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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. Re: Deer vs. Bear pretty cool....Think if you could see that in person!
  2. Re: Knocked one down!! looks like there wasn't much of a trailing job...Knocked him dead in his tracks!!!
  3. Re: 10 pointer very nice deer but also a very young deer...I know it would be hard but if you can let him grow this season and he will be beautiful next.......
  4. Re: crazy doe stalked me Iowa, I take the same stance regarding my post here as buckee...There was no reference made into what context you posted that and of course people can interpret that anyway they want......... The clarification was much needed and solved the problem immediately...... Gl with the rest of your season pat
  5. Re: RT Forum Members Violating Hunting Regulations thanks for clarification horst...Thats exactly what I was looking for here was a explanation of the context........thank you Pat
  6. Re: RT Forum Members Violating Hunting Regulations Please look at the thread "crazy doe stalked me" and you will understand where some of this is coming from......It's outrageous what was posted there regardless of how it was meant.......I don't care what anyone says, shooting a deer and just leaving it lay is WRONG and a complete disrespect for the sport we all love....Depredation permit or not WRONG..............
  7. Re: Average cost for shoulder mount I waited for 11 monthes for mine, but the amount of detail is incredible.......Flawless....Daves' mounts run about 500.......
  8. Re: Racial slurrs Completely agree buckee.......That man is a sick sick individual and "racist slurs" is not a legitimate reason to shoot somone PERIOD...........
  9. Re: crazy doe stalked me Iowa bowhuntinfool....NEVER SHOOT A DEER AND LEAVE IT LAY!!!!!!!!!!!! That is called wanton waste and is VERY ILLEGAL in every state to my knowledge......Not to mention a total disrespect for the game you pursue.....And no she didn't need to be shot....She simply was curious and didn't know what he was.....That's one of the great experiences of hunting to observe animals like that..... I hardly ever get off on a soap box like this, but I really find that statement made by you to be very offensive and would suggest you delete it before others get wind of it.....Just my opinion but Im sure Im not the only one that it will rub the wrong way.... Horst, great story you gotta love when things like that happen...I can just imagine your arms...I've had deer look at me so long at full draw that I had to let down on them!!!!!
  10. Re: Doe Hit By Car While Going to my Hunting Spot I've had to slit a bucks throat before after seeing him hit by a car......It isn't fun doing it, but it puts them down fairly quick.........
  11. Re: NW Indiana - NO RUT My dad saw three big deer all together feeding with does....Not chasing the does feeding with them.....All three deer would score over 130 including a possible booner.......
  12. Re: Lost a good one due to cheap remington ammo Federals all day long.......nosler partitions....They hit hard and fly true in my opinion.....GL
  13. Re: SCORED!!! First Buck...pics great story...That pic looks crazy....It looks like his legs are cut off in it.......
  14. Re: Going beer hunting ! Lets hear about the ones that got away????
  15. Re: Going beer hunting ! I don't know about you guys but after i shoot a big beer I get a little light headed... I've also heard of some guys taking multiple beers with one shot!!!! I thought I take down multiple beers with one shot once...But upon firing the shot, the gun malfunctioned and exploded in my face.....Luckily no one was hurt, but a wasteful effort at that.....Theres always a story about the one that got away......
  16. Re: Before and After Photos! Great deer Derek...I live right up around that area.....I have a great taxidermist that I can put you on....He has won many awards........Ill send you a PM.....
  17. Re: Texas 3rd Largest Deer Taken With A Knife..?? Monster buck but the body looks quite out of proportion with the rack and the head doesn't quite look big enough....I will be interested to see if this is a real deer or simply a hoax????
  18. Re: My friends 2004 Ohio Buck great looking deer!!!
  19. Re: Nice Indiana Buck Thats a great deer!!!!The score will be interesting...If you have him scored typical, he will gross high, but net very low b/c of deductions...I personally would have him scored as a non-typical.....Either way score doesn't matter b/c thats a great deer........
  20. Re: PA Buck Pics not bad I guess
  21. Re: Nice Buck(pic) Thats a great looking buck......Flat out thats what makes them so beautiful....
  22. Re: Going beer hunting ! This just in...While dragging out his black and tan beer Buckee passed out and was found by other beer hunters wearing just his orange hat!!!!!
  23. Re: Going beer hunting ! My 12 pointer was affectionately dubbed "Miller Time" I took him by the shotgun method......Man he went down quick!!!! He field dressed at 288 ounces!!!!! I tied one on and drug him out and by the time I was done I was absolutely tanked!!!!! I never knew beer hunting could be so strenuous!!!!
  24. Re: how bad is this hit?? how high was he in the tree and how far was the shot....That makes a BIG difference...If he was 20 feet up at 20 yards that buck is dead bar none.....If he was 10 feet up and 20 yards then he might have gotten that dead spot.....Please don't put too much stock in the dead spot area....I really think that buck is piled up....GL finding him!
  25. Re: Huge Ohio Buck Down!!!! P.I.G.............WOW he's gonna get some press for the hog