Re: Muzzleloader accessories
And if you are flinchlock user you will need extra flints, leather or lead strips to hold the flints, a touchhole pick, primer powder dispenser, screwdriver. After I submit the message I'll think of something else.
Re: Pennsylvania Deer Population
AR and HR have made quite a difference in Fulton County. Used to see maybe one year and a half old buck during a season along with tons of doe. Now the doe sightings are down but we are definitely shooting some great buck deer.
Re: Weird names
Once upon a time women actually stayed in the hospital for three days following natural childbirth and the fathers were confined to waiting rooms prior to delivery. When my wife was in the hospital following the birth of our son some 35 years ago, she had a roommate who was there for bed rest because of a difficult pregnancy. Did I say that once upon a time you actually had to wait until childbirth to see if you were getting a boy or a girl? Well, anyway, my wife's roommate said that if she got a girl she would be named Heidi-Ho and if it were a boy he would be named Rudy-Toot.
Re: Hunting Season Over
No hunting season in now, but we have a late flintlock/archery deer season and a late small game season. Late seasons come in after Christmas.
Re: .25-06
I have been loading the 110 gr Nosler Accubond over 53 gr IMR 4831. The load chronographed at 3105 fps in a Remington model 700 that I bought new in 1972. Sighted in at 1-1/2" high at 100 yards, the load is right on at 200 and about 3-1/2" low at 300. Last fall I shot a Montana mule deer buck, antelope buck and antelope doe. I also shot a PA buck with it.
Re: Online Hunting Licenses
I buy my PA license online and it comes in the mail. I buy and print my VA licenses online. Bought surplus MT doe/Fawn antelope tags online last year and they came in the mail.
Re: YES - son and I drew our antelope tags!
I can vouch for the fun part. My son and I drew our first antelope tags last fall and each of us took a great buck. It was great fun. Now I'm looking forward to taking my 6 year old grandson in a few years.
Re: Assateague Island Bucks
The pics are on Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge - the VA part of the island. That part is huntable by draw only and there are only two days each season when you can shoot a buck - one in each of two 2-day draws. I saw a huge whitetail buck last season - but I was drawn for the third hunt and you could only shoot whitetail on the first two hunts.
The MD part is Assateague National Seashore and that part is walk in - but they limit access to the first 140 hunters each day.
Got these two bucks mixed in with a few Sika on film last Friday evening just before a thunderstorm. Can't wait until October 19 to get the draw results.
Re: 2003 Mule Deer
It's the same buck as my avatar. Outside measurement is 23-1/2". I was up last evening and he's working on my 2005 buck - has the antlers on the form, working on ear butts, muscle sculpture and the base. If it turns out well he wants to use it as a competition piece.
My son just finished my 2003 Mule Deer mount for Father's Day. He says he will have my 2005 Mulie done in a few weeks. He's also working on my Pronghorn from last fall and a 43" striper from Chesapeake Bay.
Re: work two jobs?
I work two jobs about half the year - have done so for 15 years. Second job is teaching classes two nights a week for three months and doing tax returns 5 nights a week and all day Saturdays for three months. Boy am I glad yesterday was tax day. Now I'm off from the second job until mid-September.
Re: Days End Archery Antelope Hunting
Oh great - now you just set me up to think about MT all day again. I really can't wait to get back - unfortunately not this year though.
Re: Montana Super Tag
Next time I come to your wonderful state I will be in the draw for an elk supertag. I hunt in 700, and the special permit draw for a nonresident rifle tag is like "No Way Man". The supertag may also be "No Way Man", but at least it's another opportunity - and we can hope can't we? There are some terrific bulls on the land we hunt.
Re: Pennsylvania Game Comission
At $19 and considering that there hasn't been an increase in 15 years, the price of a PA hunting license is a bargain by any comparison. I fully support a price increase.