Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: my 1st deeeeeer head (pic) looks good Nick.....you got a heck of a deal!!
  2. Re: Wisconsin T-Zone In our group,we shot 5 does......took mine with the bow earlier, so had to sit this one out......deer are spooked out of their minds now! Gonna take a week or so for them to come back around. It was like a war zone around here this past weekend!!
  3. Re: No Offense, But................. I always get a kick outta Rodger Raglins Take on this one....I wanna "let the air otta that sucker"!!!
  4. Re: bin Laden Threatens Bush Voters Id like to see him come by my treestand.....I could use some good grease rags!!
  5. Re: Lost the trail! My guess is the shot was a little farther back than expected....and the fact that the blood stopped sems to indicate a gut shot and hopefully it clipped the liver. Go slowly and mark the trail as you go. You have a very good chance at finding this deer if you did not push it.
  6. Re: Almost got shot!!!!! let us know what becomes of it
  7. Re: Question for the cold weather hunters Portable Buddy heater is very good. It will shut down if the oxygen level gets low.
  8. Re: Question on smoking Sorry..dont smoke or drink
  9. Re: Which Spot to hunt..... Help me out here since im after big bucks...I would go for the back door stand myself.
  10. Re: Misleading intelligence ad on Kerry. Any add stating Kerry has intelligence is misleading
  11. Re: Would you still vote for Bush.... Of course I'd vote for him!! I CANT support a TURNCOAT as Kerry is just that!
  12. Re: Kerry\'s service of Vietnam! Stolen Honor!!! It just begs the question......should a TRAITOR even be allowed to run for this or any office??.... The constitution says they cant! This guy is Prison material...NOT Presidential!!!
  13. Re: Poor Buckee... Now when that buck and doe cook some "Buckee burgers" up.....dont ya think its going to be like that scene in Dennis The Menace movie, where Mr. Wilson cooks them up and takes a bite, then he says....."TASTES LIKE PAINT!!!!!"
  14. let me guess........you planted "Jurassic" seeds? LOL
  15. Re: feeling bad about a shot i took Sorry to hear that Tom... I was hopeing with the quartering away shot you would have caught the liver. It must have just got the hip bone.
  16. Re: From me to you.(Raffle) hope you have a big bucket for all these names, Mich1 LOL! Oneida Man signing up
  17. Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan And these are the same people who will want compensation when their flowers are eaten and over run with deer...go figure
  18. Re: feeling bad about a shot i took Thats a dead deer, wise choice to leave her alone too. She will not be far from where you saw her bed up.
  19. Re: So who\'s winning the war? If its "bodies" that people are worried about.....What about the babies we kill under the sad excuse of abortion??
  20. Re: I STUCK AN ABSOLUTE HOG TONIGHT!! WIFE SHOT ONE TO dogdoc...Im shocked....Havnt you ever heard of a TEXAS Heart shot
  21. Re: Current poll on front page?? Swamp...I think you nailed it!...Cant be that many BRAIN DEAD people in here!!
  22. Re: I STUCK AN ABSOLUTE HOG TONIGHT!! WIFE SHOT ONE TO Let us know what happens.....i think you heard the arrow hit a rib,or bone of some kind. Good luck, think you may need on this one.
  23. Re: Wisconsin T-Zone Exactly CHRUD!!! We are just agian mow seeing the big boys, and here comes that stupid T zone to put em nocturnal on us!
  24. Re: So who\'s winning the war? Since we are not fighting on our soil, Id say we got the upper hand....UNLESS Kerry gets in, then....all bets are off!! Why are we over there??? Are you serious?? The Muslims consider all Christians infidels, thus they are required to hunt down and kill them. Now , if your NOT a Christian, you probably dont have as much to worry about, except your freedom, which is not free. God bless the troops that gave all to enable us(U.S.), to enjoy it!!
  25. Re: Thanks everybody.....we lost him Our deepest sympathy to you and your family, Nick. Grandfathers are special people and know you will have lots of good memories to cherish forever. Thoughts and prayers to you all.