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Everything posted by huntinsonovagun

  1. lol....I was kiddin about score. He'll gross 80".....maybe.
  2. Normally don't hunt on Sundays (due to church), but my wife, Megan, was working today, so I went hunting. Didn't see a thing till this guy came by at about 15 yards around 7:40 this morning. I could smell him from 20 yards away before I shot!!! Anyway, I knew he was a 'small' buck before I shot, but I have this "racked-buck syndrome" where I feel compelled to shoot anything other than forkies, small six pointers, etc. Anyway, as I'm at full draw I'm second guessing myself. He gave me probably a full minute at full draw to think about it. When he cleared the tree, I went ahead and shot. I saw blood instanly when I heard the arrow pop his shoulder and knew he wouldn't go far. Last I saw him was 100 yards away, and that's where I found him. Shot on public land, and I know there are some bigger ones out there, but I was ready to wrap my hands around some antler after 3 years without killing a buck. Not a monster, but I'm doing a european mount as we speak. After the one mile drag (I'm not exagerating...for real, a full mile) I no longer have "racked-buck syndrome". Ok, enough on his small size...what do you think he'll score?
  3. I've got two good stands in North/South running funnels and the best winds to hunt are easterly winds. This weather we're having is terrible, and we've got a south wind right's my question- The deer come from the north or the I go ahead and hunt this stand and hope the deer come from my upwind side? It's a 50-50 toss up. It's either hunt with a mediocre wind, or stay home. I'm leaning towards the hunting with a mediocre wind, seeing how it should be prime time (even though it's 75 degrees) Thanks
  4. Looks like you made up your mind. I was wondering if you saw a white tail as he ran off, but doesn't look like it matters now. Hey, in your post on page2 with the pictures, I think those are different bucks. The top buck's g2 and g3 are about the same length, the bottom buck's g3 looks shorter than his g2. Looks like several nice deer running around the area! Sounds like things are heating up for you too! Good luck, looking forward to seeing more pics!
  5. I hunted a spot I haven't hunt in a few years (an area I ALWAYS see deer) and didn't see a thing yesterday morning! All I can think is the full moon. Hunted till 11am. At least you saw that deer!! That makes it a little easier to make yourself get out there.
  6. Congratulations Dale. You put your time in and you get rewarded. That is one awesome buck! Hope you get the DT deer!!! The fun is JUST NOW BEGINNING!!!
  7. Heck of a deer Dan. Congrats....I'm jealous of that deer. Heck...the rut ain't even started yet....that's the way to do it! Good luck getting that second buck! Congrats again!
  8. That right there may have been funnier than the joke!
  9. Congrats man!! That is a nice OKIE deer right there!! I'd love to put my tag on one like that this year.
  10. Tulsa for me. Rut is on it's way. first week of november is always my best. I don't think the rut actually changes....maybe peaks a couple days off here and there, but the same for the most part.
  11. She ain't the problem...lack of hunting areas around Tulsa has been my biggest problem. I finally found some good bow-only hunting 30 minutes away. I'm looking for a good lease starting next year. Keep your eyes open for me (around Inola would be perfect...)
  12. Trophy right there. Them coyotes are tough with archery equipment. You ought to get the hide tanned and hang it in your man cave...
  13. You have no idea what you've done for this hunter, Dan. I really think I would have given up bowhunting without ever killing a deer with archery equipment. I think I've killed somewhere around a dozen deer with archery equipment since I met you 6 years ago. You do a great job taking the young guys out and showing them the ropes. Good luck this year buddy. Now, if I could just get a nice buck to walk by....
  14. My season is off to a pretty decent start. Got some meat in the freezer to take the pressure off. Put a Muzzy-tipped Gold Tip right through the apex of this ol' gals heart at about 8 yards at 5:20 this evening. Almost got a crack at the other doe she was with. Still amazed that these deer can run 75-100 yards with a big hole in their hearts. Dressed out at 71 lbs. This 1.5 yr. old is gonna eat good. First deer using the mountain bike. I'll get some pics up later this week showing that...pretty neat. I'm really liking using the bike as my transportation. You know it's a good day (for you...not the deer) when you see this: I haven't had a bowkill since '06 (due to lack of hunting time). It felt great to skewer something once again.
  15. D-man is "Da-man" Al- I've been shooting one pin for years. I set it at 27 yards, and hold a hair low at 10-20ish yards, hold dead on to 35ish yards, and hold a hair high at 40 yards. You have roughly 16inches of vital on a deer (well, maybe more with those big corn-fed IL deer ) and it ain't too difficult to drop an arrow in that large of an area. You have to practice with it and see how it works for you. Me?- I don't think I'll ever shoot a multi-pin sight again. If I happen to have a known distance and have time, I'll adjust my sight to that distance and will pick the exact hair I want to cut in half. Whatever works for you......
  16. If you're doing a cutting, use a root stimulator.
  17. Here's a thing about apples most people don't know....if you plant a "granny smith" apple seed, that doesn't mean you'll get a "granny smith"-producing tree. You may get a crabapple, you may get a red apple. Specific apple varities aren't actually varieties...they're grafted to ensure the type of apple. So really, your crabapple wood is the same wood as your traditional apple-producing tree. Elms are of the genus Ulmus while hackberry trees are of the genus Celtis, if I remember correctly. I can't imagine either one being good for smoking. Here's one for you guys: I've heard that taking the bark off your wood will keep the outside of your food from there any validity to this?
  18. Sounds like some good action...I think there are more hunters in the woods than turkeys this year... How's the wife??
  19. I'm actually in Tulsa...wishing I was in a smaller town.............
  20. Nice buck for sure. Where at are you stationed?
  21. I have the plastic one and it is loud and sounds like the real deal. I actually prefer this call over my primos owl calls. I can really set the owls off with this thing. I getting a monkey chatter going...
  22. Do any of you guys have any shed hunting dogs?? I've got one training right now...
  23. Loved the show. Have been looking for a show similar to this for years and it's finally here. Couldn't have asked for a better host than Bill Winke. Looking forward to the highlights video tomorrow....I hope it's long! I'm going to miss my show during the offseason!
  24. Camping section of wal-mart has an oval-shaped pan that is a deep blue that is kind of speckled. Works great for euro mounts.
  25. Nice buck fletch! Where in Creek County are you hunting? I have been hunting Heyburn and recently got a couple of new private places to hunt, but haven't hunted them much yet. All I seem to find at Heyburn is small bucks. Congrats again!