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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. Re: \"LEROY\".........R.I.P. Now hopefully this means he's been tagged by you and not someone else!!!!!!I'll save the celebration for now and give a tentive, mini, small, praying to god congrats until I hear more....
  2. Re: \"Leroy\"............................R.I.P. OK teammate stop withholding the goods what happened here!!!!!!!!
  3. Re: My Muzzle Loader Buck(ooh pics!) he's a nice one...congrats
  4. Re: help!!!!!!!! That's awesome...Sound like you hit his liver if he only made it that far....Again great job and way to not give up. You made the extra effort when some would have just quit......Congrats Again!!!!!! Now lets see some picks
  5. hoosierhunter

    hello all

    Re: hello all welcome and lets here some stories
  6. Re: Monster NY Bow Kill !!! well he's a good one
  7. Re: Hey, look what I did today! congrats..always nice to get the youngsters involved
  8. Re: sons bow deer nice deer and congrats on having him home for a little bit
  9. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 Man It's great to see a buck like that and from a guy that's a serious hunter too...All too many times you see those type of bucks taken by people who really don't understand what hunting is about....Again Congrats.....
  10. Re: Decent one on trail cam I would say he is better than decent..great deer
  11. Re: i dont remeber that being there yeah that first buck definitely sees something he hasn't seen before or he has seen it and is checking for you!!!
  12. Re: buck i just cant seem to ever get a shot at Gl getting on him
  13. Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!! Man that isn't cool I would consider it a good thing that they couldn't see you at the time...Hopefully they catch them
  14. Re: anyone ever had this problem?? I'm more nervous about being shot than anything else. I park my truck at the neighbors house. When I got out to the truck it was very foggy and I couldn't see more than 25 yards. Well all the sudden from down the field line to muzzleloaders went off pointed at me. I immediately yelled that I was there. The two guys hunting the property came walking up saying the just shot two monster bucks in the field. Come to find out they were only 100 yards away from me. Well after a good heated debate about what is the heck they were doing shooting that late I said I would help them find the deer. They said they didn't need help but I wouldn't take no for a answer. Well we found one of them and guess what their monster buck was a button buck!!!! At that point I started in about how they mistaked a buttom buck for a monster buck...They felt pretty stupid and they should have...But anyway they very easily could have shot me b/c they didnt hit the other deer and it was a flat shot TOWARDS the house and cars!!! grrr............That's what worries me...
  15. Re: help!!!!!!!! did you find him?
  16. Re: ignorant people grrrrrrrrrr......
  17. Re: Congrats St. Louis!!! Yeah a total collapse by the tigers esp the pitchers..They literally threw away the series....
  18. Who would've thought that going into this series.....
  19. Re: pics looks like a good start thus far
  20. Re: Given The Chance College football by far, then NFL
  21. Re: This week hurts: that last one is a nice 8
  22. Re: Co-worker captures a couple bucks... great stuff...
  23. Re: help!!!!!!!! well good luck and look hard....Once you get out there in the morning..Take time before you start looking to take a visual of the layout of the land. Remember a hurt deer wants to take the path of least resistance.....I.E. downhill and to cover......Also check near close water as well.....GL
  24. Re: Archery Doe I see some jerky coming on!!!!Nice deer