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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. Re: Videotaping your partner\'s hunt put the stand on the tree facing the opposite way at the same height unless you are below 15 feet then go higher....
  2. Re: check out this pig!!!! hehe thanks not my buddy that shot him!!!!He has permission to hunt alot of land and that guy started farming the land this year and saw them hunting and threw a fit about them having all the land to hunt and asked them to let him hunt that lland...They didn't want any problems so they let him hunt it and now are regretting it bigtime!!!!!!!! I.E. they didn't know the buck existed but I'm guessing the farmer did b/c he threw such a fit...He actually saw them hunting and came out to the stand and ripped into them....
  3. Re: Poached Deer Pic, Well everyone has a different opinion on this one.....It's a tough situation and even tougher for us to judge b/c we weren't there and do not know exactly what happened in the conversations with the kid...What he did was wrong and I have some personal takes on poaching but that doesn't mean I'm right or wrong...... As for tresspassing in Indiana the law is a little different b/c I just ran across it. Technically what the kid did wasn't tresspassing here even if he saw signs and crossed a fence. The game warden to my buddy that to press charges on the kids that he CAUGHT on his land with his treestand in hand, that he first had to tell the kids to leave and then they would have to not listen or come back. The kids weren't arrested for tresspassing nor theft in that case. The only ticket they got was for hunting without a license. Go figure the law is weird sometimes....\ Either way Beck don't get to down about what people say on here. The only thing that matter is that your satisfied with the outcome of the situation b/c you have to live with it, not us....Good luck and I hope you smack a bigger one than that....Hoosier
  4. This was a deer shot off one of my buddy's land in North Dakota....Not bad for a bow kill. The pic doesn't do him justice. This deer was green scored right around 190 gross..
  5. Re: Ouch, Ouch, Ouch!!! . *****With Pictures ********* man that looks like it hurts like a sob....gl healing up soon....
  6. Re: Learned my lesson today, always bring your wallet. well then by all means put down the dang hotdog and get another wieser in the other hand!!!!
  7. Re: Team 10 Well well after some checking it looks like I've been around on here the longest.....Iminrut, I gotcha by a few months. Now on the other hand you have me by a few thousand posts, but who's counting...... Like like I have a blazing speed of 68.1666666 posts per year...Look guys you might go blind reading that many........
  8. Re: Team 10 Hey we got some teams very close to us for number of posts. Let be the team with the most "chatter" on here.......
  9. Re: Gorilla Treestands My two cents would be to buy a climber. I know this is going to hurt the pocket book at first, but trust me it's well worth it. I killed a 135 inch 8 last year that I never would have got a shot at from my fixed stands. I relocated with the climber and smacked him the first morning.
  10. Re: Dad-Gum-It!!!!! I would say most tresspassing by people who mean to do it happens during the week b/c they think everyone is at work....
  11. Re: Dad-Gum-It!!!!! How far away were they? Not sure if this crossed your mind either, but there might have been another hunter where he wasn't sopposed to be
  12. Re: Learned my lesson today, always bring your wallet. If mom dropped you off not sure if you should have the feeling of a budlight just yet
  13. Re: after the kill??? I hand em up by the head after gutting them and wash him out for about 5 to 10 minutes with the hose. Make sure you get all that junk out of the body. Then I take then directly to the processor to get in the cooler. If he is shot and it's going to get down to 45 or less we leave them hang overnight. If hotter pack with ice....
  14. Re: Nice Urban Buck good night those are nice
  15. Re: Team 10 Great job!!! That's the way to put some meat in the freezer and some points up as well... Get them pics on here. We are itching to see them!!!
  16. Re: Lil bro\'s 1st w/bow Good for him!
  17. Re: Moron of the Month hehe..My buddy had a similar situation. He went the the bowshop and bought some new boradheads(eagle talons i believe) and those broadheads spin to the left and the guy fletched his arrows to the right or vice versa. Anyway he didn't catch this b/c he didn't practice with those broadheads. I videoed him Sunday night and he missed the first doe way left and then gut shot the next doe. He couldn't figure out what was going on and probably couldn't think for how much chatter I had in his ear.(esp since I smoked a doe that morning ..anyway he shot them today and found out the arrows are knuckling basically out of the bow, b/c the broadheads are trying to spin one way and the arrow the other.......So I'm giving the "here's your sign" award to him for not practiciing with his broadheads...
  18. Re: Found me a shooter 10 pt. is this the guy that you entered in the contest just today??? That's a nice buck
  19. Re: Second $100. Band! what does a money band look like? never seen one before
  20. Re: Here\'s another 2005 buck now that's a good looking mount
  21. Re: My brothers \"Dead Zone\" nice
  22. Re: Pope and Young 4X4?????? I believe the top scoring 8 point literally pushed 180 inches....He was featured on one of the old Moster Bucks videos as a bio....The deer is huge...I don't think he broke 180 though. 177 is sticking in my mind...
  23. Re: How about them Buckeyes. Sorry OSU fans...Michigan ruins your national championship this year.....You have a darn good team though...
  24. Re: 3-2 on homecoming week Bama eh...You play against Hoover down there?