lil hunter

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Everything posted by lil hunter

  1. I've always been lil hunter. Needin to change it soon, but I have no clue what to change it to. I go by lil hunter here, and huntinkid on the refuge. Those were both fitting when i was 11-12 years old, but now i've kinda outgrown ' I still haven't created a unique own of my own.
  2. That does sound like a sweet bow. Let me know how you like it, i'm plannin on buyin a new bow sometime in the next couple months.
  3. since Guitar Hero seems to be the big topic lately, i got to 39 out of 42 songs beat on expert yesturday. Raining Blood is near impossible, and One is rather tough for me at about 75% through it. It'll take awhile to beat those, and then the Devil Went Down to Georgia battle. I also cleaned some stuff tonight at work that isn't usually cleaned.
  4. I haven't stayed in a hotel since 2 years ago in florida. Spent a few nights in a motel for football camp, then another night in one while in Indiana practicing before our state game. I don't do much traveling at all and it's actually pretty rare that I stay in a hotel. No more than once a year.
  5. lil hunter

    Guitar Hero??

    I love the game. Went out and bought it at midnight the night it came out, and I'm not the kind of person that goes out and does stupid stuff like that very much. On hard I've beat every song except the devil went down to georgia battle. On expert i've beat 37 songs. My Name Is Jonas is my favorite to play.
  6. I've still got both breasts from the turkey I shot last spring. Looking for a couple recipe's so i can take care of that problem. Anyone got any?
  7. my season is over guys. I tried hard, but never did shoot a deer. Good luck to the rest of you who still are huntin.
  8. I shoot the 300 grain SST's. I've killed 2 deer with them. Neither dropped right there, but both had pretty good blood trails. They shoot pretty accurate out of my gun, which is a rem. 700ml
  9. a youth Remington 870 or Mossberg 500 will run right around $300, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on where you shop. I think there is also a youth Rem. 1100 that will be a few hundred dollars more.
  10. that last buck has an antler growing out the bottom of his neck!
  11. Does anyone else here think the words "drinking fountain" sound weird? Everyone around here calls it a water fountain, or occasionally the bubbler, but never have i heard someone say drinking fountain.
  12. The 835 is a heavy gun. You won't want to carry it around for long while grouse hunting. For waterfowl it'll be alright, but still big and bulky. I got one about 4-5 years ago. It has failed to work properly on multiple occasions.(shells stuck in magazine, shells falling out from bottom of reciever, when they were suppose to go up to the chamber, and multiple shells getting jammed in the reciever) But other people have 835's that work well. I can't really comment on the 500, never used one. I know it is pretty similiar to the 835 though.
  13. That is a good deal. I got one today too. Thursday I was at gander mountain and found a 4-1 wader jacket in my size for 169.99. I didn't wanna spend that much at the time, so i came home and told my dad about it. He went out there after work today and bought it, but at the register, he found out it was on sale for $99.99!
  14. I've never actually worn them, but i've heard the big mickey mouse boots from the army surplus are some of the warmest things you can put on your feet. I also discovered that Toasite Toes (like hothands, cept you put 'em in your shoes) work really well. I've been using them all season and I love 'em.
  15. am I the only person that can't ge the link to work? The pics on here look pretty cool, but the link won't load for me.
  16. I haven't seen anything in advantage classic in a long time. It will probably be near impossible to find these days. You may want to consider switching to a newer pattern.
  17. I hunted a few hours yesturday morning. Saw 6 deer total. Most were does, i know at least 1 was a button buck. Haven't seen a buck with any antlers since the friday after thanksgiving, and it was shot. I will probably just shoot the next mature doe I get a shot at. Need to get some venison in the freezer.
  18. lil hunter

