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Everything posted by huntinsonovagun

  1. I guess most are made my Suzuki, not Isuzu. Anywho, just google "minitrucks"
  2. Have you checked out the little street legal 4x4 Isuzus? Those are pretty sweet, plus they're fairly cheap and they have heaters (and ac I believe). I would definitely give those a good hard look.
  3. I haven't tried to access on a laptop, but on my iPhone and iPad I can seem to find the sidebar that has "forums" in it.
  4. No doubt, I'm going to get a bid or two to finish, but am prepared to do it myself if the price isn't right. A contractor would definitely be able to do it faster than me simply because he'll have more hands on deck, but he won't do a noticeably (to most) better job than I can do. It all comes down to the dollar ultimately, but if I can save $1000 dollars, that's money that I won't be charged interest on. I'm smart about how much money I save vs. time involved.
  5. I have finished a kitchen before. It's been a few years, so I'm sure I'll be reminded of how bad it was when I get started on that portion of it. I remember when I did it years ago being tired of sanding...Lots of sanding..............
  6. Hey guys! Don't post often, but beware- I lurk! First off, how do you get to the forums with the new site? I had to search "forum" in the search bar on the home page to get in here! Second, hope you all are enjoying life and had a great hunting season! I killed a decent 9point with my bow and I was with my wife when she shot her first deer ever (a doe- bigger than any I've ever killed @136lbs on the hoof) with a muzzleloader from the ground at 20 yards! Now for the good stuff. We're just about to break ground on a house (I'm GCing it) but one sub I don't have is a cabinet guy. Any Okies have recommendations? I won't pay retail price (you know, the big companies that have heavy advertising- the guys the average homeowners bring in) and I dang sure won't be buying cabinets from a box store. I'll also be finishing them. I've done it before and know the effort involved. I've found several subs in the past by just driving new neighborhoods and giving out my card, getting a phone number, etc, but cabinets seem to be a little different.....any pointers? Hope all y'all are doing good!
  7. Man I'll have to take you up on that. That would be fun. What'd you do to your arm?- steer wrestling?
  8. Congrats you old codger! I don't post often, but I check in occasionally. Good to see a big buck on the ground for ya! I got a pretty little 9 ptr on Monday. Hope all is well!!
  9. You got it jeramie. I lost one of my best friends to suicide just 4 months ago. No one can ever be prepared for it. I'll be praying....
  10. I am at a loss?! I'm interested as well. Shoot me a pm with what you're making and price. And as others have said (and now you obviously know) contracts are worthless without a deposit nowadays, unfortunately.
  11. Thanks strut. Did some looking around on that cam and also saw that ohiobucks got the same cam and you're right, it does take great photos! anyone else have any other opinions?
  12. I should add, I'm at a point where photo quality trumps zoom capabilities. I suppose there is the possibility that the newer point and shoot cameras have better manual focus controls. Here's an issue I ran into that somewhat describes why I'm looking for a camera as described- this past November I had a decent buck come in that I didn't want to shoot, but started trying to get some pictures. Problem was, my camera kept focusing on the brush in front of the deer. I truly appreciate the camcorder suggestion, as I had not considered that, but will look in to it
  13. I'm looking for a camera, but can't figure out exactly what I want. Ideally, this is what I'd like to have, but forgive my 'simplified' explanation. I'm trying to figure out if there is a camera like this on the market. So here's what would be my "ideal" camera- if I could "freeze" what I see through my binoculars. Something with a high zoom capability and high quality, sharp manual focus. I don't particularly want to learn all there is about dslr's, but would love to have the ability to blur foreground and background. I have an older long zoom camera that I'd consider a "bridge" camera. The problem I've found there is the manual focus has a lot to be desired, unless lighting is perfect. Is there anything like what m describing other than an slr? (I guess you could call it a point and shoot camera with an slr-style manual focus)
  14. I heard the same and don't want to go to a one buck rule either. I'm at a point in my deer hunting career where I could care less what anybody else shoots- there are plenty of deer and plenty of big bucks around for everyone, even with tons of hunters shooting small bucks (which I believe is spurring on this regulation). It does require more effort to get on those nice bucks though. I hunt public land and see big bucks every year, doesn't mean I always kill one, but I know they're all over the state. All it takes is age and good genetics don't hurt....
