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Everything posted by flyrod64

  1. He's hooked for life now! Great pics and video
  2. never tried em and probably never will.
  3. i guess they were getting bored and needed to get something stirred up.
  4. flyrod64

    what's for lunch?

    Fried taters , green beans and cornbread!
  5. I have tried the federals winchesters, etc. etc. but always go back to the rem 150 gr core lokts. My rifle just seems to shoot those better.
  6. flyrod64

    Kiss My Fishy!

    Welcome to the forums Bianca! and keep on kissing those fish! LOL
  7. Thought I'd check in everyone. It'll be in Nov. before I get started here, N.C. and I have my Thanksgiving trip to W.V. coming up so maybe I'll get a good one on the board. Good luck to all and let's win this thing this year!
  8. flyrod64

    Van Halen

    I don't know how many Van Halen fans are out there but if any of you get a chance to see them with Diamond Dave back up front don't miss it! I went to the opening night show in Charlotte and it was awsome! The looks a little different, no spandex or long hair but the music is a great as it was in the 80's!
  9. As far as rifles, I use my Rem 270 that i've had for about 17 years, (it was used when I got it) and it's killed every deer I've shot at. My scope is a Simmons 8pt and has always been perfect and only cost $50. ( My wife bought that for me a few years back) The 270 had a redfield on it when I bought it, and now it's on my wifes rifle, ( a marlin 30-30 I bought her 2 years ago) and she's killed 4 deer with it including one nice 8pt thats on the wall. I personally can't see sinking all that money in rifles and scopes just for the big names.
  10. I'm pretty well set up. I'll have to get my non res license in WV and gas money to there and my lease in NC a few times. I am planning on getting my grandson a 243 before the season starts and thats about it.
  11. flyrod64

    My Montana Trip

    Very Nice! Looks like a great trip.
  12. I need to get up there. Those are some nice fish. WTG!
  13. Congrats on a nice fish!
  14. flyrod64

    Old and new

    Nice Boat! Have fun with it but be careful at the same time!
  15. Yep, he sure looks like a future fisherman! WTG!!!
  16. Thats a great looking fishing spot!
  17. We have tried about all of them the past few years and cingular seems to have the best service here anyways. It's hard to get a signal in these mountains anyways!
  18. I've never used a St. Croix but thats because I've always been satisfied with my fenwick. About all I do is flyfish so my regular fishing rods are all zebco's and rhinos.