My grandson got drawn for a youth hunt at Pee Dee NWR this weekend and I drew for the first rifle hunt the weekend of the 22. So while hes hunting there this weekend hopefully i'll find a good place for me in a few weeks. I also just bought a new treestand.... summit 180 and I cant think of a better way to break it in !
I'm Here, sorry I haven't checked in before now, just changed jobs a few weeks ago and have had my mind on that but now its almost deer season so time to change focus! LOL Good Luck team!
Took my grandson to the Antlers Insanity Show at the Asheville Civic Center Sunday and got to meet T-Bone and Michael. We got thier autographs and he got his pic taken with em....MADE HIS SUMMER!!!! To bad he's hobbling around on crutches from a little dirt bike accident but I dont think he could have had a better time! Was a thrill for me too!:cool2:
I believe mine has a 1-3-5 wood and sw-3I and a putter. Can't remember but I'm in a tournament next friday at the sawfilers convention and I haven't had em out in about 5 yrs. Guess I better start looking for em huh! LOL
the winning hasn't got anything to do with it, I never liked him even before he started winning. He is a heck of a driver though and 4 championships in a row is an awsome feat, but I still don't like him.
WTG Dakota!! Hang with it man, you will learn to absolutely love it! Theres nothing like it. Before you know it, you be buying a tying kit and have feathers all over the house. LOL
Did anyone else make it to the allstar race this year. I sat in my usual seats at the start of turn one and the grandkids came home with pocketfuls of paint and tire rubber that came off of the 18 and the wall when he came by scraping the wall. We could actually feel the heat off the sparks on that one! Every wreck happened right in front of us except the one that I wanted to see! ( JIMMY JOHNSON) LOL
I've never used my flyrod for bass but I have a Fenwick 5 wt I use trout fishing. I have landed some pretty nice trout with it and I have also had fun at some bluegill ponds.
Well it has finally arrived. Opening day of trout season. It opens up on the Cherokee Indian Reservation this Saturday and the state waters open up next weekend. My grandson and I will be at our favorite spot by 5:00 Sat. morning just to make sure we get it LOL
Me and a couple of buddies got the idea to put in for a mule deer draw in Wyoming and got it. We left N.C. about 8:00 pm friday night and arrived in Dubois Wy. around 6:00 Sunday morning (about 34 hrs) We took turns driving some but I did the biggest majority of it because I get car sick. We didn't kill anything but it was the trip of a lifetime!