  15. Wow. Check out the "swamp donkey" thread in here. My hunting partner put that one down last week with a bow. Grossed 180 Then I saw Lukes and Drakes deer- seems like everybody I've ever met is killing a monster this year im trying to hold out for a 4 year old or better now... We'll see if that can stick until end of season! And happy birthday!!
  16. Congrats Dan- you always put a couple good ones down! There's been some monsters put down in NE Oklahoma tips year. Hope all is well with you guys. What's the grey stuff in the beard?
  17. Congrats Kevin! Heck of a bow kill. How's the family? Didn't you buy a tire shop last year or something? Hope all is going as well as your deer season
  18. How bout a trail can pic of him on the hoof?
  19. Congrats again. It was fun strategizing on this deer with you. Probably the biggest dead deer ill ever see in person. You've had a rough couple of weeks and I'm stoked you were able to put this giant down with the bow. He'll be tough to top, both rack-wise and story-wise!
  20. The cape looks good at first glance, but the backs of his ears were raw and had a few other flaws. I was close to having him caped out to give to a taxidermist. I actually almost kept the cape myself. I've been wanting to start mounting my own deer, just haven't done it yet...
  21. Friday I had intentions of hunting a new spot I had scouted out in the spring. We had a major October cold front come through and I really anticipated good movement for my first hunt of the season. I worked long days earlier in the week so I could get off a little earlier to go hunt on Friday. Well, at noon I get a call from my best hunting buddy saying he's got 5 older bucks patterned that need to be shot (he's a property manager for a hunting club). I was a little hesitant at first because I was really excited about my new spot, but decided to give it a try and save my spot for another hunt. I packed in my brand new Lone Wolf Alpha and set up in the same tree with Shane. We were set up by 4:30. Sometime around 5:30 I saw a buck running across a pasture headed towards us, all I noticed was the huge body! Shane identified him as "the slick 5" but he ran into the timber. Shortly after 6 a doe popped out in front of us and this big sucker came out shortly after. He began feeding right towards us and Shane said "take him if you want him.". Again, all I noticed was the huge body! He looked like a 55 gallon drum! I though he was going to be right under us, but did feed out to about 10 yards away, quartering away, at which point I plugged him! The Slick Tricked punched right through and I saw blood splatter as he mule-kicked on impact. He bounded out to 37 yards and stopped- I just knew he was about to tip over, but he just stood there for 2 minutes! I could see my exit on his armpit and couldn't figure out how he was still standing! Finally I just put another arrow in him and he bolted. I knew he would last long because both arrows could have been better placed. I crisscrossed his lungs. We waited it out until 7:30, trying to double up, but allwe saw were some other 3 year old ten pointers and some does. He's got an amazing place to hunt out there and I had a blast. Not bad at all for the first hunt of the year! This is by far my biggest bodied deer. He dressed out 181 pounds, which is gigantic for this part of Oklahoma. He doesn't have much in the rack department, but his age and body made up for it in my mind. I'm thrilled! [ Post made via iPad ]
  22. Nothing for me this year. What weekend did you draw? Seems everyone I know that has gone has seen monsters every time they've been there. Quick question on the draw application- did they change it this year? I thought before you could only put in for 5 hunts TOTAL. Seems like I was able to put in 5 deer, 3 elk, a couple antelope, and turkey this year. Either I've not been putting in on everything in previous years or they changed it this year!
  23. I've used one of those contraptions before, but without the drip tape mechanism. That one looks pricey. The one I used was much simpler. They sure are handy though. I've also used a planter before- talk about a time saver! Brings back some memories for sure!
  24. Great ideas guys. I especially like your idea, Jeramie. That's more along the line I was thinking but you just solidified it for me. I'm not afraid to drop a couple Benjamin's on it btw.