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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: New York...Not just \"the City\" Awesome photos GW! When I was up in the Adirondacks during October break, backpacking in the Highpeaks, the color was not like that, alot of the leaves were gone, but even still it was truly gorgeous! There really is something unique about that area/your area of NY..must be God's hands!
  2. Re: Help! Can\'t decide Thanks fisher. I realized that I would rather have more fun with people I know than play for the win on a team that although is made up of varsity field hockey players, I wouldn't feel as comfortable nor the team spirit. No offense to them but it's all for God and for fun:-)
  3. I dunno what to do. See I was going to play indoor soccer this spring with the girl I've played b-ball and outdoor soccer with. I know her well and am comfortable playing on her team. Well I got an email today from a girl who is one of the field hockey girls, asking if I wanted to be on there indoor soccer team again this year. What do I do? Last year we won the indoor soccer championship and it was fun but I don't know all the girls as well as the others so it wasn't always a team feeling. With the other girl, I know her and some of the other girls so it is a more team atmosphere and I don't want to like make one or the other disappointed...argh....
  4. Re: Going for a walk in God\'s creation... Thanks guys. I saw alot of deer sign in the corn fields, just no sheds...go figure???? It was great though, I didn't have to wear alot of clothes,lol, the sun was warm, it had that smell of spring in the air. The best part was falling down an old hole, I suspect fox or coyote because I was walking and next thing I knew...WUMPH..I'm standing with both legs in a hole,lmbo! I have faint bruises on my shins but thats about it. Now it is snowing like mad today...I can't wait till spring!
  5. Re: Neiman Marcus Ice \"shack\" LOL! I saw that program, pretty wild some of those houses... I think "real" fishing and hunting is braving the conditions nature throws at you, in my opinion,lol
  6. I'm going home at 4pm, the sun is out, the snow is melting, it is about 40 degrees F. I'm hoping to maybe find some sheds or some small game to harvest(taking the .22 with me). Just to be out in the fields will be fun without finding anything. You can't be in the woods and say there isn't a God
  7. Re: Format of a paper,HELP! Thanks GW that helps alot! Well my references are in alphabetical order and I do not have the time nore brain capacity to do so,lol, I don't think the prof is going to look at that though, I hope. Maybe if I'm bored tonight...
  8. Ok, I dunno what to do, I can't decide. I have to hand in tomorrow a working,annotated reference list of all my sources for my psyc. paper, in APA style, and I dunno if the reference list should be single spaced or double spaced? Can anyone help like really soon, like Tominator,lol?
  9. Re: South Texas Monster It seems way to out of proportion for the deer,lol. If you look at the main beam but the drop tine, it looks like part of an antler was added/connected.
  10. Re: Moose antlers 7,8,9 of 2005 Nice pics! That spike moose shed is awesome!
  11. Re: The Official \"Group Hug\" thread Huuuggggsssss!
  12. Re: Happy Valentine\'s Day.... LOL @ waterfowler gal! Sorry to hear some of you aren't having such a "love filled" day but if it helps, I'll be sure to keep you all in mind! On campus here, people are wearing red, carrying flowers. I'm wearing blue fleece but I just got my mom some chocolate and balloons,lol!
  13. To all my Realtree buddies on here! There is a ton of fantastic people on who earn my respect! Thankyou Realtree and Realtreer's!
  14. Well yesterday my mom and I went up to the city, Buffalo. First stop was a home where mom's aunt/great aunt(not sure which it is) who is 98 is. She had a mini-stroke last week so mom wanted to see her. Afterwards we went to this food place mom likes, they sell cooking equipment and such. Then we went to....GANDER MOUNTAIN!!! I love that place. I got some good deals: a Knight & Hale mouth call for $4 marked down, a Knight & Hale Turkey Locator pack (hawk, owl, crow calls with cassette tape) for $13 marked down, and a Realtree Hardwoods Goretex cap for $5 marked down. I also got a few fishing things for Andy for his b-day on Thursday(mine also,lol) Oh and we managed to fit in eating and stopping at a computer store inbetween. This was the Gander Mountain in Tonawanda,NY for any of you New Yorkers. I've now got 2 crow calls and 2 owl calls, someone tell me to stop,lol! This hunting thing is a major obsession!
