lil hunter

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Everything posted by lil hunter

  1. I hunted til 11 this morning. Saw 2 does around 7 am, then at about 10:30 a buck went by me. The buck was moving fairly fast through brush, so I never got a good look at him, but it seemed like everytime I got another glance at his rack, he was even bigger. Hopefully I'll see him again soon. It looked like he was a decent 8 pointer.
  2. Today was the opening day of deer season, but instead of being in a treestand, I found myself on the bus headed up to Indianapolis for our semi-state game. We played the defending state champions, and scored with less than 40 seconds to go to beat them 35-34. With just 8 minutes to go, we were down by 13, but we got to within 6 with about 5 minutes on the clock. Our defense made a good stand, and we had the ball again with 1:55 left to go. After a couple quick plays we were within the 50 yard line. But, we threw an interception. It seemed as if it was over for us. All the other team had to do was get a first down, and they win. BUT, out of nowhere, they fumble the ball with a minute to go in the game. 2-3 plays later we are in the endzone off of a big touchdown pass! We made the EP to put us u[ 35-34. With little time on the clock, but 2 timeouts, our oppenents made a quick drive. With 6.9 seconds left, they were on the 35 yard line. The last play of the game, ended with a hail mary, caught, but their reciever landed out of bounds just inches from the goal line. It was an incredible night, i'll tell you that, and definetly worth missing the opener of deer season. I got home around 2:45 this morning and started getting everything ready to try my luck in the deer stand. Anyone around Indy should head to the RCA dome next Saturday and watch us play. I play for Reitz, in class 4A
  3. my season starts on saturday. I won't be able to hunt that day, because we are meeting for a football breakfast at about 9, before we drive up north for the Semi-State game. Hopefully we'll get home early enough that I will be able to sleep 2-3 hours before heading out sunday morning.
  4. Go get a couple different sized bullets, then try each of them out with different amounts of powder. There is no set load that will work good in any gun. Find the one that works for your gun. Also, shooting accurately at 200 yards with open sights is no easy task. Make sure you spend plenty of time at the range.
  5. I just take out the primer. I might keep the same load in there for a couple weeks if needed.
  6. That is pretty awesome. Kind of hard to beleive there wasn't a hold or a clip or anything else of that sort during the play, but oh well. I'd hate to be on the losing end of that.
  7. I don't really have any kind of big dreams yet. I have no clue what I wanna do after high school. I'm not sure that I ever will know.
  8. You should be able to find about anything you need at either or They both have variety of womens clothing. I'm not sure how much shipping would be to Scotland though.
  9. 1) What brand of scent control apparel are you familiar with? - ScentLok - NoTrace - ScentBlocker 2) What is the brand of scent control garment that you have purchased within the last year? - ScentLok 3) What was the main reason for your selection of this brand? - Recommendation of a friend or salesperson 4) What type of odor control are you most interested in? - Don't Care
  10. lil hunter

    What a Bummer...

    MRSA isn't too bad usually. You could have a rare case, but I doubt it. It has reproduced so many times slightly different that there are a few cases when it's pretty dangerous, but I wouldn't worry about it. On my football team, I'd say easily over 30 players have had it over the past 2 seasons, including me. I just got on some anti-biotics that killed it pretty quick and it was gone in about a week. Bleach kills it, so you can use that on stuff around the house to get rid of the germs. Lysol spray also kills it, so you can use that too. If you need to know anything else about it, i could help you. If not, my athletic trainer has taken classes all about how to treat it and everything, so I could get you some info if you need it.
  11. One of my buddies was tellin me about a property him and his dad were gonna be hunting this year. After talkin to him about it some, he got me permission to hunt there too. GUn season starts Nov. 17th. I plan on goin out there with him this weekend to look around, and set-up a couple ladder stands. I'm just not sure how to go about it though. I've hunted the same relatively small property all my life, so it was easy to know where I should or shouldn't hand a stand. But now this is a whole new place that I know nothing about, except that there have been a few nice bucks caught on a trail cam. So my question is, with minimal time to scout, how do I go about finding the best place for my stands? Also, what is the closest I should get to another stand that is already set-up(another factor I've never had to concider) Any advice would be appreciated. I'm not even sure just how big the property is yet.
  12. Just about any 12 gauge pump would work. A Remington 870 or a Benelli Nova would be my first 2 choices. Go shoulder a few guns you like, and see which one feels the best. Buy that one.
  13. i'd say thats pretty well hidden. Did you shoot any geese?
  14. I think I have another property to hunt this season. One of my buddies is gonna be huntin there with his dad, who is friends with the owner. He said it should be no problem getting me permission to hunt there too. I'm hoping to go check it out this weekend. He put out a cam. and got pics of a couple real nice bucks, and several smaller 6 pointers. Hopefully it'll work out for me. I have no clue what kind of deer will be at the other property I hunt. I have barely been out there this summer/fall.
  15. try It's got a list of numbers to get you through to humans. I actually just heard of it a few minutes ago on another forum.
  16. beagleboy, i understand the logic behind not using a sabot in a smoothbore barrel, because it wouldn't be accurate. The thing I don't get is, why would it be dangerous to shoot a rifled slug out of a rifled barrel? I've done it plenty of times with no problems. It is just as accurate as a rifled slug in a smoothbore barrel. The only difference is you will get a little bit more lead fouling since theres no sabot. And thats not going to build up enough to make it dangerous to shoot. So basicly what I'm saying is, can you explain to me why it is bad/dangerous to shoot a rifled slug out of a rifled barrel?
  17. i had no clue Indiana was in the top for B&C. I figured P&Y, but i've never even seen a booner that was shot in Indiana. I also noticed that Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa are all states that are shotgun only, no rifles allowed. (for the most part anyway) So most of these booners had to have been shot at a fairly close range.
  18. If you need it gone, tell them what you are willing to part with, have them make an offer, and accept it. Surely your parents won't give you a rediculously low offer, that you wouldn't accept. And they can't get mad at the price, if they name it. If it's meat that you probably wouldn't eat anyways, do you really need to worry about getting all of your money back that you put into it? Either way, it's still costing you less than what 90% of america spends on their beef at the grocery store. Thats just the opinion of a 17 y/o who hasn't really had to make any deals like this with his parents
  19. here's an article I got from another site.
  20. My dad has a Miami University hat in AP. He picked it up at some Miami store down there last fall. wildside, did you go to ball state? How'd you like it? One of my buddies might be there quarterback here in a year or two.
  21. Anybody wanna make an offer? I won't wear these anymore and would like to get a little cash from them to help buy a new pair
  22. I have a pair of Rocky Pro Hunter bibs for sale. They are I think 3 seasons old, but still in good shape. Camo'd in realtree HD. They were very comfortable and warm. These are a size Medium, and I'm up to 6'2" and 220 pounds now so I don't hardly They were $100 new, I'll sell them for $50 to your door, OBO
  23. I don't get to start hunting until mid November. The chances of me shooting a monster are pretty slim, but it could happen. Last year I shot a button buck, 2 years ago a shot a smaller 9 pointer. I should be able to connect again this year.
  24. They are a cheaper made decoy. They are made in china, which also makes them cheaper. I know they use to have a lot of paint problems, I'm not sure if they still have them or not.
  25. I wonder about that too, chris. I know I don't post nearly as much as I use to, but I'm a lot busier now than I was back in the middle school I always find myself thinkin about all the guys that use to come here all the time, or that I use to talk to a lot in the chat. It is crazy how people will come, and visit so regularly, then just dissapear.