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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. my buddy hit one with his truck while on his way to hunt with me. He had the taxidermist do a shoulder pedistal mount of him and it look real good. You might want to check it out
  2. i would say about 155-165...that is a good 12 inches on the tine length and he carries it out..
  3. I use a summit myself, but wear a safety harness b/c they WILL slip. I have on a few occassions had the top part slip and drop me straight down on the foot platform and that will wake you up now....
  4. Oh believe me the Oct date has been replayed in my head several times. September is out because her birthday is that month and there is no way it's getting later than Oct and any earlier it's just too darn hot outside. The reason for the 10th is that it is Notre Dame's bye week next year. We are both HUGE ND fans:D As for hunting she has never hunted before but she has asked me to teach her how to hunt this year!!! I'm super pumped about that......
  5. Well everybody I took the plunge. Here's a picture of Jenny and I. October 10th 2009 will be the day. It's pretty amazing because I actually told my best friend the weekend after I met her that I would marry this girl and now here I am. I was always skeptical of people when they would say something like that, but I'm a believer now! I couldn't be happier and I just wanted to share with everyone. Pat
  6. Has anyone bought one of these yet? I ordered my from cabelas on 8-11 and they said it would be in on 8-20. Just got revised email that it won't be in till 9-30. Apparently these things are going like hotcakes. Just wondering if anyone has one yet and if your satisfied with it for the money compared to other cameras......
  7. that's pretty cool. I just shot in my first 3-d tourny this last weekend and it was awesome. Couldn't believe what I was missing and I can't wait to do another one...
  8. I just take my hand camera and slide my card in that to check it in the field...but I don't have any experience with one going bad. I can say that my card has had about 1500 pics ran on it so far..Hopefully I'm not getting to the end of the line on that one b/c I got some good bucks that aren't on the computer yet on it:eek:
  9. that black head is cool looking...nice mount
  10. That's awesome. I hunted this past spring in Kansas for Elite Archerys Bowhunt365 TV show. I was able to take two birds and one will air next spring on their show! I was so pumped up and I'm sure your gonna have a blast!
  11. I'd give him from 115-13- inches....short tines but wide makes up a few inches....
  12. that was my thought..One heck of a potential mount there!!!!
  13. Goals: Spend as much time as possible in the woods Take a good deer with my bow..... Shoot a doe in opening week for some meat...... Catch a video of a kill.....
  14. What do you guys think of that second buck? I've sized him up about as much as I can and I think he is going to push 125..Tine length isn't great, but he got good main beams, good mass and his side view puts him at about 20-22 inches wide...... I probably should post more pics of that first buck b/c his rack is just odd to me and goes straight up with good mass. He won't score for nothing, but I just like the way he looks.....
  15. That is flat out amazing. It had to be hand raised. I was thinking coy dog as well. But even at that it wouldn't be that friendly unless it was hand raised. Unfortunately he will probably be shot if he keeps doing that........ anyway outstanding story and pictures!!!!!!
  16. I am very familar with these bows. Here's what I know....The owner of elite archery was the former R&D guy for Bowtech. Left bowtech and started elite. Hae you noticed Bowtech hasn't came out with that much new stuff in the last couple of years. Any guesses why???? The new bow is IBO of 360 FPS. Smoking fast. I've shot it and it's very fast, accurate and quiet. I don't think you can go wrong here.
  17. The last week in Oct would be what I would take if I had to use it up by then....
  18. Put the cam on the salt block and got 384 pics in 7 days!!!! Why didn't I think of this earlier.....These are the 3 that I would consider worthy of the wall.....The last is a good one to say the least. I'd say he's somewhere in the 160's to 170's....
  19. Just literally just got my HSS pro version in the mail this week. I ordered the lg/xl for 175-250 lbs. I'm 220 and my only concern is that I will have to wear that vest UNDER my garments b/c it fits perfect right now.... The way I look at it is if I ever fall, I want the best thing on the market to keep me as safe as possible. What will cost more 140 dollar safety vest, or a wheel chair b/c a cheapier version didn't do the correct job.............IMO
  20. Well I've shot Muzzy for the last 6 years and love them. Using a 125 3-blade. I have shot 6 deer with these heads and have passes through all 6 deer. Including one through both shoulders at 28 yards. Through the back hip on a buck at 8 yards(string snapped arm) and last year through a buck at 38 yards. Now with all that being said, I'm switching this year to tight-point shuttle T-lock 100 grains. Reason being I went turkey hunting this year in Kansas and a guy I went with asked me to try them. The T-locks flew consistently better than did the Muzzy's in terms of accuracy once I got to 30 yards and farther...... So muzzy's are been stellar for me, but I'm giving the T-locks a try this season for increased accuracy over the proven penetration....Hopefully it doesn't bite me in the rear end....
  21. season comes in this early down there?
  22. I ordered mine on Wed and it's back ordered two weeks....We will see in about a month after this........
  23. Favre might have been sacked, but it's better than how I HACKED it around the course this last weekend......
  24. Tominator-I can tell you this I can still remember the teachers that made a difference in my life. The things that I remember most aren't really what I learned from a book, but what I learned about doing what's right and making a difference in peoples lives. Congrats......