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Everything posted by mainebuck

  1. I usually like whatever i can get a good buy on. I have some realtree hardwoods, hardwoods green. some advantage timber and a little bit of mossy oak. My lacrosse boots are the mossy oak new breakup. blends in pretty well when up in a hardwood tree.
  2. how do you like that copperhead? always wanted to try one of those, but they just seem a little pricey. I have an API Baby Grand and a Rivers Edge Bandit for hang-ons. For a climber I have a summit viper xls.
  3. I just picked up a copper john dead nuts in realtree hardwoods camo. got 4 .029 pins on it. picked up the afterburner light for it today. for a rest I have a trophy taker shakey hunter.
  4. Re: wtb mossberg 835 chokes used/new I have a Hastings .690. Paid $30. Used to test different loads, but did not work well for my gun. $20 TYD.
  5. Re: Camo AlphaShox gap on mine is 5/8" so I guess I'll have to pass.
  6. Re: Beautiful Morning! that's awesome James. there is a camo pattern for just those surroundings. It's put out by a company named G.A.R. That stands for Great American Roadhunters. I know a few of those.
  7. Re: Where do you ..
  8. Re: Last time you cleaned your Turkey Gun? I clean mine every time I shoot it.
  9. I picked up a bunch of those today after patterning my gun. they fly quite a ways, but the shells did not pattern too well with my gun. decided on using winchesters.
  10. Re: Camo AlphaShox I would be interested if they fit on my Bear TRX bow. Not sure though.
  11. Re: No sunday Hunting In Connecticut some parts of New England just don't get it huh? I share your pain.
  12. Re: Detachable Quivers... When I detach my alpine softloc I usually hang it on a screw in hook I hang my backpack from. It's right there on the tree beside me. I missed one two years ago and it went back to feeding which allowed me to grab another arrow out of the quiver without spooking it. I do at times keep the quiver on the bow when I hunt as well. I think it's nice to have the option of taking it off. You can always leave a detachable one on, but you can't take a non-detachable one off.
  13. Re: Edwards Wins Atlanta I missed the post race interview with JJ so I didn't hear his creative ways to describe blocking. Edwards did a heck of a job. JJ needs to get booted in the rear end and spun out for blocking like that though. I'd like to see a veteran like Rusty or Jarret teach the boy a thing or two since ole Dale ain't around to do it any more.
  14. Re: Edwards Wins Atlanta that was an awesome finish. Hopefully JJ will learn his lesson and learn to race guys to the finish, not try to block them the whole way.
  15. Re: 2005 Extreme Sniper Recon error on my part. I didn't realize the Sniper XLT came in Hardwoods patterns, but I now see it does. That's an option, but I need 4 pins so I'd have to add one.
  16. Re: 2005 Extreme Sniper Recon I'm like you and want one in Hardwoods HD as well so I don't think the Sniper is an option. I'll probably end up dropping the $$$, just have to talk myself into it. Is the ring on the Recon orange or red? hard to tell.
  17. Re: Who will win Atlanta? was looking good for truex to atleast have a shot up until that last caution. I'm sticking with Bobby Labonte for today, although I hope Dale Jr. takes it. A top 10 would be progress for him though.
  18. Re: 2005 Extreme Sniper Recon aswered my own question. I see the purple haze and blue flame lights on their website. Many $110 for the sight, $20 for the light. how come good gear is never cheap? does anyone know an advantage of one color light vs. the other?
  19. Re: 2005 Extreme Sniper Recon I like the look of that Recon as well. Do you guys know if you can get a light for it, for hunting out of a ground blind?
  20. Re: Who will win Atlanta? looks like I'm 1 for 1 so far.
  21. Re: Who will win Atlanta? Trucks: Ron Hornaday Busch: Truex Cup: Bobby Labonte
  22. Re: This happened on other side mountain of new spot my advice: carry a pistol if you're bowhunting there. Either that or wear depends when you'll be going to or coming from your treestand in the dark incase you hear any funny noises.
  23. Re: any info on noisy velcro on a tru ball release? My Tru-Fire was noisy, sold it. My Tru-Ball is noisy as well. I like the release so I ordered the buckle strap. I still use the velco strap in the pre-season, but won't wear it in the deer stand.
  24. Re: Got me a Wild Hog! looks like a lotta bacon, way to go.
  25. I'm jealous. I Have another month and a half til opening day, May 2.