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Everything posted by flyrod64

  1. Re: SOLID STEEL PICS Nice fish! What kinda lure you use in cold weather like that?
  2. Re: Will miss you guys... 33 more for me
  3. Re: What city and state is everyone from? Waynesville NC between Maggie Valley and Asheville
  4. Re: hello everyone from wyoming Welcome to the forums trophy. Where abouts in Wy. I hunted out there one year around Dubois, BEAUTIFUL! We did more sight seeing than hunting though but it was one of my best hunting trips ever! Hope you enjoy the RT site
  5. Re: new member! Welcome aboard!
  6. Re: Any new West Virginian\'s registered on the forums..... Hey WV! Been a while since I seen ya in here. I noticed the roost has shut down now. I was lost without that! That outfitter that there now doesn't even sell lisences so we had to go to wally world. Did ya do any good this year. I scored a 4pt in Braxton, that was about it but had a good trip. Hows your dad and whats he doing now?
  7. Re: Have an idea?? Sign me up!
  8. Re: DEI Changes Hope it works for em. Would especially like to see Mikeys team pick up some
  9. Re: Realtree Forums Christmas Exchange Entry Thread! Might be nice to know a shirt size ????
  10. Re: Realtree Forums Christmas Exchange Entry Thread! Flyrod....USA will ship anywhere also
  11. Well, last week while in WV hunting, we had time to make a trip up to Wheeling to check out the new Cabelas. AWESOME!! I'm glad they don't have one close to NC because I would always be broke. I had been to the ones in Nebraska a few years ago and this one is just as wonderful. Next year on my WV trip I'll have some extra cash for the trip!
  12. Re: Shot a Button Buck First off...CONGRATS STINGER! on filling a tag. I'm sure it will be fine eating. Second, this issue about button bucks, I have tagged a few in my 25 years of hunting. As for other comments, I shot my buttons while filling doe tags during either sex season, and when you see 4-5 "does" standing together, its a choice of shooting the biggest doe, and at a hundred yards it's tough to see those nubs. If the truth is known, your looking for visible antlers not to shoot at, and when theres a bunch together you don't think about a button being in the mix, especially when you've been seeing racks. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't actually know of anywhere where it specifically states that bb's are illegal. There's alot of states that state bucks have to have a min length, (ex. WV is 3 inches above the skin) but during doe season it happens and they are checked in as a legal deer. Hope I'm correct on my info, if not I apoligize!
  13. Re: FLYROD\'s Thanksgiving buck Thanks everyone. And yes Bill, I did get a haircut. LOL When I took the new job the ponytail had to go, a shame too, hadn't had a hair cut in 10 years.
  14. Re: PETA Would Love This Sign!!! LOL!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  15. Re: Local hunting casualty... Thats a shame. Personally, I don't think there is such a thing as a hunting accident. I have never knocked the safety till I was sure of what I was looking at. Thoughts and prayers for the family
  16. flyrod64

    baiting ?

    Re: baiting ? It's legal here on private land and where my lease is about everyone down there does. I've never had any luck at it the few times I put corn out. Too far away to keep it fresh and I seem to have better luck in the hardwoods than most of the guys I know that do hunt over bait.
  17. Re: who ur favorite Jr., Waltrip, Wallace, and Martin
  18. Re: Question for you ladies Thanks for the input! We went shopping this week and she like the Marlin 30/30 the best. It was fairly lite , short and easy to handle. I put a Redfield 2X7 on it and she's bustin the bullseye! Cant wait till she take her first deer now. We're going the 13th, opening day. I bought us a doghouse blind and I'm going to take the video camera to hopefully record her first deer!
  19. Re: Hunting Club QDM HELP!!!!! I had a situation like that once on a lease in Ga. We all finally agreed to just take deer with spreads as wide as the ears. It took a while but it finally started paying off. One advantage we had at the time though was that we got together with other lease holdes around us and with the local wildlife officer and everyone started doing it. It's hard to get everyone to agree though. It's not going to work very well if you only have a small piece of property though and all the other hunters around your place are shooting everything! Good luck
  20. Re: Team Realtree Blaze Orange Hat I've started to get the one at wally world a dozen time but the thing that keeps stopping me is that velcro adjuster. Just dont like those for some reason
  21. Re: Something to do in Wal Mart when your bored I like the hunting game at our Wally World. It's something to do while the wife shops!
  22. flyrod64


    Re: jack Nice Fish!
  23. Re: New here ! welcome to the forums buckshotbabe and monsterbucks! Hope you enjoy it. Try out the chatroom too
  24. Re: Buck down!! *Pics are in* Way to go! Nice buck!