Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: MONSTER MIX & other seeds [ QUOTE ] thanks for the info. hows the trefoil do in part shade? f [/ QUOTE ] Not to worry, it does excellent in shade and sun, however like any other plant, can only take just so much when there is no rain.
  2. Re: A Realtree.com Proposition I think Iowa or Ill. thats a full day drive from the north. Im in, sure sounds like fun!
  3. Re: Been Sabotaged? Help Scott or someone wtnhunt; Oh Man!!!! does that mean your credit card does not exist too????LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This doesnt have anything to do with UPS stopping at your house, does it??
  4. Re: Peta protest in Nashville Glad to see those sixth graders out there taunting the protestors. Dont know what the connection with being naked could be.... the animals arent!!!
  5. Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies AMEN, Buckee!! WOW! What a testimony, I never had to go through aything like that at all. I grew up in a Christian home, and never really thought too much about it. We didnt swear drink or smoke and never could understand why anyone would want to. My Grandparents also were Christians, and to this day my Grandmother, my fathers mom, really impressed me with her faith. Whenever we'd go visit them she would go whip up a quick "lunch". I tell you, were talkin fryed chicken, real mashed potatoes,gravy....all from scratch. Then before we'd eat, she'd say grace....WOW!!! You knew she was talking to the lord!!! Her voice would be so reverent, and would lower a couple octives....really a Godly woman! Well anyway, I accepted Christ at a young age, and never looked back! You know, the older I get the more it means to me! You wake up in the morning with a sense of gratefullness to be alive! I always tell people that when Im in my treestand, Im just a "little " bit closer to God!! You know, I've had four close to death experiences to date, any one of them should have done me in, but I believe the Lord has me here for some purpose yet to be completed. One of the experiences, I was helping my neighbor harvest corn. I got the tractor stuck while chopping a load, and he came over to pull me out with the big Versatile. I hooked the chain onto both tractors, except I forgot to put a clip in the clevis of the tractor to pull me out. He started to pull and "POW"!!!! my window shatterd!! he came running back, opened the door and was white as a gost!!! Seems the clevis spread open and came flying back right into the cab and missed my head by inches!! I didnt even notice that it had till he pointed to the tear in the insulation above my head! Seems it hit the crosspiece of the front cab window and riccochet up and hit the ceiling. I looked at him and laughed, and said, I guess the Lord dont want me home today!!! keep this tread going, I just may live to read it all!!
  6. Re: Yes or No? NO WAY!!!
  7. Re: Hiding or watching? I busted both!!!!
  8. Re: Pete Rose I got a kick out of the media....they acted like this was some sort of revalation!! Not a good roll moddle!
  9. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE Osok brought it on himself, as far as respect, you must earn it too!! Realtree has every right to control this forum any way they choose. Frankly, I looked at the MM sight, and I have no reason to go back after what I read in there. You are most certianly welcome here, as long as you comply to this forums ground rules, I know everyone here would agree!! if you guy's cant comply with them, then I guess this is not the place for you. Onieda
  10. Re: Descent bow for Wife Jmt; I think you should back the draw wieght back some,even 50# is alot for a gal to pull. Id start her at 40 and go from there. Hoyt has some pretty good bows that might fit her. Shop around, what she likes, and what fits her should be up to her. If my wife wanted to bow hunt, Id get her what ever she felt comfortable with.
  11. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE Great pics moosie, keep em comin!!
  12. Re: Stealth Cam Bucks finally! Nice pics! Man, that second buck really is gonna be something in a couple years!!
  13. Re: Windshield wipers NEAT!!! I sent it!!
  14. Re: Free Hat WELL, I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN HUNTING FOR ONLY TEN YEARS....so my guess is 10-26-97
  15. Re: Yesterday in Baghdad Im glad he went over there and served his troops TG day dinner!!! Why was Hilary Dilery Doc over there??? Dont tell me Bush did it for election coverage!! She has NO business putting her beak in there!!
  16. good question, JIMT.......just bought one, and was wondering the same thing??
  17. Re: Baby Pics.... Congrats to you and your family!! looks like a future hunter already!!
  18. good to know..just bought one last nite, am going to get it set up ASAP!!!!
  19. Re: Finally my wife got her deer congrats on your first deer
  20. Re: Question Need an ATV to get around in and not have to muddy up my truck all the time!!
  21. Re: What exactly is \"a life\"????? your life sounds just fine... you have everlasting life, you cant get any more than that!!
  22. Re: If you could hunt with a pro? First off define PRO... I think half of us on here would qualify as such. From what Ive seen on certain videos and shows, I know this to be true!
  23. Re: Hunters Blend? Saw it in Duluth Mn. Wal-Mart too looked like it had been there for awhiletoo.
  24. Re: Wrong leading a church? How anyone can get this far off track from GOD"S word is beond me!! The Bible does speak of "Man laying with Man, and women laying with women", and says that this is TOTALLY WRONG!! God ordained marriage to be one MAN with one WOMEN period! We are getting closer to the end people...."Man will call good evil..and evil good"
  25. Re: Bear Hunting t.o.t.w. Dont forget to check out food sources in agrcultural areas too, thats where I got this, in a corn field im Northern Wis. Bayfield co. is the highest bear population Co. in Wis. http://"http://www.hunt101.com/?p=50017&c=506&z=1"] [/url] 300# dressed wgt. [ 06-29-2003, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Onieda man ]