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Everything posted by The_Kat

  1. Ben haven't you learned everything is possible in this day and age. I can be anything I want to be! LOL
  2. Hello Darlin......Nice to see ya. It's been a lllllloooooonnnnnnngggggggggg ttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  3. Enjoy and safe travels Steve. I sure wish we could find the time to make a trip up there. I'm thinking maybe 2015!
  4. The_Kat

    Pretty cool

    Huge under armour and nike dri fit fan. They're lucky!
  5. I have met several members from Oklahoma and Texas during archery tournaments, hunts, forum meet n greets. Also met several members during my work travels to Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Indiana. Probably 25 or more over the years. Hard to believe that I have known some of you guys for 13 years!
  6. The_Kat

    Colorado 2013

    Dang Tony, you were in my back yard!
  7. I grew up on these forums. Still check in from time to time.
  8. I have moved to Colorado and won't get my resident status until October 18th so my hunting season is out this year. Plus it's draw only for deer. I will be going back to Oklahoma during rifle season, but I won't have but a few days to hunt. I don't feel I'd be a good team mate so I am skipping this years contest.
  9. The_Kat

    Life is good

    Not yet. Im looking for help on the hunting situation. I dont know where to begin.
  10. The_Kat

    Life is good

    Hey all, I don't get here in like I should anymore, but thought I'd drop in and say hey. Lotsa of things have changed in my life over the past year or so. I took a job with my old company's competition and moved to Colorado finally. It isn't quite Alaska, but it's the next best thing. We moved to Loveland and absolutely love it here. We are still trying to sell our house in Oklahoma. It sucks trying to sell a place in rural Oklahoma where no one has money to spend I also have good news with my job. I came up here as a Quality Control Manager....was here 4 weeks and was promoted to Area Manager over three states...Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. It has been a big change for sure, but I am really enjoying the daily challenges. Anyways...I hope everyone is doing well. Jenn and the boys ( Cash is 4 and Briar is 1 now ) all say hello. Don we thought about you and your family last weekend when we went boating out at Horsetooth Resevoir. Cash had a blast but Briar acted just like Cash did the first time we went out with you all .
  11. The_Kat


    This bad guys and gals.....I'm heart broken. Over 50 dead so far, 30 of those are children. Worst destructive tornado in the history of the world. 3-4 worse than te May 3, 1999 tornado. I know this area like the back of my hand and can't believe its gone. I was at the Warren theater just last week.
  12. The_Kat


    I've been through tornadoes, wind storms, and lightning storms. I'd rather face them any day then go through another earthquake. The one I was in was only a 4.6.....still it was freaky. I hated the sound it made before it began trembling.
  13. The_Kat


    This tornado hit Shawnee, OK pretty hard. This is only 30 minutes from my Oklahoma home. Unfortunately some friends of ours lost their home and all 3 of their vehicles about 1.5 hours ago. Awful day in Okielad.
  14. Discover requires good credit. Apply with Visa/'ll get a credit limit.
  15. Yup same problem here as well.
  16. I take part of the blame. Buckee and I had a rather public argument that got somewhat outta hand and a line was drawn in the sand basically. From that week on this place has never been the same in my opinion. It happens unfortunately.....differing opinion, views of whats right/wrong, levels of maturity, etc. It will never be the same....said it before and say it again.
  17. No snake hunt for me, but I got on one **** of a tornado during the snake hunt up there last year.
  18. makes me proud of the hunting industry for standing together like this. Hats off to the celebs!
  19. I highly doubt an on duty officer is going to poach an Elk. Lets not forget that a bull elk is a wild animal hanging out in a populated area. Perhaps it charged him? I sure wouldn't want a bull elk running around on the loose with my kids playing outside. As for the candle lighters.....someone had to vote Obama back in office.
  20. group: realtree [h=1]GROUP ID# 35941[/h]pass: 123456 Yahoo! Sports College Bowl Pick'em - Error
  21. gonna be a white Christmas here in Lamar, OK.
  22. where is duck hunter? I miss my old one!
  23. Come get my m4 if you dare, thats all I have to say.
  24. I get 68% of my paycheck.....its all robbery in my books.