Posted on Fri, Nov. 12, 2004
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Dennis Paulson, formerly of Barnum and now of Maple Grove, MN, shot these two bucks with one bullet on opening day of Minnesota's firearms deer season, Nov. 6.
Two bucks. One bullet. No problem.
Dennis Paulson made a solid heart and neck shot on opening day of Minnesota's firearms deer season.
The single bullet passed through one buck's heart and another buck's neck, killing an eight-point and seven-point buck with one shot.
Paulson, 40, a former Barnum resident now living in Maple Grove, Minn., was hunting near Barnum on Saturday when he made the rare shot.
He was in a nine-person party on 120 acres of family-owned land about eight miles south of Carlton, near the Mahtowa exit off Interstate 35. While the rest of his party went in for lunch about noon, he decided to head back out to his stand near the power lines.
"You always hear stories about bucks moving between the trees between noon and 2 p.m. when people are eating lunch, so I thought I'd give it a try," Paulson said in a telephone interview Wednesday.
He was in his deer stand about 2:30 p.m. when he missed a nice-sized buck. Then, about half-hour later, he let two other deer pass as he waited for a trophy.
That's when Paulson saw an eight-point buck come out of the woods, then another behind it. They were standing next to each other in a field about 125 yards away.
Paulson said the thought crossed his mind that he might have a real chance at getting them both with his bolt-action .300 Winchester Magnum, which holds four shells.
"They call it an elephant gun up there," he said.
But then he had a misfire. Coupled with the miss and an ejected jam in between, Paulson was down to his last bullet. The deer looked up, but they didn't leave. The wind was in his favor, he said.
Looking through his scope, he shot and both bucks went down. The second deer briefly got back up, then fell for good, Paulson said.
"You always hear about this with a buck and doe, but never two bucks together like that," said Paulson's brother Allan, who was also part of the hunting party. "We all said that's unbelievable."
But they never doubted Dennis Paulson's story, Allan Paulson said.
"My brother's never lied in his life," he said with a laugh.
Dennis Paulson's friend, Chad Clough of Barnum, had returned to his stand about 600 yards west by then and helped Paulson haul out the bucks. They figured the bucks were 130 and 150 pounds field-dressed.
"He (Clough) didn't see it," Paulson said. "But you can't make this one up. You can see how the bullets lined up. It's a true, legit story."