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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. Re: question for biscuit owners I have one on my bow and love it. I had the same problem of the arrow falling off before this. The one thing I will say is that it has done a little number on the fletching if you shoot enough. I found that they will get a little wavt after several shots, but it hasn't stripped one off yet. GL
  2. Re: FS:Leupold VarX III 3.5-10x50 the great thing about that scope is the manufacturer will rebuild it for free if something goes wrong with it. My mom bought a Leupold at a garage sale for 30 bucks and my dad sent it back to Leupold to be refurbished and it came back like new and at no charge!!
  3. Re: How many Deer have you taken?? I started when I was 12 and I have killed one every year and taken two the last two years in a row. I have killed 6 with a bow and the rest with a shotgun. The two biggest being a 140 inch ten in 2001 and a 130 inch 8 this past season. Hoosier
  4. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #19 Man all I do is post once and I scare everyone away for a week!
  5. Re: Realtree Turkey Team #19 hey everyone sorry for not checking in sooner. I'm from Indiana. Our season doesn't kick off till Mid to Late April and Run into May. This will be my 5th year turkey hunting. As for everyone I'm probably the weak link seeing how I haven't shot one for myself yet, but I have called two different birds in for people...So this year I let me buddies know that it's my turn for the shot. Let's Git R Done...... hoosier
  6. Re: Illinois Deer Classic This Weekend What did he score? high 160's?
  7. Re: 2006 Realtree.com Turkey Quest Sign Up Thread *DELETED* hoosierhunter Eastern Adult
  8. Re: Bummed bow hunter!!! I use a whisker biscuit and have had great success with it. When I used a prong rest I would have issues with the arrow falling off(I know it was all in my draw) The whisker biscuit completely got rid of that and it doesn't seem to affect my arrow flight or if it does it is very negligible. The only drawback is that you will have to reflectch your arrows part way through the season or whenever you wear them out depending on how much you shoot...GL
  9. Re: Feeding Deer in Indiana Illegal???? I believe it's legal to feed deer all year round as long as they aren't hunted and their travel route to the food isn't hunted. Also I believe all feeding in hunting areas must stop 30 days before the season and also no one may hunt with 1/4 mile of the feed. Now that's not official information but that what I can remember.
  10. Re: Minnesota Wildlife Pictures the one in the middle of the 8th pic seems to be the cutiest one
  11. Re: Things you learned this year.... Where a tight sleeve over your hunting clothes on your grip hand. I shot a deer on the last weekend that I hit in the hind quarter from the bow string peeling my left arm. Fortunately I let him lay up for 24 hrs and went out the next day and found him after he went about 600 yards..Another side note was I lost blood after 200 yards and assessed the woods and where I thought he would go and ended up finding him after he went for very thick cover. Good ending to a sleepless night. Pat
  12. Re: Photo Contest, Help Needed: I like 5,6 not sure about a 3rd though
  13. Re: Photo Contest, Poll 2 Number one..The backdrop to the kill is perfect.
  14. Re: My slow Season.... Good and bad.... (PICS) If you have blood on the tailgate it's always a successful season!!! Congrats...
  15. hoosierhunter

    My prom

    Re: My prom Trust me you'll have a blast. You'll also learn that no matter what you think the woman seems to always be right at least in their eyes....Good Luck!
  16. Re: First blood or whoever finishes it off? Indiana law reads that the last person to draw blood legally has the right to the deer regardless of who made the kill shot....explain: If I double lung a buck and he runs to the neighbors propery and he shoots the buck in the leg then it is his deer. The reason for this is b/c it's usually hard to show who hit the buck first. Now we all know there is different blood from a leg hit and a lung hit but that's how it goes....My take here is if I'm the only hunter in the woods with my gun and I nail on I'll let him run without another shot, but if I know the neighbors are hunting I will try to punch him through both shoulders to knock him down instead of right behind the shoulder.
  17. Re: Check out this amazing pic! That could win in some photo contest!
  18. Re: I just got my mount back from the taxidermist I think he looks great! I really like the third pict...I shows his tine length nicely......As for the above comment about his ears I completely disagree....They are perked forward just like he heard a noise and was looking for it. Again congrats on a great buck and hopefully more wall hangers to come.
  19. Re: what time and date did you shoot your deer ? November 12th 7:30 A.M. 8 Pointer.. Same as Ill hunter....
  20. Re: Coyotte with a bow Congrats! I slammed one on Saturday morning after I shot a big 8......He came right in to my deer. It's the 1st time I've seen one while deer hunting. I have shot a few during the summer but not during deer season till now....
  21. Re: How about it Indiana deer hunters BTW add a coyote to that list about 10 minutes after the buck hit the ground....
  22. Re: First coyote - pics Great dog....I shot one on saturday morning about 10 minutes after I had shot a big 8...That yote came straight in to my downed deer and when I whistled at him he bolted and I was able to knock him down at 100 yards while he was running away from me....Man them boys scream when you hit em though.... It's interesting how the color of my was though compared to that one...This one was dark grey with black and cinnimon(sp) on him....beautiful at that...
  23. Re: How about it Indiana deer hunters I took a big 8 on opening morning....He will score in the high 130's.....split brow with a busted drop tine....Shot him at 15 yards after letting a few smaller boys pass on through.....
  24. Re: any rutting activity in northern indiana I'm in northeast indiana and I have seen a little action thus far.....They haven't been dogging them but they have been bumping them around...
  25. Re: Update on Bad shooter thread!!! I did get a call today that he did come and pick up it but that still doesn't make his tracking or lack there of right.....