Re: Poached Deer Pic,
Well everyone has a different opinion on this one.....It's a tough situation and even tougher for us to judge b/c we weren't there and do not know exactly what happened in the conversations with the kid...What he did was wrong and I have some personal takes on poaching but that doesn't mean I'm right or wrong......
As for tresspassing in Indiana the law is a little different b/c I just ran across it. Technically what the kid did wasn't tresspassing here even if he saw signs and crossed a fence. The game warden to my buddy that to press charges on the kids that he CAUGHT on his land with his treestand in hand, that he first had to tell the kids to leave and then they would have to not listen or come back. The kids weren't arrested for tresspassing nor theft in that case. The only ticket they got was for hunting without a license. Go figure the law is weird sometimes....\
Either way Beck don't get to down about what people say on here. The only thing that matter is that your satisfied with the outcome of the situation b/c you have to live with it, not us....Good luck and I hope you smack a bigger one than that....Hoosier