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Everything posted by Chrud

  1. Release is sold. Thanks for looking.
  2. Flashpoint is sold. Thanks Steve! Extreme is still for sale.
  3. Chrud

    Got a second????

    I'm very sorry to hear that, Randy. Prayers sent for Avery, you and your family.
  4. I didn't know they were asking to allow bow hunting during the gun season. That is a good idea. I knew there would be nothing to worry about with "Question 57". There is no way something that ridiculous would get passed. But, I guess the point is the DNR actually considered something that ridiculous.
  5. - Carter Chocolate Addiction Release (Thumb Trigger) - $100.00 USD to the 48 States (Retail is anywhere from $150 up to $180 or so) This release is almost brand new. I've shot it maybe 40 times. I'm just too comfortable with my Carter Two Shot release to keep the Chocolate Addiction. If you are looking to give a thumb trigger style release a try, this is a nearly brand new release selling for at least $50.00 less than retail. Everything is included, three sets of tension springs and wrenches. Contact me via PM or email me at [email protected] for more pictures or information.
  6. - Black Gold Flashpoint Sight - $40.00 USD to the 48 States (Retail is about $100) This sight was used during 2008. Camo, 5 pins (0.020"), right handed. - Extreme Sniper Recon Sight - $35.00 USD to the 48 States (Retail was $100 in 2005) This sight was used from 2005 to 2007. It comes with 5 pins (2 red 0.019" pins, 2 yellow 0.019" pins and 1 red 0.029" pin for the top pin). The top pin is bigger so it lets in more light in low-light conditions. The sight is black and right handed. You can contact me via PM or email me at [email protected] for more pictures or information.
  7. - Nikon Buckmasters 1x20 Muzzleloader Scope - $75.00 USD Shipped to the 48 States (Retail is about $179) This scope was used this past fall/winter (a total of about 35 shots). I received another scope so I'm selling this one. Other pictures are available by request. You can send me a PM or email me at [email protected].
  8. I hope the recovery goes well for you, Shane. I was one of the lucky ones. I had all four of my wisdom teeth taken out several years ago. I opted to be put to sleep for it. I had absolutely no pain at all. I got sick on the way home, but that was it. The only bad part was all the food that would get stuck in the open spots where the teeth were before they healed over.
  9. The Eliminator is a really nice bow. It is really fast for a bow with a brace height greater than 7". It has a really nice price tag too. Mission bows are very, very nice. You get Mathews quality with a few less bells and whistles and a much lower price tag. A guy at work has the X3 and it is a really nice bow.
  10. You should check out the Wisconsin Deer Classic and Hunting Expo in Green Bay. That is a very good show. Greg Miller is very cool. I talked with him a bit at the Green Bay show this year. He is very easy to talk to. His seminars are excellent too.
  11. So, you're telling me driving a race car is no walk in the park?
  12. The Phantom might be a bit longer than the RazorTrick. Muzzy just took their original Phantom broadhead and shrunk it (I'm guessing the blades are a little thicker too). They did the same thing a couple years ago with their 4-blade head with they started the "MX" series.
  13. Bingo. - Flex Tech Stock - Power Rod - Swing Hammer - Speed Breech - EZ Tip Extractor - 28" Fluted Barrel (vs. 26" non-fluted barrel) Yep, just a couple differences. The 28" fluted barrel performs better than the 26" non-fluted barrel. The individual costs of the upgrades on the Pro Hunter are worth much more than the cost difference between the Pro Hunter and original Encore. The original Encore is a great gun. You can get a wood stock/blued Encore for about $400. Apples to apples, a camo/stainless Encore is only about $60 cheaper than a camo/stainless Pro Hunter in our area. The EZ-Tip Extractor and Power Rod pretty much make up that difference. Throw in a stock that reduces recoil (they don't lie on the TV commercials, the Flex Tech stock is that nice), a breech plug that is a quarter-turn and out and a better barrel (can't argue a 26" vs. a 28" barrel). If you are looking for a synthetic stock Encore, the Pro Hunter is the better choice.
  14. I've been looking at the Phantom MX as well. It looks like a real nasty broadhead. If it performs like the MX-4 100's, then it will be an excellent broadhead.
  15. There are many more differences in the Pro Hunter and the original Encore than the Swing Hammer and EZ-Tip Extractor. Those two changes does not make in the "same gun".
  16. Chrud


    Not much of a coffee drinker, but I've come to ignore the millions of floaties in my Sun Drop every morning. Nothing beats a soda pop you have to chew. 5 degrees...we were about -8 this morning. Gotta love Wisconsin...almost 50 a couple days ago, -8 this morning and it is supposed to be nearly 40 tomorrow. Maybe this will get the trees running.
  17. You are exactly right. Last year, my Mathews Switchback (70 #/28" DL/65%) shot right at 290 FPS. A couple years before that it was shooting about 275 FPS. I noticed form flaws were magnified at 290 FPS. The bow shot great, but any flaw in your form, or if you get lazy during the shot and don't follow through, the mistake will be greater at the higher speeds. This year I will be using heavier arrows to bring my speed back down to 275-280 FPS.
  18. I depends on the bow, but apples to apples, a longer brace height is going to be slower (ie Reezen 6.5 vs. Reezen 7.0). I don't think you'll find many 320+ IBO bows with a brace height over 7".
  19. Congrats Chris! That is an awesome buck guy!
  20. A longer brace height is usually a little bit easier to shoot, but they are also slower. The "norm" seems to be a 7" brace height. Mathews built the Reezen to be a 6 1/2" brace height bow and get 340 FPS from it. However, they also built one with a 7" brace height because that is what a lot of people have become comfortable with (the Switchback, Drenalin and DXT were all 7" BH's I believe). Keep in mind the weather we bow hunt in up here. A couple layers and a jacket or coat adds quite a bit to your arms. Even with an arm guard, bow sock or whatever, there will be quite a bit of extra "padding" there. A short brace height can cause problems (especially something like the 5" or 6" BH on the Monster or Monster XLR8). Just remember, the RIGHT thing to do would be to support that bow company in Sparta, Wisconsin.
  21. Congrats Luke! Welcome to the T/C Family! I'd suggest picking up some of the T/C products from their online store. It might cost a couple dollars more than the usual stuff you'd get, but it is worth it. Watch the "World of Muzzleloading" DVD that came with it and write down some of the stuff they suggest. I follow T/C recommended cleaning between shots method and my barrell looks as clean as the day I bought the gun. Triple Seven and Shockwaves are a good choice. My Pro Hunter really likes 150 G's of Triple Seven and a 250 G Shockwave (not the Super Glide though). Good luck guy!
  22. Nice truck Luke! I went from a Sonoma (S-10 wannabe) to a Silverado last year. I'll never drive anything other than a full-size truck again. What motor does it have? My '04 has a 5.3L 327. Now, take a little extra cash and put dual exhaust on it. Then it would be really cool!
  23. No. Most places around here have the camo/stainless Pro Hunter for about $760 to $800.