent, means a boost to the economy. but I'm just a dumb redneck!
  20. I drive a 2009 Tahoe, 5.3L 6speed tranny. Lately the cruise shuts off for no reason, usually when I'm going uphill. At first I kept thinking I was hitting the brake, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this? Truck has almost 49,000 miles on it
  21. Ok, how far is Jackson from Ok? I wanna catch one of them big blues on a rod and reel!!