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Everything posted by G-Daddy

  1. Re: Next season I know of several nice bucks that made it through our seasons so far. I'm still hoping to get a crack at one with my flintlock next week, although I will only be able to hunt Thursday afternoon and Saturday.
  2. Re: Question about posting pics... One way to do it is to use a photo that's already on the web. When you are at a web-based photo that you want to use you can right click on the photo and check properties and the url will be listed there.
  3. Re: Anyone Mechanics Here?? I'm not a mechanic but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  4. Re: Alt retires, your thoughts? I've been hunting in PA for over 40 years. When I started you could hunt every day for the two week buck season and see the same doe and fawn every day and little else. I went for six seasons in the late '60s and early '70s without even seeing one buck in the season. Now we are trying to reduce our herd by shooting our limit of does and cannot even seem to make a dent in our local population. I understand there are areas in the state where HR has had a big impact, but I think many of these areas were headed to disaster due to habitat damage resulting from too large of a herd. It will take some time for the habitat to recover in many parts of the state where there is absolutely no browse.
  5. Re: Who is still hunting? I still have a few days left to hunt in flintlock season, then my son and I are going to Chincoteague NWR on a sika hunt in mid January. Then it's over, but I'll be so busy with tax season I won't have time to think about hunting until spring turkey.
  6. Re: Great PA public land buck Here's a couple of pics
  7. Re: Great PA public land buck I'll bring my camera in and try to get a pic when he stops by. He's a tool sales guy that comes in a couple of times a week.
  8. I talked to a guy this morning that showed me the skull of a buck he shot opening day. It has to score 150 – 170 and he says it came off of SGL 235 in Franklin County. This is the second big buck he’s taken from the same proximity in Bear Valley. This buck was a beautiful 8 point typical rack with incredible mass - one of those you see in your dreams. It’s the leading entry in Keystone Country Store’s big buck contest.
  9. Re: Gary Alt Where are all the deer at in Pa. You can't make broad brush statements about a state as large as PA and maintain credibility. To say there are no deer in PA is absolutely untrue. On Monday I saw 23 deer including 5 bucks. Two of the bucks should have been legal bucks, but their antlers were broke up. On Tuesday I saw 50 deer including one additional buck that I had not seen on Monday. On Friday afternoon I saw 20 deer - all doe. Then yesterday I saw only 19 deer, but 2 of them were small bucks I had not seen earlier. There are deer in PA, but there are definitely areas of the state where the herd has been significantly reduced.
  10. G-Daddy

    Tred Barta

    Re: Tred Barta A number of years ago I subscribed to a fishing magazine that he wrote for. That was enough for me to decide not to renew that mag.
  11. Minwax "Provincial" stain does the trick for me.
  12. Re: Kerry the most liberal Senator....Nope. So...........??????
  13. I recently bought an Olympus C-765 camera with a 256 mb photo card. This setup will record a movie with sound up to 50 minutes. I can play the movie on a tv, but haven't figured out how to record it - say like on a VHS recorder. Anyone know how to record from a digital camera?
  14. G-Daddy

    Mule Deer

    Re: Mule Deer Idunno. They were there yesterday.
  15. G-Daddy

    Mule Deer

    Re: Mule Deer Actually, his Daddy's the one who's proud. My brother in law shot the buck - son was the taxidermist and it's the first mule deer he did. My Montana buck from last November is now in the shop.
  16. Re: Tresspassers Everywhere Friends just bought a neighboring farm. There is at least one person that used to hunt that farm that is upset they are losing their hunting ground. So far my friends have found five bucks that were shot and left lay in the two weeks since settlement.
  17. Re: What kind of vehicle do you drive? Work car is a 1998 Taurus Beater is 1981 F-150 4x4 Good truck is 1997 F-250
  18. Re: Whats so wrong about stem cell research ? You do realize, of course, that the current administration is the first to provide funding for any stem cell research.
  19. Re: My Remembrance Day Big Typical Muley Great Muley. One year ago today I was on a Montana muley hunt. I'm going back next fall and can't wait.
  20. Re: PY Shoulder Mount Finished !! Great buck.
  21. G-Daddy

    Mule Deer

    Here's some pics of my son's first mule deer mount. It's a buck taken in Montana last November.
  22. Re: What Muzzleloader to Buy ?? Make sure you check the laws for the state(s) you are going to hunt. Some may specify that the ignition must be exposed.
  23. Re: BIG PA BUCK! Can't be. Everyone in PA knows there aren't any deer left since antler restrictions and herd reduction.
  24. Re: BIG PA BUCK! That can't be. Everyone knows that herd reduction and antler restrictions have decimated the herd in PA and there aren't any deer left.