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Everything posted by flyrod64

  1. Re: ANTELOPE/PCBA PICS!! Looks like you had a awsome trip! Congrats on the buck
  2. Re: MONSTER FLATHEAD!!!!!! That is one monster catfish! By the way, the record flathead here in NC is 69lbs also caught on the Cape Fear in 1994! Keep on trying, you'll get it!
  3. flyrod64


    Re: Trout I love fall fishing. The natives seem to be more active then around here!
  4. flyrod64

    Great Smokey Mnts?

    Re: Great Smokey Mnts? I live here so as soon as I can get some info for you I'll PM you and get an address to mail it to ya. I can also tell you what fly's we use around here that do well.
  5. flyrod64

    49 pound flat head

    Re: 49 pound flat head Now thats a fish!
  6. Re: MyTrip too New Mexico!! Now that looks like my kinda fishin!
  7. Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman Sounds good to me Bo but the bid is gettin out of my range real quick LOL
  8. Re: Will trade for cheap archery hog hunt How much are lisences there and when are the seasons? I can probably supply some good private land hog hunting
  9. Re: grandson caught this Nice catch!
  10. Re: RT get-together in AL or TN??? I might be able to make that! I'll keep an eye out for the info.
  11. Re: head count for lunch in West Virgina Cabela\'s What month are we talkin here. I'll be at the WV Cabelas the 20th 0f Nov.
  12. Re: Antelope Hunt Auction for Norm Sauceman I'll bid as soon as the rest of the info is posted
  13. Re: Do you believe in ghosts? Had to bring this back up to get my son in law
  14. flyrod64

    fly fisherman?

    Re: fly fisherman? I love to fly fish. I'm gettin ready to teach the wife. I taught her to creek fish with bait and nows she wants to learn fly fishin. I cant wait. Shes the best fishin partner Ive ever had! She hunts too!
  15. flyrod64

    Giant catfish

    Re: Giant catfish Now thats a fish!
  16. Re: morning or evening? I like both but I'd have to say mornins have a slight edge!
  17. Re: 05-06 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP Flyrod64 41 Sept 15 - Jan 1st
  18. Re: Boot camp question He'll appreciate every letter he gets. Like they said, it's the only taste of the real world he'll have for quite a while!
  19. Re: Wow!!! Number 5000!!! WTG !!!
  20. flyrod64

    4 Grand!

    Re: 4 Grand! WTG!
  21. Re: How did you find I got directed to it through Nascar.
  22. Re: nice bunch of smallmouths (pics) Thats some nice smallies!
  23. Re: Fly Fishing help I'll try to help ya out. First get you a pole and reel that your comfortable with but is the right size for the streams you'll be fishin. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, especially since your just starting out. I like an 8ft 5 weight for around here. Next, ask around for some good patterns and get a good supply of flies. A local outfitter should be able to help you. A good line to start with is a weight forward line. This will help you in casting. I like a braided leader conector verses an eyelet. Those are hard to get in. Then chose a leader. It should be as long as your pole, maybe a little shorter to start with till you get your casting down. After a while you be taking tying lessons WARNING: FLY FISHING IS VERY ADDICTIVE!!!!! Hope this helps. Just email me if ya have any ?
  24. Re: Atlanta Motor Speedway damage pics They'll have her ready!
  25. Re: Truex Wins That was an exciting finish! I'm glad he signed with DEI too!