Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Pat Reeves Everytime my Oneida flexes...a big buck restes....
  2. Re: Wolf Attack!!! All Im gonna say is..our grandfathers got rid of 'em for a reason where did we go wrong??
  3. Re: Nightmare AFTER Christmas!!! [ QUOTE ] dude--you need some prozac! [/ QUOTE ] Dogdoc....Would Oxytocin work??? I was thinking maybe 25cc....it worked good for our cows!! Of course I dont have milk let down problems......nor am I trying to pass afterbirth.... You know....when I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled, they gave me laughing gas.....that was pretty cool!! HORST: You can shoot only the deer with your name on them...LOL!!
  4. Re: 8pt pic UBBCode: it should come up???
  5. Re: Who is the Biggest MORON? HEY..RYAN IS ROOKIE MORAN OF THE YEAR!! lol I nominate Ryan
  6. Re: More buck action! wow!!!! A "FLASHING" TURKEY!!
  7. Re: Nightmare AFTER Christmas!!! [ QUOTE ] Oneida did you by chance have hasenpfeffer for supper? [/ QUOTE ] Heck no....I just had rabbitt thats all! LOL
  8. Re: Save the Pledge I repect the 15% that dont accept there being a God...even if they are wrong....but they have no right to tell me I cant say the pledge honoring him!! If it wasnt for God...you wouldnt be here in the first place. And its only by his grace that we are still here!!
  9. Re: Nightmare AFTER Christmas!!! No kidding guys....I woke up goin full throttle and a couple gallons short of a full radiator!!
  10. Got anther pic of an 8 pt. UBBCode:
  11. Re: Fire being it was 1 am...the first responders would take a bit to get there......how far from the fire station was the house??? 20 minutes isnt all that long. Most of todays firfighters are pretty well organized and trained..its law. The more info that was called into dispatch the faster they can be in getting a battle plan in place. Please dont be so quick to jump them. They are only human.
  12. It all started with four guys from Iowa. They stopped by to ask about hunting in this area, as they had purchased land nearby. I told them that we are managing for trophy quality and told them we dont shoot anything under 8 pts and wider than its ears. But you guys know all about that being from Iowa right?? Sure they replied we'll get along fine then. Hey, wanna see some of my mounts I asked?? Ya sure they said, well, come on in then. Ok they look and said hey....not bad with raised eyebrows and agreed we got some good quality genetics to boot!! (My latest bowkill was up there on the wall too, for those who have seen it, and they all had doubled in size from reality!!) Well, I got to get goin guys I got to get to work, so they left and so did I. I get home from work and walk in the house..... MY MOUNTS ARE ALL GONE!!!! The wife was home all day, this cant be!!! Replacing them are some of the smaller sheds I found, mounted on deer heads, apparently to keep me from noticing the big ones are missing!! I ask my wife what in the ------ happened to my mounts???? All I get is am embarrassed smirk and she says" I dont know"...... OH BOY!!!!WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Im boilin now!!! I relentlessly keep trying to pry out of her what has gone on, with no luck!!! One of my brothers are outside in his truck, so I go ask him whats going on...he seems to know too, but wont talk!!! He just slowly pulls away like "I dont want to get involved"....see ya!... I go back into the house and Im steamin!!! I dont swear, but now Im spewing flames with every word!!! Finally Kim says...its on this tape what happened..watch it. So i slam it into the vcr and a bunch of useless movie garbage is playing and it never really gets to what Im suppose to see....I dont have time to for this s---!!! I really blow up now!!!!She goes...those guy's from Iowa just wanted to borrow them..... OH YA, RIGHT!!! I say. They will sell the racks and bring em back with fake ones!!!! I just jump up and grab her and say thats it your - - - is outta here!!!! Im done with this Bull----!!!!....GD ammitt!!! With that I grab her to throw her out the door!!!! Right at that time I awake to hear myself saying those words aloud!!!! (its 2:30 am), I realize Ive been dreaming and can tell Im being stared at by you know who!! I look over at her and she says..."WHO are you swearing at???? with eyes open very wide, and a bewildered look on her face. Well, Im still HOT, and jump out of bed, grab my robe, and head for the living room saying " THEY HAD BETTER BE THERE!!!!! I come back to bed and then I know it was just a very bad dream!!! I tell her about it and.......SHE LAUGHS!!!! rolls over and goes back to sleep!!!! GEESH!!! she dont know how close to gone she was!!! Im so worked up I cant get back to sleep!! Im laying there thinking...that was just TOO REAL!!!! And I aint NEVER lettin anybody from Iowa in my house EVER!!!!
  13. Re: Snowmobile Trip Pics waterfowl gal...you were in my backyard!!!
  14. Re: My biggest buck ever! nice buck, nubs!!!
  15. Re: Minnesota Vikings Last Chance Vikings win @ Lambeau??? Ha Ha Ha!!!
  16. Re: Might be poor tracking or poor shot placement? I would get the antlers if they are nice...
  17. Re: ANYONE EVER EAT A SNOWSHOE RABBIT ?? excellent table fare!! try barbequeing them!!!! YUM!!!
  18. Re: 2nd Muzzleloader kill(HUGE BUCK PICS) Good buck!! I second handgunner's response.
  19. Re: Vang Vs. the State of Wisconsin: Any Comments? [ QUOTE ] Wish Wisconsin had capital punishment...especially for this CLOWN. [/ QUOTE ] Ditto!!!!!
  20. Re: Prayers plesae KC, you've been given a second chance at life after your near fatal accident.......stay away from the booze, nothing good ever comes from drinking, as you're finding out!!!
  21. Re: New Stealth Cam Pics cooooooooooooooooooooooooons!!!
  22. Re: Thats It - I\'ve Had A Good Time - I\'m Back! Yup, this is the time to be doing that...Did some post season scouting this am too. Man I found some good rub lines. covered alot of ground too.
  23. Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM ONTARIO!!!! Happy New Year!! We're 17 minutes away yet!! just got back from our lil celebration!
  24. Re: Neat Stealth Cam Pic You arent blowing smoke now are you???LOL..I can see it now.
  25. Ravin R10 man


    Re: FaBuckeeio? A "Gurlyman" for sure!!!