    Christmas survey

    1. Do you drink egg nog? heck no, it's disgusting 2. Open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? With my moms side of the family on christmas eve, then my immediate family, and my dads side on christmas day 3. You eat fruitcake? no 4. Ever had a white Christmas? yes, a couple years ago we had like, 20 inches of snow on the ground. unfortunately it had been there a few days and a lot of it was brown... 5. Ever catch your parents playing Santa? Grandpa once or twice. 6. Do you attend special plays or contadas? I was in one a long time ago, but i've never been to one 7. Go to a Christmas parade? nope 8. Do you have all your shopping done? i ordered $200 for myself, with my moms money from cabelas. thats all the christmas shopping i'll do 9. Do you get up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning or sleep in? I'm almost always up real early, for whatever reason. Usually watch A Christmas Story til the rest of my family gets up 10. Do you hang mistletoe? no 11. Do you hunt on Christmas? Would if I could, mom won't let me usually. 12. Do you attend church services on Christmas? If sunday is on christmas or christmas eve, i go. 13. Do you make a special trip just to go look at Christmas lights? Sometimes, there's a local place called Christmas Lake Village, they have an awesome light display all through the "village" Jay Cutler(Broncos QB) grew up in that town, actually, but not in the village. 14. Do you buy your pets a gift? yes, usually a big bone or two. 15. Do you travel long distances on Christmas to visit relatives? About an hour to my moms family. 16. And last but not least....have you been good alllllll year?? I'm always good.
  19. I'd go with a folding pocket knife. It will last a lifetime, where a multi-tool could wear out.
  20. Do you really want to have that fancy over/under out there in the swamps/marshes duck hunting? I think you'd be best off keeping the SBE. The o/u would be a great gun to have, but I'd rather have an SBE in the duck blind, if thats all you're gonna use it for.
  21. I've always wondered the same thing. I shoot a rem. 700ml right now, but i like my dads old knight. My next muzzleloader will be a Knight too. It does seem like T/C is all that is ever talked about though.
  22. We went 15-0 and won state in football this year. Get some nice gold medals and sometime in the next couple months we're gonna be getting some huge rings.
  23. but what if it's a smoothbore, with rifle sights? lol I pretty much consider a shotgun with a slug barrel (any barrel with rifle sights, or scope mount) to be a slug gun. It really doesn't matter what you call it though, it's all about how you shoot it.
  24. With us getting to state in football, I had to miss out on opening day, thanksgiving day, and the saturday after thanksgiving. I guess it was worth it, because it feels good to be state champs, but those could've been great days in the woods too. Heres a little summary of the 4 days that I have made it out though. Last sunday(day after opener): Early in the morning I saw a pair of does. They walked slowly by me, and hung around for 5-10 minutes before dissapearing off into the woods. It was a long and uneventful morning after that. Until about 10:20, when a buck walked by. He was moving fairly fast, through thick brush, so I never could tell how big he was. He looked like a smaller 8 pointer, but i'm still not really sure. Friday after thanksgiving: Right at sunlight, I could hear deer moving around me, and even spooked a couple walking to my stand. Real early, a basket rack 8 pointer came out about 50 yards in front of me. He stood around for a few minutes, but I didn't want to shoot him. After that, all i saw was a few dogs, apperently they've been running around on our property a bunch. The neigbor doesn't understand the concept of keeping his dogs on his own property, oh well. They chased a fox by me on about their 3rd pass. 10-15 minutes later, I think they spooked some deer by me as well. 3-4 deer, including that 8 pointer went running by me, coming from the direction that the dogs were. My uncle ended up shooting the 8 pointer when it got down to him. Sunday: It was a long cold uneventful morning. I only hunted until about 9. All I saw was a couple squirrels. After the hunt, I decided to walk around and see if I could find any new rubs/scrapes. Right as I was talking to myself about how few rubs there were, I looked over and saw probably the biggest rub I've ever seen before.(pictured below) I also found a few other decent sized ones in the area. Monday: I had to go to nashville this afternoon anyways, so I skipped school this morning to go sit in the stand. I hunted til 9:30, and didn't see a deer. It had rained all night, and continued to do so all morning. Not really a hard rain, but enough to keep everything wet. After the hunt, I went to set-up a trail camera close to that big rub. I also found 1 more decent rub this morning, about 50 yards away from the big one, and took pictures of both of them. Here is the big rub. This tree is a good 4" in diameter. It looked a lot fresher than this on sunday, all the rain made it look older I think. There was still a bunch of wood scrapings on the ground next to it. Here is the other one I found today. There are at least 3-4 others in the area around the same size as that 2nd one. Seeing these led me to believe that there is a big buck out there somewhere that nobody(that I know of) has seen yet. Hopefully I'll get a few pics of him on the trail cam this week. I'm gonna go check it out again after hunting next weekend, and maybe hang a stand a little closer to them.
  25. I didn't have to work. I woke up early, road in a bus for 40 minutes, had football practice for 2 hours, then road in a bus for 3 more hours before getting home. Still haven't seen any of my famiy because they've all been at my moms in-laws eating food and stuff. Oh well, i get to go to my other grandma's with them here in a little bit. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.