Re: Shot a Button Buck
First off...CONGRATS STINGER! on filling a tag. I'm sure it will be fine eating. Second, this issue about button bucks, I have tagged a few in my 25 years of hunting. As for other comments, I shot my buttons while filling doe tags during either sex season, and when you see 4-5 "does" standing together, its a choice of shooting the biggest doe, and at a hundred yards it's tough to see those nubs. If the truth is known, your looking for visible antlers not to shoot at, and when theres a bunch together you don't think about a button being in the mix, especially when you've been seeing racks. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't actually know of anywhere where it specifically states that bb's are illegal. There's alot of states that state bucks have to have a min length, (ex. WV is 3 inches above the skin) but during doe season it happens and they are checked in as a legal deer. Hope I'm correct on my info, if not I apoligize!