Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Realtree 2004 Christmas Exchange Results DJR is going to get a little something from Canada...all year long.... SS knows what it is already I bet...(BB) SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! DONT TELL HIM!!
  2. Re: bla bla bla!!!! shoulda told him you wanted that wolf print for target practice!!
  3. Man!, I cant believe I did that....was skinning out that 11 pt the other eve. of course the legs gotta come off first. so i got three off and working on the last one and as im cutting the tendon at the joint I bend the leg to a 90 degree angle....with my blade still in between!!!....SNAP! there goes the end of my blade!! That was one knife that all you had to do was hang on, and it did the gutting, or skinning, all by itself!! LOL! Mon. is my birthday, so last eve. my wife came home with a brand new one from walmart....well it was a good one , but I'll have to go back and get it downsized a wee bit. I like a knife that when I extend my index finger...thats the end of the blade. You will never cut yourself while gutting if you know where the end of the blade is.
  4. Re: Found 1 of my brothers 3 stolen Buck mounts SUPER!!!! You will get them, and when you do NAIL'EM too the wall!!
  5. This is one of the two bucks I was after, the other one was the 11 pt. This guy should be a good one next year!! UBBCode:
  6. Re: IVE JUST BEEN DUMPED OVER HUNTING.. NOW WHAT?! Probably was a good choice too, heck ya can always find another guy!!
  7. Re: What do you think about Feeding Deer ? Dont believe a word of it...weve done it for years and have had great success with it. The big deal is people who start and are not comitted to it, and they start way too late. If you are not already feeding now..its too late to start. You cant just feed corn.
  8. Re: I\'ve HAD IT! I am done!!!! Vt....All Done says I!!!! LOL You dont have a cough muffler I bet!!
  9. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Teams & Scores Come on guys..Turkey girl and I are carring you guys on our backs!!!
  10. Re: Paul Harvey says: Must admit .....I have to agree with him! Tell it like it is Mr. Harvey!!
  11. Re: Truck hit!! Geico is a joke...would not insure me cause I am self employed and use it for work!
  12. Re: Need help on a ham for a christmas dinner SHUCKS.........Thought ya wanted someone to help eat it!!
  13. Re: This is just unbelievable, mom killed, fetus taken THESE ARE SIGNS OF THE END!!!! JESUS IS COMING AND I HOPE EVERYONE IS READY FOR IT!!!!!!!! I think you are right!! I hope they kept the rope!!! I believe it should be used when they find the monster
  14. Re: First bowkill pics-coyotes beat me too her Sorry to hear that william...darn yotes
  15. Re: Smackdown Time!! (pics) Oneida man Al, he came in at last light. When I saw him, I immediately went into my preshot prep. first off, I checked to see if my fiber optic pin was visable yet, or if I needed to turn on my blue burst light. It was just fine, so I got ready to draw when he committed to come by my shooting lane. He stopped to sparr with broken 8pt. then took several steps and quartered away slightly and stopped. I was at full draw and had my peep, had the shoulder dropped, and pin on the spot. IT FELT GOOD!!! a solid WHACK!! I really didnt need the snow for tracking, but take a ketchup bottle and just shake it as you walk...you get the picture eh?
  16. Re: Merry Early Christmas Everyone!!! Have a good one Shaun! Happy holidays!!
  17. Re: Does the wife and kids eat venison too??? That's all we've eaten for the past 25 yrs.,... sure is nice to pass all that greasy hamburger up in the store shelves!! Lil blonde grew up with venison, it's her fav meat!!
  18. Re: Smackdown Time!! (pics) Oneida man Thats just where he's going too...on the wall
  19. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Entry Thread UBBCode: UBBCode:
  20. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Entry Thread I upgraded my entry on team 1 to this, 11 pt. so I should have 16 points for our team. UBBCode:
  21. Got in my stand this afternoon and had 11 does and one busted up 8 pt. Then this guy shows up an 11 pt. and walks right under my stand and stops slightly quartering away at 5 yards!! Im 30 feet up in my spruce... WHACK! Hit him on the right side 5 ribs from the back and came out under his left front legs. Lungs and heart! Wasp does it again. pass thru too. Oh ya...and in the snow...HELLO...are we talkin blood trail???? UBBCode: UBBCode: UBBCode:
  22. Re: Shot a doe this afternoon-HELP PLEASE You may have jumped her out of that brush pile , if she ran blood will not be good until she slows down.Perhaps daylight will allow you to pick up on her trail. was that pile in the direction of the house?? is that the way she was heading?
  23. Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke I saw Greg Ritz hunt one with ML...took all day! that bull was spooky. I have heard about buffalo charging vehicles that enter a pasture that are not accustom to being there. They are little freight trains!! I think this is one of those "dont knock it until you've treid it posts"
  24. Re: Political Winds Are Shifting I dont agree with the last poll you stated...I believe in fact that "VALUES" were the no. 1 reason for the turnout we saw.
  25. Re: Is winter finally here?? YUP!!! 10 below zero this am.....that outta get them bucks up off there butts now