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Everything posted by hoosierhunter

  1. He's tied for second or a close third on the list.....Other is one pushing B&C as the #1 and a ten that is about 140 inches...I think this guy is around 130.....
  2. This guy would to tough to let walk...I'm on the fence with him what you guys think.....
  3. I will be out as well tomorrow evening....GL all!!!
  4. Just wondering how long everyone has been on the forums. As you can see I've been here awhile(oct 2000) but still only have about 100 posts per year:rolleyes:... So how long have you been around:)
  5. Well I can tell you this. Two years ago my buddy and I were video taping on opening day. That night he shot a doe really far back and we tracked her for about 250 yards and lost he blood at about midnight. We got up the next morning to a downpout and didn't start up again till 11 am. We found her about another 500 yards away by water at noon. It got to about 55 that night and was 70 went we found her. We still gutted her and took her in and had the processor look at her. She ended up being fine... I would still try to find her and see what you got if you can.......
  6. I bought the lg/xl and I'm 6'1" 220 lbs and it seems to fit perfect for early season, but late season it will have to go under the garment......
  7. Trail Cam I have the Reconyx RC60 Covert and by far and away it's the best camera I've seen. The detection area and trigger speed literally blow away a cuddeback and not to mention cuddeback is having a ton of problems with their new capture cameras right now. Deleting memory cards and locking up ETC.......
  8. Yeah I got them as well. Ton of drop after 20 yards, but great penetration. As for the deflection comment. I wouldn't count on it doing any better than and lighter arrow in terms of deflections. They are only 2 grains per inch heavier. So that's only about 50-60 grains, I.E. not enough to make a difference when hitting a branch. I would make sure your not taking those shots through stuff instead of using a heavier arrow....
  9. well my one big 8 is showing up about 8 regularly on the trail cam and the 12 is showing up about 4-6 am. I just gotta get pegged down where he is coming from. Should be a good season.
  10. take a look at elite archery for bows as well maybe...
  11. Yeah I shot the 300's I believe just until this year. I have had a problem with the arrows cracking up by the knocks. I switched to easton FMJ arrows to stop that. Those terminators flew pretty good for me and I never had one break going through a deer, just cracking, but that's enough to scare me.....
  12. don't think so but we are pretty dead that's for sure. Have we had everyone check in so far?
  13. well at least since he hit the side of the truck he shouldn't be too bruised up yet...
  14. I can say that it fit my hand better than any other gun did, even the TC. Came up great to my shoulder so I'm very excited to shoot it. Sorry I can't be more help though....
  15. I haven't killed but 3 yotes, but rolling them up is a blast!
  16. great pictures. The eagles deal is sad though.....
  17. great pics. You could fool me that they were out of a catalog!!
  18. Last year the rut hit for me in Indiana in Late October so I would be completely fine with a Nov 1st date as to hunt..I say leave it where it is and go stick one!!!
  19. Yeah the 6x6 is a good deer. He's gotta be 250 at least on the hoof. When I compare him to other pics, he is just so much bigger than the other deer. Those 8's are gonna be tough to let walk. My goal is P&Y and im pretty sure that first one will get me there. I think he's going to go in the 130 range..... what do you think?
  20. I've getting pictures of my larger deer cleaned up now and we are right around the corner. I'm fining almost exclusive nighttime movements on my field edge trail cams and complete daylight movement on my cams in the woods. They have been moving from 730 745 am and from 430-700 pm in the woods from what I've seen. Most of my night activity is taking place at either right after dark til 11pm or from 4 am till morning.......
  21. don't jump on the "I hate Rich" bandwagon just yet.......With 6 TO's you CAN'T win a game....I hate michigan with everything I have, but I'm smart enough to realize this and anybody can quote me here. Michigan WILL win a NATIONAL TITLE by 2015 WITH Rodriguez at the helm. It's easy to bash a guy when he changes what your used to, but remember he took a hilljack school in the middle of "I do my sister" USA and turned it into a powerhouse and got kids to come there and play. Now think what he's gonna do with a real program like michigan. He just needs players to fit his system........ Give this guy his due time and you will reap the rewards. Heck had Michigan landed Pryor you all would be singing a very different tune right now, b/c chances are michigan would be 2-1 at worst and probably 3-0 right now....