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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Thinkin maybe I should have bought an AR over the TV.....
  2. Amen to seeing the Wood Brothers in Voctory Lane!!! That was the best part of the race. But watching it, there was no "sizzle", no slingshot passing, no "true" drafting. looking like if you are running first and second, thats just about where your gonna stay, unless a "two pack" passes you, to me, that ain't racing.... But I'm old school, I hate the "new" nascar
  3. Gator

    UPS Amazes Me

    LOL!!! Actually, I don't even live in a neighborhood! I'm at the end of an unpaved dead end road, and the "fence" is right there. Anyone lost, looking to dump trash, whatever could have come down there, turned around, and seen it.......
  4. Gator

    UPS Amazes Me

    Ordered a new scope from Cabelas the 27th, and due to the bad weather, it didn't get delivered until yesterday, which I have no problem with. But what does chap my butt is the fact that they left it in a bag, hanging from a "fence", at the top of my drive, approx 1/8th mile from my house. Granted, they couldn't get down my drive, but danggit man, did they have to leave it there? Where people could see it and possibly take it? I'd have rather waited a week longer to get it than have it get stolen. Already called Cabela's, plan on calling UPS next week. Just irritates me that they would do that
  5. I saw -10, by far the coldest I have seen, and I been in some cold dang climates!
  6. I say forward the PM's to a Mod and then let them handle this..... Sure would like to know how it turns out though...........
  7. Have you looked at a Chevy? I have a 2010 4x4 with the 5.3l and I am getting almost 18 on the highway.
  8. Gator

    Snow Pt Deux

    Woke up to snow, again! The last snow has yet to fully melt, and us heer in C Oklahoma got about 3", others as much as 15". Wind chill is -7, low tomorrow is 5. By far the coldest I have seen here in Oklahoma....
  9. Got some delivered today, $2.24 a gal
  10. Can someone explain to me how it works? And in 2wd vs 4wd?
  11. What Shaun said! I have used it in this snow, helps me slow down without using the brakes and running the risk of sliding. Also used it to keep my speeds down on slick roads
  12. Yep, snowing in OKC south to Purcell right now.... More to Hit Sun and Wed.....
  13. Woke up around midnight to sleet, sounded like rain it was coming down so hard. Don't know how much snow we have so far, but as it gets later, it's supposed to get worse. Winds are gusting in the 30mph range, with the strongest in the state 58. Talking about possible drifts in the 3-4' range. Guess I may get out and break a trail to the hiway later, and clean the show off the porch so I can get out of the house. We are supposed to hit 0 think Thursday morning.
  14. Knock on wood I've been lucky, minus the first year I was here. I have a cheap heater in the well house, heat tape on the lines that feed the house, and haven't had anything freeze up. This round I'm still gonna leave the water dripping
  15. HAHA Glad we left when we did, was supposed to be in Pryor till Wed. Much rather be stuck here than there. Not sure what is gonna happen here, but the truck is gassed up, four wheeler loaded, bags packed!!
  16. Well durn, I was just up there, supposed to be there through Wed, but due to the weather comiing in we came back home..... Hopefully he donesn't get snowed in.
  17. Iwouldn't have to worry about what he may look like next year.....
  18. Gator

    Hogs gone Wild

    Has anyone else seen this show, think it's on Natgeo or something close to that. They just had a 350lb boar in the woods, so they get a dog after it? I don't understand why they just don't shoot them on the spot where applicable, especially one like that. But what they did do was get two dogs after yet, and then they still killed it, but with a knife. Also another crew catches them with a dog, then ties them up? I just don't get it. Anyone got some insight?
  19. Gator

    Whats the deal

    True, I can... If I was here on a day to day basis, which, I'm not..... Just look through think this thread, Mathews Man XT had his missed, now I don't know if his was set to hidden or not, but still.... And William, sad to say I failed at that.... as much as I wanted to, I just never did think to when I was on my email, and can't from home.... Please see post above about cussing, as it is STILL there........ That's EXACTLY what I am talking about...........
  20. Gator

    Whats the deal

    Something else I noticed, ALOT of people's birthdays going to the wayside. There was a time when NOONE"S was missed.... CLRJ, you are correct, we don't have to come here, but there is also a saying that goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it..", well seems to me and others that SOMETHING is wrong, so we WANT to fix it, if possible
  21. Gator

    Whats the deal

    Guess I'm one of those that have seen a "change" here. I see people cussin, why theres one in this thread. People making smart remarks to others, that a couple of years ago, probably would not have happened. Heck, I've done, and gotten "talked" to, yet I see the same ones doing it over and over. I've seen folks that will "insult" some but in a way that it doesn't sound like. Those same ones will post something "borderline", then when called on, they play "innocent", saying "oh I'm sorry, that's NOT what I meant" (insert appropriate smiley here). Then you have what I started calling robin hood and his band of merry men, you know, a "clique", the ones that when there is something said against them, they run to their buddies for support. I've probably said to much, and this will probably get deleted, but I truly don't care. I've said it before and I'll say it again, things here HAVE changed, I just don't know what. And I see it, and I'm haven't been on here nearly as much in the last year as I have in years past.
  22. Andy, while I don't kow you either, I hate to see someone such as yourself up and leave as well. Sad sad day when someone such as yourself decides to leave. Take care bud.....
  23. Scott, I use one extensively travelling the state, and have to say I REALLY REALLY like it. Just like a cell phone, if you don't have coverage with Verizon or US Cellular, it won't work, but those areas here are limited. Have had it for a year, and no complaints. PM if you have any specific questions
  24. Gator

    Age Span

    I traded up. My gf is 44, and I'll be 40 in a month. Older women are where its at :grin:
  25. Yep, I'd go with a good COC head. Magnus has a lifetime warranty o their heads, shoot one through a deer, hit a rock? They will replace it. Shoot one as a practice head, want a new one, send it back, they'll replace it. I bet I ain't bought any new heads in years