Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Pics of the world\'s smallest food plot J.B......REMEMBER, "SIZE DONT MATTER"!!!
  2. Re: need woman advice [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] It's deer season dude...you never saw her...JB [/ QUOTE ] Yep, go hunting! Right now you want her to talk to you but just think...one day you'll be married and you'll pray for the day that she will just shut up! [/ QUOTE ]....LOL!!!!!!!well ask her out to a movie or something....or someone else will
  3. Re: 3 bucks locked up (pic) That sure is one heck of a cluster of antlers!
  4. Re: lil blonde deer killer Yes, she is! Where you from nick912?
  5. Re: Rainy Day Bowhunting Doc, here today was exactly that kind of day. A moderate drizzel. Yes, I went out bowhunting! Put up my Buck Wing umbrella and stayed relativly dry. However, saw around 20 deer, five different bucks, none were shooters. The only way I'd a shot at a good buck under those conditions, would be a well placed quartering away shot right on down through the lungs and heart. OR... no shot at all.
  6. Thought Id see if I was on with my form while waiting for the deer to move, drilled that squirrel.
  7. congrats, good work keepin after him, and follow up!
  8. Re: Wisconsin hunt Where you going to in WI?? I'm up in Bayfield Co. Good luck, lots of birds flying!!
  9. Re: Morning or afternoon? I prefer late afternoon hunts, but am is good too, like derek said...when do you call er quits in the am??
  10. Re: The real and underlining reason Kerry isn\'t fit WRONG!!!!....It was the "middle" of the day when he was interviewed!! He cant even get his lies right!
  11. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Entry Thread This is a start, major upgrade coming later!! User Name: Onieda Man Doe kill 9/21/04....6:30pm TEAM 1
  12. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Entry Thread ok, now it's Dad's turn!! Good job, lil blonde Tag Pic
  13. Re: Opening Day of Crow Hunting we just throw em to the yotes....you should see the crop damage they did in this farmers sunflowers!!!! 75% of the heads are bare!!!! must be 400 crows in them!! Oh Ya...we are up to 60 birds now too
  14. My Brother and I had a good shoot today, got 28. Just a few of them here.
  15. Re: If you could hunt with a pro? Mike Eastman, out west , after Monster Mulies
  16. Re: lil blonde deer killer inquiry minds really want to know!!...she's 15 going on 21! Has a job, and shoots her bow every day. grouping her arrows in a 3" circle at 15 yards too
  17. Re: lil blonde deer killer she can hold her own as far as shooting goes. Bow or gun does not matter. Nerves of steel too
  18. Re: Whats Your Reason? [ QUOTE ] Kinda like Gordon did twice to Rusty at Bristol? [/ QUOTE ] Thats right..and when jeff did a "Earnhardt",...boy did the fans get P.O'd kinda two faced if ya ask me.hey he learned from "the best", so jeff said, I dont agree with Jeff bumping rusty either. drafting..well thats a whole nother story, as far as getting someone "loose"....as long as they dont touch..NO problem!if you cant race clean, you aint racin!
  19. Re: Whats Your Reason? Come on guy's dale Sr. was the dirtiest driver you could ever get out on the track! Heck, anybody can bump and run, and take the checkers!
  20. Re: What do you do While on Stand Bowhunting, i am in stealth mode and just enjoying being out in God's great outdoors!! Gun hunting , we use tower blinds, so I read Big Buck issues, and keep watch, usually stay in stand all day.
  21. Re: what do people think about a 7mm Rem. Mag. I got a Savage 110 in that calibur. I won it at a Whitetail Unlimited Banquet. I shot my biggest buck to date with it. I would not suggest you get one for that, but it would be good for bigger game. I personally use a 270 for deer.
  22. Re: Proud Daddy (pic)... WOW!!! Way to start her off!! LOL hey, find me a good spot to call that gobbler in!! j/k
  23. Re: I miss you, Dad... Marky; Your on the right track there now, just keep your eye on the final destination, thats where we will be reunited some day. Thanks for sharing the story, as I have yet to go thru that with my folks...think they may outlive us all!!!!
  24. Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies Glad to hear you have decided to live for Christ Grant!! Its never easy, but the rewards are worth it. Your going to be just fine, you'll find the right one and when you do you will know.
  25. Re: new truck!!!!! change of mind.....i'm not gonna get a new truck i've decided i've got mine paid off why go in debt again i'm just gonna add to it !!!! Glad to hear it!! My little brother bought his first new truck as a sophomore in high school. He worked at Hardees after school. Can you believe he paid it off in two years?? Turns out the kids that worked there didnt want to work, so he got all the hours he wanted. Most days he worked from 3:00 p.m. to midnight. And weekends up to 18 hrs.!! The management was not supposed to have him work that long, but they got by with it.