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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Re: Beginning of the End Good luck in play-offs buddy. High school may be ending but new adventures are just beginning:-)
  2. Turkeygirl

    Get the Drunk Home

    Re: Get the Drunk Home My lowest was 2, highest was 20 with like 8 tries,lol!
  3. Re: Allow me to introduce myself! Welcome to the best forums Alisha! I'm 21 to, lol! Yes, I still live at home. I commute to college from home. It's awesome to see another female on these forums!
  4. Re: Well we won...barely... Thanks guys. I try to be nice and sportsmanlike but at a point in a game like last night, I stop being so nice,lol!
  5. We are suppose to get snow tomorrow I think, after an entire week of sun! If you are lucky they'll close school,lol
  6. Ok, so I should be studying for that psych. test I have tomorrow but I thought I would post this out of thought. I see the posts on here about how we are obsessed basically with turkey hunting or any hunting for that matter. Well, my idea is that turkeys are as smart as if not smarter than a deer sometimes. Turkeys are more challenign to me than deer. So why do we keep hunting turkeys even when they gives us all the stops and we have no luck? Because we can't stand to be outsmarted by these birds and I think their being so challenging keeps us going. I know last spring was such a bummer turkey hunting ,especially missing that big gobbler. But I still went out there, probably because ofthe unknown, you never know when that big tom might just walk right in. Even now, weare all getting giddy over turkey season and it isn't even hear yet but it is the thoughts of getting back out there that surely pumps us up. I know I can't wait! Now does this make any sense,lol!
  7. UBB45-ML-572274-ML-
  8. The intramural b-ball game last night was finally played at 10:30pm! We won 23-20 but we should have won by more. We couldn't hit our shots and the team we played was so unsportsmanlike, it wasn't funny. If you got theball, you were pushed or shoved purposely. If the game had lasted any longer, I would have been pushing the one girl, she was so nasty! I fouled 2-3 times and of course the refs called fouls on us but the refs never called fouls on the other team. It annoys me sometimes that they think intramural games aren't as important as a varisty or jv game but they are because we are playing for the love and sport of it and want it to be fair! Ok, I'm done ranting. I didn't get injured, just bumped around alot,lol.
  9. Re: A mittful!!! Wow, congrats Sask! Wish I was finding that many out here but I think there is too much snow still....I'm getting tired of waiting,lol
  10. Re: Yesterday A Father was lost I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Iowa. I could feel the pain just reading your post. Last year a girl from the women's basketball team here at college was killed in a car wreck, except a driver hit them, and she was just 20. We try to figure out these things but can't, only God knows. My prayers will be with you and your family.
  11. Re: What a pain in the.......... Thanks. The team we are playing is actually a pretty bad team, a girl I know played them and at half time the score was 50-4 so it looks like we are going to be tromping on this team:-)
  12. Re: Buck with no rack I know Andy got a big deer one time years back. He thought it was a big doe and upon recovering it, found that it had little antler stubs or just the pedicles left. I've heard that when deer get to be really old, their antler size starts decreasing. I read about it once in a hunting magazine.
  13. Ok, so my social life is blooming,lol. A girl from a class last semester wnated to get together over a meal and chat so we decided to meet for dinner in the cafeteria tonight and chat. I decided I would stay all day as I have a game at 8:15pm. Well I just found out that because of a JV game, the game is now moved to 10:15pm which means I am not getting home till after 11pm! And I don't have a car, my sister does which means I'll have to call home or something. At least I can find plenty of homework to do or help a girl with her homework,lol Fellow hunters.......this is going to be one LONG day.....
  14. Re: Driving through PA When I have driven into PA, I notice that there aren't any signs signifying a curve or bend, the two lane roads seem more like 1 lane roads, there aren't any signs for bumps,lol! This is on a "road" that goes through the middle of nowhere but woods and mountains that I have been on a few times.
  15. Is anyone in NY or PA finding any sheds yet? I went out today on a walk/ski on this old railroad bed that goes by some fields that i could see had been torn up by the deer. We still have a bit of snow on the ground even though it is melting and I thought I would have found at least one shed in the 3 fields I looked because the deer had hit them hard but nothing. Do you guys think I'm looking too early or the sheds are just under the snow? I think I probably walked/ski 5+ miles today. It was fun anyway even if I didn't find any sheds but I wonder where they are....
  16. Re: I miss you, Dad... Marky,,,in chapel this week, a pastor spoke and he told us that Jesus leads down different paths. Being with other people is fun but sometimes Jesus takes us all by ourself down a different path. It's great that your mom is well and your brother found love but don't feel to alone, Jesus has His own plans for you and he's taking you on a different road than the others. I think your dad is probably looking down on you and smiling.
  17. Re: What do U take Shed Hunting? Well I usually give my mom the where abouts of where I'm going but I know about every inch of the land so I have no problem. If iti s small game season like it is now, I take my shotgun but usually I'll take my knife, first aid kit, a backpack with some water and a snack in it, a camera, a hiking stick(or a ski pole works great,lol) and sometimes one of our dogs for company.
  18. Turkeygirl

    What a ride

    Re: What a ride Whew, glad you are ok bud! You probably had the numb arm because blood supply may have been slowed/ stopped for a little bit or you had a nerve temporarily pinched like in your shoulder is one that can get pinched. Oh well, glad you are still here to post!
  19. Turkeygirl


    Re: Oooops.... Poor thing, ouch....
  20. Re: The Joys of Parenthood My cat peed on me one time, does that count? lol! Actually as a kitten, he was born in a barn and I rescued him because he was just covered in fleas, all bloody and as I carried him home, he let loose all over,yuck
  21. Re: College cooking.. LOL that is cool Ranger. I should suggest that to the people in the dorms. I think that the guys in the guy's dorms probably sneek stuff in but still, I think any meat should be allowed,duh
  22. Re: I\'m gonna be sick Wow, that is really sad to hear. I have never experienced anything like that but I can sense what you feel. I don't think you can really be prepared for such a thing. The Amish here have Ice Houses though that they keep stuff in, even in the summer if that is a suggestion,lol
  23. Re: To all the ladies who hunt and fish. Too- you have me confused,lol! Oh well, at least you support us,lol!
  24. Re: any advice for a new turkey hunter? That's great you got someone to take you out. I basically taught myself by reading books and magazines, watching turkey hunting on TV, and askign questions on Realtree. Of course I didn't get a turkey my first spring though I did my first fall. I got one the next spring but all you can do is be patient and be ready. I think turkeys are just as hard if not sometimes harder to hunt than deer. Good luck to you!
  25. Re: College cooking.. Whoa,lmbo!! Those sound like some scary eggs! In the dorms at my college, I don't stay in one but they don't allow you to cook fresh meat in the dorms!