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Everything posted by texastrophies

  1. Re: Happy Birthday Snipe! Happy Birthday, Snipe
  2. Re: Bulldawg FUND RAISER (Let\'s get ER done guys a Check in the mail to Scott, today.
  3. Re: NFL picks--Week 10 New England Philadelphia Atlanta Kansas City Baltimore St. Louis New Orleans Denver Chicago Monday Night: Tampa Bay--under 37
  4. Re: the race tonight The one unknown in that is would he be racing the same way if he was going for the championship? The last 2 races probably so, but the first win he had a few weeks ago when he ran out of gas crossing the finish line would have probably ended differently if there had been more on the line.
  5. Re: Son\'s First Elk Congrats!!!!!!!!!
  6. Re: What do you drive? [ QUOTE ] Steve, from what I could see in CO, you need a tank for your hunting trips! I'm sure the others would agree! S [/ QUOTE ] I agree whole heartedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a '06 GMC 2500HD Duramax/Allison 4x4. New in August: In Colorado on RT Elk Hunt:
  7. Re: This is one messed up world. [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] You can blame Mommy and Daddy for that one [/ QUOTE ] Yep. Our kids get to go to the corner or get spankings, then get lectured about what they did wrong and are told how to better deal with those situations. [/ QUOTE ] I like that idea and I believe that is the right way to handle situations like that. To heck with Dr. Spok and his warping their personality by spanking idea. Me and my brothers were definate trouble makers and had our share of spankings and we all turned out ok. [/ QUOTE ] That's what you think For what it is worth, I think there is a time for a spanking, but also a time for a time out. And usually the time out does more good, but there is a certain amount of satisfaction that goes with giving a spanking even if it doesn't last as long with the kid.
  8. Re: 4 - The Rib Ticklers Good Luck I am heading out this afternoon for tomorrow's rifle opener here in TX. Hopefully I will have some pics to post come Monday.
  9. Re: ***ITS TRUE....OUR BULLDAWG IS HURT BAD****** Sorry to hear that. Are we going to do something as a group or just individuals?
  10. Re: Tim Tebow Folklore!!! OOOHhhhhh, I thought maybe he was somebody
  11. Re: Tim Tebow Folklore!!! Who is TT?
  12. Re: Where do you think these FA\'s will go?? Just someone nobody has mentioned is the Astros. They should have a pretty big purse left over from what they were spending on Clemens & Petetititititite. A little talk around here of Carlos Lee
  13. Re: 4x4 or 8 Point, etc. Depends on how many fingers you have
  14. Re: NFL Picks..Week 9 Kansas City New Orleans Dallas Chicago Baltimore Denver San Diego New England Jacksonville Monday Night: Seattle--under 38.5
  15. Re: A SPECIAL Thanks to Mr. Steve Beilgard You got my THANKS also. Even though I was unsuccessful in tagging out, you did everything you could short of carrying me on your back to the top of the mountain, in an effort to get me an elk. Not only that, but the work that you did to make the camp a success and enjoyable (if that is possible in the freezing cold and snow) needs to be commended also. Thanks again. PS, thanks also for letting me blow your special elk call.
  16. Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread The mulie pic was just north of Almont on 135. No snow in Texas. It was either New Mexico or Colorado.
  17. Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread Here are some of the pics that I took that I thought were good. You gotta love Texas A ranch entrance in New Mexico A Bald Eagle about to take flight A little guy taking a siesta about 50 yards from a busy highway A look at the storm bank, that caught Gregg & Pete, from New Mexico.
  18. Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread Glad to see youins got home Here is a link to my pics web page
  19. Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread I got all 314 of my pics uploaded, but will wait for Snapper before I post the link to them. Gregg & Pete tried to leave on Thursday morning, but got snowed in at Colorado Springs and had to spend an extra night there. They finally got out of Colorado on Friday morning, so hopefully Gregg will get on tomorrow, who knows when Pete will make a post. Will post some of my experiences and pics of the trip on Monday. Have a good weekend.
  20. Re: Week 8 NFL Picks.... Cincinnati Arizona Kansas City New Orleans NY Giants Jacksonville Indianapolis Pittsburgh Dallas Monday Night: New England (under 39)
  21. Re: \"Official\" Post Colorado Trip Thread I am setting at a roadside park out of Amarillo right now. All I will say is there was a kill made Monday evening. Pics and stories will be posted later. Glad to hear you are OK Tony. Big THANKS to Steve B. He went above and beyond the call of duty to make this hunt a success. Thanks. It was great to meet the members I hadn't met before, and to see the old faces again, also. More will come later. I have close to 300 pics, but they probably won't be up until Monday.
  22. Re: Off to the Realtree Elk Hunt Just checking in from Santa Rosa, New Mexico. Left the Houston area this morning weain shorts in 82 degree weather, got here this evening in 42 degree weather and light rain, didn't take long to change clothes. Going to grab a bite to eat and should be on a little later.
  23. Re: Off to the Realtree Elk Hunt I will be heading out of here shortly, and if everything goes right, I will get on the road by 6:00 am tomorrow morning and get to camp around noon on Thursday
  24. Re: NFL Picks--Week 7 San Diego Arizona New England Pittsburgh Carolina Detroit Denver Indianapolis Miami Monday Night: Dallas 2 Point Bonus: Over / Under 45 points on the NY Giants at Dallas game OVER
  25. Re: Little Visitor Just a word of caution. In the past year in the Houston area, one person has died from a rabid bat, and numerous other rabid bats have been found. Be careful around bats and don't handle them.