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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. That's a pretty neat write up that the artists did about the two deer...
  2. Quick tip don't ever climb a shag bark hickory in it, b/c it will be a nightmare getting down. Trust me I have made that mistake before. It's a unbelievable advantage to have a climber and be able to move whereever you want. I will say that make sure you try to get in shape though b/c I sweat like a hog if I'm not. GL with it.
  3. Also check out a 4-12 scope instead of a 3-9. The extra one power on the bottom won't hurt you at close range, but the extra 3 power on top will help with shots over 100 yards.
  4. My best buddy has one of these and I got to say the recoil is no where near a 12 guage slug IMO. I can hardly feel it, but when I shot a 12 gauge it bites a little.
  5. Well we all figured it was too good to be true and we were right. That was a farm raised pig that they let go for the kid to shoot. I saw it last night on PTI. Unreal, how on earth do you think that wouldn't get out. Some people......
  6. Headed to Wyoming for a Antelope hunt to kick off September, then staying close Indiana as far as I know.
  7. I shot the WB and love it except for the damage it does to fletchings. I had a real problem of string torque and knocking my arrow off when I draw, but no more!
  8. I was shutout as well, but I didn't have the hunting time this year that I had the previous few years. Well we still have our fall season though so maybe i'll get one with a bow!
  9. Congrats, it's a great feeling I know that!
  10. I'm always thinking about it too and the monster bucks series has me pumped up again as usual when it comes out. I've been working very hard to get my first P&Y the last few years. I already have two 140's, but both shotgun kills and I was very very close this last season so hopefully this is the year. I enjoy golf although today I quit after 9 of the 18 b/c it was going so bad. Also I'm big into the lake and waterskiing as well. I'm also booked for a 6 day antelope hunt in Wyoming for the first of September. This will be my first official hunting trip that I have paid to go on. Only costing me 375 bucks plus a tag and gas to go, so I figured why not give it a try.
  11. Just got the videos the other day on order and they are pretty good this year. The archery tourny gave me a few laughs as well. Not to mention they whack the big ones with the string and sticks this year.....I thought Stan Potts was gonna have a heart attack in the tree after nailing that pig of a big. Last but not least, Micheal takes a 125 class 8 in Northern Indiana where I'm from.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/25/monster.pig.ap/index.html I ran across this just now on CNN. Not bad for a 11 year old. I imagine they are gonna be sick of sausage after they finish him off...
  13. Combine this with the off season and it spells trouble. As you can see I'm not a huge poster. I've been a member for 7 years and only have about 600 posts, not I'm really not a fan yet of the new setup.
  14. great pics...I love to shot on the bird!
  15. I've been out twice this season and come close the second time. We set up about 100 yards from him and he pitched down and started our way, but go figure a red squirrel right behind us in the tree caught our movement and started to chatter and he turned and went the other way. I might only be able to get in one more hunt before the year is over.
  16. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 same here we kick off in a week and a half. Till then I'm just dreamin about it
  17. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 Well thats nice to come back from vacation and see a teammate put on down....Congrats!!!!!!!
  18. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 Well guys I'm going to be MIA for about a week and a half. I'll be headed down to Florida with my company for a little R&R later this week. Looking forward to that and when I get back it's time to get in the hunting mood!!!!!
  19. Re: Opening Morning Bust Man I still got a month to wait...
  20. Re: Alright let\'s see \'em!! Last years bird...23lbs...10 inch beard 7/8spurs
  21. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 BTW whats everyone hunting with this year. I have a 3 inch semiauto and I'm also going to be trying bowhunting this year....
  22. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 Well this team isn't much for conversation I see. Let's liven it up a little bit in here. A involved team is a good team.......One month away. Get those guns patterned men.....
  23. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 Lets go with Team Butterball...
  24. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 Here's a few Ideas: Rough Shot Turkey Express Gobblers Beware "It's only a matter of time" Tom-inators Longshot Hevi-Shot
  25. Re: TURKEY TEAM #13 scratch that it's already taken