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Everything posted by wyohunter

  1. wyohunter


    Happy Birthday Ruth, sorry we missed it...hugs
  2. i would buy it if your protected with a contract...and it needs to specify that in case of one or the other gets divorced, no ex wife can get it...lol just saying
  3. goodness, in march it will be 10 years for me, and thousands of posts behind...congrats for being here for all of us.
  4. we will be in the same woods thats for sure
  5. crazy awesome..congrats
  6. yes i didnt even ask for help, they offered, all i wanted to know if they were having a ongoing issue with them.....
  7. lol, we'll see, i will be with a buddy, so time will be limited im sure, but you never know
  8. nice, thanks...will be in mid june
  9. i love mine to, and with awesome customer service, cant go wrong
  10. the lodge is actually in montana, the trailhead is 17 miles into Idaho..... outside Hamilton Montana
  11. as a teen we hunted rabbits with beagles, but now all i use dogs for is upland hunting, steve B... for me watching a good dog work pheasants is 80% of the fun.....
  12. i have always bounced around, sometimes Im on the site alot, sometimes i go months without checking in...... we lost some good members in the last few years which hurt the forum, and i do think the popularity of facebook and other sites has taken a toll
  13. after eating two bow strings this fall, i emailed martin, they didnt know of a existing problem, and recommended i bring it to a bow shop. i did that and they found a bent upper cam, ask if i ever dropped it, no i hadnt, so they are ordering all the parts to make it right...meanwhile, im in touch with martin, and they said all parts are on the house....good customer service for sure, rare to find these days.
  14. Yes i went and did it, off to idaho this spring on a black bear hunt, good color phase 50% and can get two bear..... also applied for my Wyo moose tag once again, 10 years now...lol
  15. in my thoughts Steve...god bless you
  16. lol, buckee would be proud of the photo chop...merry christmas ruth
  17. i feel remorse for every animal i take, i spend a few minutes with it before gutting, just to thank the animal .... its just what i do, it makes me feel better i guess....congrats on the first deer, i hope its the first of many.
  18. wyohunter

    It works!!!

    fawn's probably still in there...lol
  19. I'll be working, but best wishes to all from all of us here
  20. it will be just fine, trust the round, its placement thats important
  21. congrats, its bigger than the one i shot this year