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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. Normally I don't get involved into this type of discussion, but I can't help on it. Who exactly does New Jersey think they are? Two major political decisions that seem to go against what the rest of america protects. One is the banning of bear hunting by antis. An obsolute incredulous decision. The most recent one is the ban of the death penalty. Now I know this is a touchy subject, but my point is that not a single state in 40 years has banned this. Why New Jersey? It's not a matter if you believe in it or not, but a matter of what in the heck are these politicans pulling in Jersey? Not only do they want to ban hunting up there, but now they make a monumental decision in a political arena that I'm sure will have significant effects for for years to come. The only thing I can think of is that these New Jersey politicans are craving for some lime light to draw attention to their state. I would like to know what others think on this matter. I'm trying to not object in this post my opinion too much, but it's hard not to. Has I've said whether a person believes in the death penalty or not isn't the point. The point is that New Jersey is making some very big political decisions in a state that to me means little to the overall scope of america.
  2. Closest thing I've had was about 10 years ago when my family had two labs. I heard the dogs start barking in the middle of the day and there were 6 yotes surrounding the two dogs. I grabbed a golf club that was sitting by the door and ran out there. They yotes left but they weren't in a hurry and they did stop about 100 yards out in the field when I quit yelling. I had to start running at them again to get them to take off. It seems like the more human contact they have the less scared they are for sure. Heck I even shot one out of a pack of three with the 3006 six and the other two ran about 100 yards and stopped and I got a second one.
  3. Well I'm pretty sure half our team has forgotten we have a team...It's seems lately the same few people are posting.....
  4. Thanks guys. I have elected to keep it and I think I'm putting a Nikon Monarch on it. The thing just shoulders perfect for me so I figured let's save a few hundred bucks and see how it does.......
  5. congrats on the doe, but was it too easy, or just too lucky this season;)
  6. Back to Back.....Can we say Championship??????? Or deer championship that is...Great bucks!!!!!!
  7. the biggest problem I had with powerbelts was no expansion. I was shooting 300 grain aerotips with 100 grains of prodex. I was shooting with a tree as a backstop and I was able to pull 4 bullets out of the tree that literally and this is no joke, didn't expand period. It was so bad you could have darn near sho the bullet again!!! I switched to T/C shockwaves with 250grains and those fly great.
  8. great looking deer and it's neat to see the camera pics of him..
  9. The Indiana season has been horrible better just stay in Ohio;)....I always hear of big bucks over there:D:D
  10. Heck I would be happier about just getting her to hunt. That's a blessing in itself. My old girl friend dang near passed out the first time she saw a deer hanging in the tree.......
  11. I shoot with a towel under my shirt to take the "bite" away from the gun. Try having enought padding to where it doesn't hurt. The biggest reason for people punching the trigger is b/c they are getting sore from the kick. It's also in your head. I would say just shoot more to get your body conditioned to shooting and you will be fine......
  12. We are struggling to put up points......I still have two full weeks of muzzleloader left and hopefully I can close it up on something nice.....
  13. It definitely sucks to see my neighbors shooting little deer, but like was stated earlier, if I shoot him he never has a chance to get older. Just b/c I pass a buck doesn't mean that he will get shot by someone else. If I want meat I shoot a doe. A large doe is just as hard to kill as a big buck. The reason people kill more big does is simply b/c of the buck to doe ratio in the area. When it's 4 or 5 and maybe higher to one, it stands to logic that you will see that many more big does than you will big bucks. I'm just not going to kill a buck with horns to say I killed a buck. I did when I was younger, but since 2001 I have been holding out for bigger deer. I have killed two bucks since then and I'm completely fine with that. They all eat the same and people don't know if they are eating a buck or a doe in my opinion.
  14. I need a opinion in this gun and how it shoots. I'm deciding between several guns, but in the meantime someone bought this one for me. It seems to shoulder extremely well for me and I love the thumbhole stock. I wanted some peoples opinions on how it shoots though. Thanks, Pat
  15. I have a pretty good idea where they are. Check the water b/c they are getting washed up from being scared so bad they actually soiled themselves from the gun opener down there in Kentucky. In all seriousness once the gun season hits at least in my area(and it isn't hunted hard) the deer freak out and only seem to move in the last 20 minutes of shooting light.
  16. For a one lung hit you would have to have been shooting dang near straight down or at a very sharp quartering angle. I would highly doubt that you had a one lung hit with a gun. Those bullets are so devestating unlike a arrow that if he was hit in a lung I feel he would have not made it as for as he did. The other part is the pool of blood. It sounds like he stopped and licked it shout. My point to that would be that he wasn't immediately mortally wounded if he stopped to lick it shut. I would stay that he probably bedded down somewhere not far from where he stopped to lick it shut. He knew he was hurt and needed to get down. Now once he bedded down he might have died, but I doubt that he crashed and burned as we hope for all of them to do. Sorry about this loss it sucks I know. I lost my first deer this season. He was a big 10 point with several kickers. Shot him with a bow and the same thing. I watch the arrow hit high and he bled for about 200 yards stopped licked it shut and the blood completely shut off. Now with that being said I examined my arrow and also had the butcher that a look at it as well and he confirmed that I hit high in the dead zone. Now that is a possibility that you hit that baseball sized area and the bone chip is probably a rib bone that you blew through.
  17. Well I gotta add to this one so Realtree has a little more ammo to pull away from ESPN. I would agree that ESPN has completely tried to mainstream to hunts that they show. The Cindy Garrison thing is completely foolish IMO. I mean really wear some clothes please. That ranks right up there with that fishing show that they had with the 3 chicks in bikinis that literally had no clue how to fish, but just jumped up and down on the boat and laid out. See I look at this the same and I do outdoor stores. I'm from Indiana and we recently just got a new bass pro and also cabelas. Now both stores are nice, but bass pro completely caters to the "city slickers" from urban areas to come in and act like the are outdoorseeee. Cabelas on the other hand isn't nearly as worried about pleasing the "city folk". This is why I won't shop at Bass Pro either, b/c I consider them a imposter when I see what they are trying to accomplish. Ok back on task now..... Anyway REALTREE PULL FROM ESPN AND CONCENTRATE SOLEY ON THE OUTDOOR CHANNEL OR SPORTSMAN CHANNEL. I understand why you are on ESPN but viewers like myself who don't like what ESPN does for the outdoor shows won't tune in. I buy all your monster buck videos and I actually like to watch African hunts(looking to book a trip in two years from now), but I'm not going to take the time to see when you are on just to see a hr of shows. Personally not worth the time. Just one guys opinion take it or leave it, but I had to get it out. Hoosier
  18. see normally when I ready a post the says monster I hold tongue in cheek b/c usually it's a 140 inch deer that is nice but not a monster. Now this is a hog and well deserving of the title.
  19. I would you Canada boys want bigger than 150, but that still is a great deer and also it's neat that your daughter is going to get a chance a real nice buck hopefully. If you get him and side by side pic of both deer would be awesome. Good luck.
  20. I think the first two pics are great. No offense to the buck but that looks like a fun place to be this time of year.
  21. I know you said it was a passthrough, but check and make sure there was blood on every vail of your arrow and also smell it and see if it stinks like a gut shot.
  22. How's everyone elses season going. I'm still seeing nice deer and muzzleloader should be good.