Guess I'm one of those that have seen a "change" here. I see people cussin, why theres one in this thread. People making smart remarks to others, that a couple of years ago, probably would not have happened. Heck, I've done, and gotten "talked" to, yet I see the same ones doing it over and over. I've seen folks that will "insult" some but in a way that it doesn't sound like. Those same ones will post something "borderline", then when called on, they play "innocent", saying "oh I'm sorry, that's NOT what I meant" (insert appropriate smiley here). Then you have what I started calling robin hood and his band of merry men, you know, a "clique", the ones that when there is something said against them, they run to their buddies for support. I've probably said to much, and this will probably get deleted, but I truly don't care. I've said it before and I'll say it again, things here HAVE changed, I just don't know what. And I see it, and I'm haven't been on here nearly as much in the last year as I have in years past.