  15. Re: And my world comes a crashing down. Wow fisher, I am really glad you were sitting in your truck when it got hit! As was said in chapel today, struggles help you grow and God likes to give us struggles to grow from. Hang in there!
  16. Re: Not for weak stomach! Wow, that's brutal! I had a shotgun slug do something similar to that on a young doe but she was running and I hit her in the shoulder and the running is the reason I think the hole was so big.
  17. Re: Happy Birthday Griz!!! Happy Birthday buddy! Hope you have a wonderful one! I know mine is coming up soon....like a week from yesterday
  18. Re: I Am A Turkey!!! LOL:o) Take it easy with those heel spurs.
  19. Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton, NY. Yeah, what I can't understand is I heard that, according to DEC, the deer heards are increasing and hunters decreasing, but how come harvest numbers are down? The DEC last season said they gave out less permits because deer herds were reaching the numbers they wanted them to be at but then they say we are over populated? duh, hello, wake-up....nothing makes any sense.If they put an antler restriction in my area, I will be really ticked because it limits out people who hunt deer for stricly meat! The DEC is just trying to be in control of everything....they should quit playing God with the wildlife....
  20. Re: Another game tonight...big one.. Well we played awesome against this team but since we had 5 people and no subs, we died in the second half. The first half we were on fire and were leading at half time. The second half though, the team started a full press on us and just wore us out. the final score was like 30-21. I did manage to jam my finger when catching the ball so now it is swollen and bruised. And then I set a screen for the captain and the girl I put the screen on was running full speed, when she hit, I sent a pain right through my shoulder. I've had that happen twice now, setting a screen, getting hit hard and having a sharp pain go through my shoulder...hmmm..oh well. Monday is our last game beforep lay-offs. At least one team will get eliminated, I don't think it will be us,whew.
  21. Re: What a relief! LOL Well the hard part is sitting there listening and seeing how everyone else does there tests and the professor sends us out for 8 minutes before out test to clear our minds because seeing other people can confuse you. The one girl told me I was amazing,lol. Right now I think "Well done good and faithful servant, well done", but this applies to most everyone in the class not just me because we all did good.
  22. Oh my gosh, I was never sos nervous in my life this morning. This mornign was our oral exam in rec and eval of athletic injuries where we had to do all the tests and palpations and stuff for either the foot or ankle. I got the ankle thankfully,lol. Anyway the girl who was going to be the dummy for class never came so the professor asked me to be the dummy. So I sat on the table for 6 out of 8 people and when it came to the second to last person(I was last), I had to go into the hall and wait. Talk abotu a nervous 8 minute wait. I got the test done with I think a minute left, you were allowed 8 minutes total and I think I got a good grade. I'll know it on Tuesday. Whew,talk abotu a weight being lifted, I feel so much better!! Wooohooo!
  23. Re: Got my turkey permits Congrats ladyluck! We don't have a draw in NY, just have to go and buy them. We get 2 tags for fall and two for spring for $5 all together but only one fall tag is for my area but I can use both spring tags!
  24. Re: To all the ladies who hunt and fish. LOL too, I still don't get it,lmbo! But that's ok, I appreciate your humor:-) That guy is a major jerk huntma....I enjoyed the last part of your last email to him,lol. You go girl:-)
  25. Well another intramural basketball game tonight, against the field hockey team and coach of the jv basketball team. Should be good though I don't think we'll win. I could use a little help though. The captain is somewhat of a ball hog, like she always takes 3 point shots instead of waiting and passing around. She misses most of her 3 point attempts anyway, maybe making 1 out 5 or something. I want us to play well tonigh even if we lose, do any of you have any ideas of what I could say to her so that we can play with a less rushed offense and get more passes and good shots off? It annoys me sometmes when I get the ball on a rebound and I will automatically run up the floor with it if I can but then I pass the captain the ball because she is yelling for me to pass it to her. I've had to adjust from always playing guard or point guatd to playing forward and she doesn't seem to know that. Anyway wish us luck and any advice would be helpful