Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: 13 year old daughter success! Now thats what Im talkin about!!! Way to go yutes!!!
  2. Re: Kerry\'s goose hunting \'October disguise\' Why is it...everytime I see Kerry or Edwards, the Hall and Oats tune "Out of Time, Out of Touch" comes to mind???
  3. Re: The absolutely worst.... Look at it this way Todd......Its GOT to get BETTER!!!!Now that your bad luck is used up,you have to be in store for good!!! keep us posted on your adventures!!! LOL
  4. Re: 18 Deer Found Dead In One Field In Illinois I may be wrong...but I think those Gnats are called "nose botts"???
  5. Re: POLL on snow camo???? Do you hunt on the ground or treestand? If from a tree, then yes, add some branches!! Mine came with the pattern on it. I hunt from above.
  6. Re: Read this....It\'s pretty good God bless our vets, and Bush!!
  7. Re: Go ahead ...Vote for Kerry I dislike wolves GREATLY!!!!
  8. Re: Oneida man\'s slamming crows...... I shot nearly two boxes that a.m....my brother came back the next day and got 27 more!! The official count is now 210
  9. Re: New Drawing nice work......your uncle will be very proud to hang that up for you!
  10. Re: District champs.! Congrats to your team!! That's quite an honor!!
  11. Took this photo of two does up on their hind legs while I was up in my tree lounge bowhunting recently UBBCode:
  12. Re: I got a HOT one!! Northern Wi. is mid to late pre-rut...small bucks are just starting to birddog the does, but the big boys are not
  13. Re: Big Buck question Id stay put. he will come by you sooner or later. Dont push him too hard, or he will be gone! Play the wind right, and dont try to catch him along the field edge, that seldom works, and you cant get out without spooking the deer. Go in and out the backside like you are doing.
  14. Re: Tree Lounge Yup, took another nice little cat nap tonight again.....till a spike came thru and woke me up!!
  15. Re: Trees and property lines some good advice from adk; when we do logging jobs, we cut whatever is on or over the line of the property we are on. Standing or otherwise.
  16. Re: John Kerry or Hillary Clinton? I forgot about that witch long ago!!
  17. Re: Tree Lounge Got a used one with all the extras. I set it up and put screw in steps up to it. Man, that thing is nice!!! I usually take a nice little nap everytime out there!! The deer wake me up when they come in. I got my Buck Wing porta- roof up too so it stays dry. I can shoot to my right and in front without much trouble. Thats the direction the deer are coming in from, so I set up to allow easy shooting for me. As far as taking it out and putting it up everytime.....No thanks!
  18. Re: I am so mad....this is unreal just have one question Turkeygirl....... were they boxers or briefs?!?!
  19. Re: Oneida man\'s slamming crows...... Thanks Todd; Thats my brother Butch, the "crow miester" on the left and i am on the right. This was the most we have taken in a single hunt, 45 total. we are now over 200 for this fall. They are doing alot of crop damage in corn and sunflowers here, as they migrate south.
  20. Re: What\'s a good movie now showing?? "Friday Night Lights" is a great movie.......about a lot more than football, surprisingly!
  21. Re: the pressure\'s off now ...lol..got my first deer o congrats
  22. Re: Reatree Admin - I\'ve Tried it all dont feel bad...I can t even get logged in!!
  23. Re: Fall plot progress.... ME 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Re: Treerat at 15 yards! No, it was actually a practice arrow....I squrrel-bobbed him! I was 25 feet up and he was 15 yards from the base of the tree.
  25. Re: **Big 9 point Swamp buck is dead to D-mans arrow** congrats D-Man!!!