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Everything posted by G-Daddy
Re: Taxes--how much did you pay? Actually with the PA system there is provision for the poor. It's called "Special Provisions" and people that meet the requirements are "forgiven" their state income taxes.
Re: lever action accuracy My Winchester Model 88 in .308 is also quite accurate. Some of the oldies were certainly goodies.
Re: Who has trips planned for this season?? Taking a trip to eastern Montana in October for mule deer and antelope with my son and a nephew. Then I plan to apply for the sika draw at Chincoteague NWR again in December or January.
Re: What do you think of the deer herd? I don't think one can characterize the deer herd in an entire state with any degree of accuracy. I took my pickup to drop off for state inspection last evening and saw one field with 50 deer feeding in it. I saw at least six fields with actively feeding deer on Saturday afternoon driving the six miles to my son's house. Different locations provide different carrying capacitites.
Re: What Does Your Fishing License Cost? I buy VA saltwater license. It costs me $30 for the boat and it covers anyone fishing with me. It also includes an individual license for me.
Re: My Striper My son is doing a replica of a 45 lb striper I caught in Chesapeake Bay. He has the form, and I nose around his shop every time I go over to see if he's working on it. I won't see much this weekend though because he's away at a seminar.
My son and I will also be there first week of Montana rifle season for mulies and hopefully antelope. We are hunting 7-V Ranch for the second time. Last trip was fall of 2003. We got nice muley bucks during the rut. My son's was 26" and mine was 24". We saw some nice antelope, but it was after the season was out and they had shed a lot of horns. Now we only have to wait to see if we draw a tag for antelope. Applications will be out by the end of this month.
Re: how did you come up with your username?? When my grandson was born he had a condition called Pierre Robin Syndrome that caused a cleft palate. He had corrective surgery at 1 year and didn't start talking until he was 3. All the other grandkids called me Grandaddy, but he shortened it to G-Daddy. The other kids thought that was cool, so now I'm G-Daddy.
Re: Social Security What I think! Since when do you have to earn 60-70k to take care of yourself. My family has been a one-income family for over 20 years, and I have never earned $60k yet. I finally "woke up" 26 years ago and realized that no one was going to take care of me in retirement, so I'd better do it myself. I will not be a pauper in retirement - and SS will not be my main source of income. I'm doing this on income averaging around $40k for the last 26 years. I would be significanlty better off, though, had there been private retirement accounts where 15% of my SS tax had gone to take care of me directly.
Re: A need to look at social securty post!!!!!! I'm too old to get into the proposed private account thing since I'm within 10 years of retirement age, but believe me I would put the proposed maximum in a private account in a heartbeat if I could. I would much rather take care of myself than have some government agency doing it for me.
Re: A need to look at social securty post!!!!!! I am 56, but AARP definitely does not speak for me!!!!
Re: National Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies!!! I used to think like sluggo. Now that I have gray in my beard I have come to realize that what he NRA has been saying for years is exactly true. The anti's agenda is to nibble away at our rights. They want us to think that only a few more laws are needed to curb the criminals - what they really want is to make any gunowner/hunter a criminal. Hold firm now or we're setting ourselves up for failure just like England and Australia.
Re: Antelope hunting CB My son is the taxidermist - although he's not yet done an antelope. I'll pass your advice on to him. Our outfitter has a few freezers available. This will be our first hunt for antelope as we have gone exclusively for mule deer in late November before. The outfitter had the opening week available and asked us to try that instead of later. There will be three of us and he said at least two should draw antelope tags.
Re: Antelope hunting My son and I have a confirmed mule deer hunt scheduled for the opening week of MT rifle season - last week of October. We plan to try to draw antelope tags as well. He will take his 300 winmag and I will use my 30+ yr old 25-06.
Re: Social Security I can't understand why so many people are getting bent our of shape by a proposed change that will be V O L U N T A R Y! ! ! !
Re: 1st forum meet of 2005 \"Harrisburg,PA\" Feb 5,6th I'm going but not until Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Cabelas shouldn't be too hard to find. It's right along I-78 at the Rt 61 exit.
I have a 30 year old SKB 12 ga double barrel with 2-3/4" chambers and choked IC and M. It is marked as made for Ithaca by SKB, and is the best handling shotgun I have ever owned. It fits me perfectly and points so naturally it just feels right. I would like to do all my shotgunning with it and have questions about two modifications I have thought of. Is it possible (safe) to ask a gunsmith to bore out the chambers to 3"? Also, is it possible to add choke tubes? Help me out before I take it to a gunsmith and he looks at me like I have two heads.
Re: PA Hunters Many more big bucks coming out of Fulton County than there used to be. The herd reduction part of the plan does not yet seem to be affecting the overall population in the southern part of the county where there is mostly farm land. Our trend has turned from shooting 15-18 bucks (mostly spikes and forkies) and a couple of does to 20+ does and 8-10 six and eight pointers. We hunt around 800 acres of private land. There is one guy in our club who said, "Nobody likes to shoot big bucks more than me, but I kind of miss the days of seeing bone and laying him down."
Re: Where Should I Move To?? If you get to VA Eastern Shore you will probably have opportunity to stop me for a compliance check. The fishing is great, and there's also some good hunting available in a couple of MD WMAs nearby. Then you can waterfowl hunt lots of places for free and there are lots of waterfowl outfitters as well. I just went on a sika hunt last week with my son and got a little one on the wildlife refuge. Opportunity is where you look for it.
Re: Do you tip? I generally tip ant 18% - 20% for good service. I do cut it though if I don't get good service. I have never tipped a taxidermist. Tipping guides depends on the type of hunt. When I've gone to lodges in the south where the guides take you out in a Suburban, point you to a stand or blind and pick you up later I do not tip. When hunting with an outfitter where the guide is with you and puts you on game a tip is in order. The amount depends on whether you are 1 on 1 or 2 or 3. It also depends on the guide's knowledge and abilities.
Re: new gun I've been using a 25-06 for most of my deer hunting since 1972. I've shot over 30 whitetails and one muley with it and I love the performance. I've used Hornady 117 gr boattail spitzers, Nosler 117 gr partitions, Hornady 117 gr SSTs and Nosler 117 gr Ballistic Tips. I get consistent 3/4"- groups with the last bullets and shot my muley buck in Montana with it last fall. I plan on taking it again next fall. I think you will love it for a deer rifle.
Re: Coyotes released in PA..True or False TSB - I wasn't insuating anything. Actually my sil has a bil with a milk route and he says he came across a guy releasing yotes and saying he was paid by an insurance company to release them in Fulton County - if you can believe that. Why sould an insurance company want to do that in one of the most rural counties in the state? If it would be anywhere you would think it would be in the populated areas where there are many more deer accidents than here. Just poking a little fun and it wasn't aimed at anyone.
Re: Coyotes released in PA..True or False No coyotes, but my son in law's brother in law has a friend that said he saw a truck with a big cage on the back and this guy was looking for a place to dump bigfoot.
Re: Top five irritations around the house... I'm told that I am the number 1 irritation around the house.
Re: 30-30 ammo for deer I've used 150 gr soft points with good success, but my 86 yr old father in law won't use anythng but 170 gr hollow points in his open sighted Winchester model 94.