Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Is everyone gay up here or what? I've been taught that God is an all-loving and all-forgiving. Philosophically speaking it just seems to me that God will not condemn a person because they're gay Well, yes he is, but a SIN is still a SIN and God wont tolerate that.......he never did.
  2. Re: 4 figure status!! Time sure flies when you're havin fun, congrats Shaun!!
  3. Re: Here\'s the rest of the favorites, these pics w In pic #4, that buck looks crosseyed!!!! no wonder you guy's shoot all those big bucks...LOL!!!!
  4. Re: Stealth Cam Photo of 9 Point me no see'um buck
  5. acrually, it should make the spot better by holding deer in and around that area. try to have the plot upwind of your stand. If this area is used during the rut, the bucks will check out the does that are using the plot from downwind
  6. Re: What do bears eat????? To answer your question.....Anything they want to!!
  7. Re: Farenheit 9/11 gets 0 Oscar nominations... AS WELL IT SHOULD!!! WASNT WORTH THE FILM!!
  8. Re: 5575 XT arrows Man, I see 4 with tore up vanes.....I already got some like that.....LOL!!
  9. Re: Naturalized president? NO!!! Because it's unconstitutional! And NO we should not amend it!
  10. Re: HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU? We practice the "First shot", method of hunting here, as long as the deer was fatally hit and the hunter was following up on it. Id a gave it to the first guy if it was me.
  11. Re: Dogdoc Appreciation Thread Absolutely the most informative individual when it comes to food plots and I dont know where we'd be without him around!! So I propose a toast to the guy who has helped all the weekend farmers with their plots. HERE, HERE!!
  12. Re: Is it legal or a violation of privacy? I support the "No Smoking" on private property if that is the wish of the propriator, however, I cant see where anyone can dictate to you what you can or cant do in your car or home. I dont smoke, but if you must..have at it, just dont come to me for insurance money after you get lung cancer!!
  13. Re: my food plot plan Texan..Yes RR means exactly that..you can spray the crop with roundup after its up and growing.....We got corn we do that with now too!!! Pretty SLICK!!
  14. Re: What would you do????? TODD,TODD, TODD.........let her go pick Pecans in return for a couple Pecan pies!!!!......... "DOUGH"!!!!
  15. That fine as long as the deer comes between you and the speaker. IMHO....more gizzmoes I dont need.
  16. Re: Interracial relationships *DELETED* Buckee, I dont blame you for deleting that post, was wondering how long that would be there?? you, you, you,....FOREIGNER!!!
  17. Re: Talk About a Realtree \"OOPS!\" Who would want a #24 Jeff Gordon hat, let alone 144 of them?........................................ oneida man would!!!!!
  18. Re: Here\'s the rest of the favorites, these pics w nice pics James
  19. Re: Super Bowl Picks.... Im going with the Eagles too!!!
  20. Re: What would you do????? I guess Id a chewed her out about the first time, but heck if she wants nuts that bad, and she did call you... I would have set up when she could come on, and would havew to call you to ok it first. That way, you aint both gonna be out there at the same time. I dont see what harm she can do picking nuts.. and she would definately have to bake me a PECAN PIE in turn for the access!!!!
  21. Re: Pictures of My New Ride!!!!! Nick...You gonna pimp this out too???
  22. Re: Johnny Carson dies WOW!!! "I did not know that" as Johnny woulda said. I never really stayed up that late to watch him other than one of his specials.
  23. Re: Box Stand Question That buck busted the ladder, he will surely bust a box blind if it isnt camoed up a bit....are you sure you are not too close to the trails they use?? You want to be off to the side 20 yards or do if you can, and downwind of their approach. he may have caught scent of your path to the stand, or possibly you moved and tipped him off???
  24. Re: made an igloo tonight!!! use sticks???? hey you aint no eskimo....100% snow blocks from top to bottom..yes, I have done it once too, by the way, you did spend the night in it right???
  25. Re: 2004 Hunting Season Recap (pics) congrats on being a true sportsman and giving that buck up to the first shooter!!!