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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. Go figure when I want to see does I see little bucks....Grrrrr...Why can't a nice year and half old doe just walk by...
  2. I went out Friday night and only spooked two does out going in. It was very suprising b/c it's the first time in the last 3 seasons that I haven't seen anything while hunting.
  3. Heck of a hole..Nice doe...Congrats...
  4. Well I might get off the couch for him.......
  5. I think I'm going to take off Friday for sure and maybe Thursday and hopefully tag a doe.
  6. Well that is a pretty long shot...I know I wouldn't take it.
  7. well I didn't go out this weekend with the extreme heat. Looking to get out this weekend though.
  8. I've only every seen one in the wild. All her markings were on the lower half of the lateral line though. Nothing high on the back.
  9. I had a doe one year pick me off twice in the same tree. For 3 straight years after that everytime she came around she would look up at that stand. At that time we were worried about the heerd and didn't shoot does. It was amazing to see that she could remember like that. You could identify her by a skin patch on her shoulder. It was pretty cool thinking back on it.
  10. Hot hot and hot some more. I'm looking forward to trying out the thermacell this weekend though. I've heard great things about it.
  11. nice buck...got a little trash on the rack
  12. Im here. Sorry about being so late. Season came in today. I will start hunting on Friday. I'll promise at least a doe. That's a given for me unless I hurt myself and can't hunt. This is either going to be a good year or a bad year for me b/c I'm hunting for my 1st P&Y. I've tagged deer larger than that, but it's been with a gun and this year is all about the bow for me. Hopefully I'm the last one to check in. I will attempt to be around a little more now that season has started. If you don't hear from me send me a PM to remind me to get back on here.
  13. Yeah he looks to be a old boy. I would shoot him based on body size as he looks to be at least 4.5 to me.
  14. Got these pictures from the first time putting the camera out. Not too bad and the one deer probably will go at least 150 maybe higher if he has more points than I can see now. This guy has a second main beam that is hard to see in this pic This shows that second main beam on the left side I think this guy is a young 10 but he looks good for appearing to only be 2.5 years old I'm saying this guy is about 150 if he's a 8 and considerably bigger if he is a 10 or more just a little guy, but he has a down turn on the right side there this is just a little scrub horn that was camera friendly. I have 6 different pics of him coming through
  15. non-typical state record is only 205? Wow that's a record that should have been broken a long time ago!
  16. look at th definition in his front shoulders. Eimage what he will look like after he has ran a few does.
  17. thats a pretty good bachelor group you have hanging around!
  18. wonder how bad his knees were knockin when he saw that coming
  19. I use a climber and go from between 18-22 feet depending on the tree and area around me. I've hunted out of a 10 foot stand, but only with a gun. At that height the deer don't have to look up to see you, you already are in the pherpherial(sp) vision. I'm not saying it can't work I just would be worried about getting busted.
  20. softshell came to mine. Just watched the neighbor at the lake clean one on the 4th and that head looks pretty familiar...
  21. looks like a drop time might be started on that left antler, but I can't really tell if that'd turned down or not