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Everything posted by The_Kat

  1. My business woulda went elsewhere when they told me buy it or else.
  2. The_Kat


    Are they funny to you? In my household farts are a always good for a laugh.....
  3. YAll whining about gas prices.......try 4.69$ for diesel!
  4. Theres not much I don't listen to....well except super heavy metal, old school rap, and punk rock. My favorite is prolly anything by Lil Wayne.
  5. The_Kat


    thats the best you could do.............smh, come on bub!
  6. The_Kat


    Corey, don't make me come to Texas and slap the **** out of you.
  7. .270 S & W Model 1500
  8. you don't see hear the cow calling back at me getting closer and closer.
  9. The_Kat


    Christian Music sucks
  10. she came within 20 yards.... u can tell when i got excited cause my calling got a bit frantic.
  11. The_Kat


    If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times on this forum. If you don't like what the thread is about, don't comment. No one wants to read your negative comment about something they enjoy listening to. I happen to think Staind is very good music, lead by a great spokesperson for us as outdoorsman....I hardly find that a waste of time.
  12. netflix if u have access to highspeed internet. I have Dish and it's 100$ a month in 4 rooms.....
  13. The_Kat


    Staind is legit. I love their music....even some of their more heavy stuff.
  14. Too bad about the doe. Jenn called me one day last year about this time cause she spotted a young doe trapped in the fence. She was completely calm when I walked up to her. I just picked up front end up and flipped her over backwards and out she came. She did bound off or anything....just stood there catching her breath. After a moment she walked off about 10 yards and turned back to look at me as if to say thanks and wondered into the nearby trees.
  15. 28 in NW Oklahoma this morning! warmed to 71 now and not supposed to be cold again for a week.
  16. I'd hope I was carrying my m4 lol rat tat tat tat tat tat tat!
  17. I was part of a hunt with rages and we lost a monster of a buck with a dang near perfect shot placement. That said, I've seen the same thing with fixed blades and still love my rage 2's......your gonna lose deer folks. To say you haven't means you are a liar, or haven't shot many deer yet. I've lost deer with a .270 bullet..... I'm glad the doe was found. Good luck the rest of you alls season!
  18. ditto what william said....stud of a 5 point! Congrats!
  19. realtree didn't like my mac so my hands were tied DB. It was fixed in the latest update so I took care of it.
  20. The_Kat

    whats up?

    dang....I thought we'd finally got rid of you.
  21. I agree with the argument that you should have been informed.....had you known I'm sure you wouldn't fork out the money to hunt a food supply starved lease. We lease 800 acres of grazing rights to a cattleman. We communicate back and forth anytime we decide to do something on the's the right thing to do. Sure we could be ******** and do what we want, our name is on the deed....but thats the difference between some folks.
  22. Scariest thing to ever happened to me in the woods was when I was about 11 years old and we were burning out place off. I was walking with my grandpa setting a back burn off and all the sudden we could hear his dogs start yapping after something. They'd usually do this when they'd find a opossum or a skunk. This time however their yapping was running all over the place and suddenly started getting louder and in a hurry. I could tell they were headed this way and all the sudden I could hear crashing through the woods headed right at us. Then I saw it.....a brown flash coming right at me. It was on me in like two seconds fangs bared and claws out. The flash slammed into my ankle like a bull....CRASH! Next thing I know I'm screaming like a school girl trying to get it out between my feet, doing this high jump/salsa/electric slide type dance. Finally after the gruesome attack that lasted forever ( maybe 1 second? ) it took off 90 degrees away from me. It was at that moment that I saw the cotton tail and realized it was a bunny lol! Scared the ever loving crap out of me. Also had a similar experience with squirrels that was listed above.